Hero Cultivation

Chapter 156 - Embarrassment

"Hello there Liz? Is there something you needed from me?" Julius asked in a nervous and confused tone.

"Not really. Is it wrong for your baby sitter to check up on you?" Liz asked Julius, still as beautiful as ever.

"Come on now. I'm almost 18, it's embarrassing when you call yourself my baby sitter," Julius replied.

"I guess you're right," said Liz as she let out an awkward laugh.

"I'm sorry. I'll just get straight to it then. So prince Julius, why do you want me of all people?" Liz asked as he stood up from the chair she used to always sit on white reading Julius his bed time stories and began to move closer to him.

"Uh. Um. Uhh," Julius tried to reply to Liz but with her asking him a question such as that so randomly and moving closer to him by the second made him so nervous that he couldn't get his thoughts straight. It was like everything he thought of crumbled before the thought itself even completed, let alone for it to become a whole sentence.

"Tell me Julius, why me of all people. You could have any other human being you wanted. It wouldn't have mattered what their opinions were, not that they would refuse such an offer in the first place. However if they were to do so, you could just force them to agree. It just doesn't make sense, so tell me Julius, why?" Liz continued to push Julius to the limit.

"B-Because-" Julius began to speak however in that moment, Liz held Julius hand as she stood only a few centimetres away from him while looking into eyes eyes for an answer.


"Ahahahaha," some began to laugh loudly at Julius. It was a familiar male voice which he heard many times before.

"Oh, so I've come back to the empty void," Julius said in a disappointed tone while hearing the glowing white figure laugh at him.

"Will you shut up already?! It's not funny!" Julius yelled at the glowing white figure.

"Of course it is. You passed out at the touch of a woman! Are you really that pathetic that all it would take to completely defeat you ins't a whole army of majestic beasts but instead the touch of a single woman?!" the glowing white figure asked Julius he continued to laugh at him.

"If you think that's so funny, how about you fight me then?!" Julius yelled out.

"First of all, battling me won't solve the problem you've created for yourself. I mean imagine an almost 18 year old warrior whose been called a demon and a one man army multiple times, getting completely knocked out by a helpless girl's hand? You really are pathetic," said the glowing figure as he continued to laugh at Julius.

By this point, Julius accepted his failure and began to shut himself off from everything by crouching and putting his hands around his head so that he couldn't hear anything.

"But seriously though, is this how you're going to let it end? Are you actually okay with just passing out right here and letting that girl see you in that pathetic state?" the glowing figure asked Julius.

"What other option do I have? I should have just allowed those monsters to kill me. Now I've ruined everything I've worked so hard on. She'll only see me as a pathetic child from now on," Julius began to down on himself as he wanted to die from the embarrassment.

"Well that's not technically true. There's something I can do to help you out. However you've got to promise me that you're not going to freeze up while talking to her. Instead, talk to her properly," said the glowing figure.

"Huh? What are you talking about? It's clearly over for me. My entire life of over. It won't be long before word spreads that I was knocked out by just a woman's touch," Julius said as he grew more disappointed in himself by the second.

"No, it's not over! I can use a very powerful but draining spell to turn back time for you. You'll only have one try to do this so you better make it worth it," said the glowing figure.

"What?! First of all, if you had something so powerful, why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?! Secondly, please go ahead and use it already, I can't live with the embarrassment of having her look at me like I'm a weak child," Julius hurried the glowing figure.

"Okay I'll do it, but you better not mess anything up. You'll only have one chance to do this," the glowing figure warned before activating the magical spell.

<<Magical Spell: Time Turn>>

It was as if time had actually went back by a few minutes as Julius found himself walking towards the door of his room with full belly. The only thing which he felt the previous time he did this was absolute joy, now, all Julius could feel was anxiousness and fear as he wanted to do everything perfectly. There was no possible way he would mess up. That just wasn't an option for him.

"Hello Liz," Julius said as he opened the door of his room.

"Is there a reason why you're here?" Julius asked as he tried to make everything sound natural but also present himself to be more cool.

Once again the exchange that Julius had with Liz the first time took place. The worst part being that Julius reactions hadn't changed. Instead, he was more nervous than the first time. Liz was still as curious as ever as she wanted an answer for her questions and she wasn't willing to give up. She continued to move closer towards Julius which just made the prince's heart race to a point where it felt like it was going to pop out of his chest. The nail on the coffin was when Liz decided to grab a hold of Julius's hand once again just like she had done so before the glowing white figure turned back time.


"Please kill me."

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