Hero Cultivation

Chapter 155 - Surprise

"Sure but why has he requested something like this? It's not like Julius could eat all of that in his own-" Jun began to speak as he turned his attention towards Julius who had stopped paying attention to anything else around him. Julius was currently inside a world of his own. Soon, Jun would see why Julius was assigned to consume so much more food than Jun.

Julius began his meal by taking a bite of the large turkey that was in front of him. All it took was a few seconds before all that was left of the turkey was only its bones. Meal after meal, Julius continued to consume anything that was edible without the least bit of worry as to how much he was eating or how he was eating it. Within just a couple minutes, Julius had finished his own designated area and was still looking for more.

"Hey, is there dessert?" Julius asked the butler which was standing beside Jun who was left baffled as he had just watched a 17 year old kid eat a feast meant for multiple families in just a couple of minutes and still had room for dessert.

"Would that be enough of an example to answer your question?" The butler asked Jun who still could barely move before moving on to answer Julius' question.

"Yes prince Julius, they're in fact is dessert. It'll be presented to you shortly," said the butler before heading towards the kitchen to grab some staff to help him take away the empty plates that Julius had eaten the food that were on top of them.

"Are you going to finish your food or what? You better finish all of it before dessert comes out. It'll make you look rude if you don't," said Julius as he looked at Jun who still hadn't taken a single bite of his meal.

"First of all, how would me not finishing my food in a couple minutes make me rude? And secondly, how did you even eat all of that and still manage to have room for dessert?" Jun asked out of pure confusion.

"For your first question, it makes you rude because someone else who's eating with you finished their food and you on the other hand didn't. That makes it seem like you don't like the chef's food because someone else can clearly appreciate their work while you just stare at it as if it's disgusting. Or at least that's what it'll look like. As for your second question, the answer is actually really simple. In fact not knowing it makes you look like an idiot. The answer is that there is always room for dessert. It doesn't matter how much you ate already, you'll always have room for sweet confectioneries," Julius explained proudly to which Jun changed the way he viewed his student from being a 17 year old one man army to a 10 year old stupid child.

"Hey! Stop that! Stop looking at me like I'm a stupid child!" Julius yelled at Jun.

"For once you're the one who managed to guess accurately," said Jun to his student in a joyful tone.

"That doesn't make it better!" Julius yelled back. At that same moment, the employees began to bring the dessert which Julius had requested. Seeing this, Jun began to eat his food as quickly as possible so that he wouldn't be looked at an arrogant and rude person. However in the process of doing this, some of the food got stuck in Jun's throat and Julius laughed as Jun drank the wine that was presented beside his meal as quickly as possible so that the food would go down.

"So you think your own master almost dying is funny huh? I should teach you some respect!" Jun said in an angry tone once he wasn't struggling to breath from having his throat clogged.

"Hold on there Jun, it's also rude to get up from the dinning table before you're done eating all the meals which the chef has prepared. Seeing as there is still some dessert left, you're going to have to wait," Julius told Jun who was about to get up from his seat to scold Julius.

"B-But you literally got up from your seat just a moment ago!" Jun complained as he sat back down.

"I got up from my seat so I could reach the rest of my food. Doing that isn't rude but in fact respectful to the person who made it," Julius answered humbly.

"That has to be made up. There's no way that something like that could be true!" Jun replied as he turned towards the butler for some back up.

"I'm afraid that prince Julius is correct in what he speaks of. In his case, getting up from his seat to enjoy the meal was a very polite thing to do," the butler replied to which Jun let out a sigh of defeat as he sat quietly while eating a single slice of strawberry cake while Julius consumed all of the other desserts before Jun could even finish his small slice of cake.

"You really are a monster in both fighting and eating," Jun said to Julius who didn't care in the least since he got to enjoy his food.

"I'm done for the day, there's no way that I could even do a small task from now on. It's finally bed time," said Julius in a lazy voice while getting up from his seat.

One of the butlers guided Julius to a place where he could wash his hands and clean up his face before sending him off to his room.

After having been welcomed back into his blissful life, Julius didn't have a reason to complain anymore as he had found peace. There would never be a need for him to live in a less than perfect environment.

Once having finished with his perfect day, Julius walked into his room with no one following him as the guide had left after leading Julius to the floor of the castle where the prince's room was in. After entering his room so he could sleep, Julius was greeted by a familiar person.


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