Hero Cultivation

Chapter 157 - New Beginnings

"Please kill me," said Julius in a pathetic tone as he had reawakened back at the empty void once Liz had held his hand even after the glowing white figure had turned back time for him.

"How? Just how? I don't even understand how you could let this happen two times and even after I went through the trouble of turning back time so you would get a second chance. Are you really that weak?" the glowing white figure asked Julius.

"Please just give me one more try! I know I can change it if I get one more chance. I'll tell her exactly what she wants to know. I just can't mess this up, I'll do anything for another chance," Julius pleaded for the glowing white figure to turn back time once again.

"I'm sorry to tell you but I can't. I told you this before but it takes a lot out of me to turn back time and that you would only have one chance at this. However instead of thinking it through, you messed up worse than you did the first time," the glowing white figure told Julius in a disapproving tone to which Julius let out a sigh.

"You know, I didn't need you to turn back time in the first place. I'm pathetic. Even though I've been in countless battles and turned the tables in many of them, this is the one battle which I'm genuinely scared of. Hey, do you mind if you just wake me up instead of turning back time, I want to take this challenge on by myself," said Julius as he stopped feeling sorry for himself as prepared to actually make a change in his life.

"Sure, that sounds much better," said the glowing white figure as he did just as Julius requested.

Julius opened his eyes back in room. After trying to see where Liz was, Julius realized that she was looking down at him. Seeing this, everything began to make sense, Julius was currently laying his lead on Liz's thighs.

"Oh you're finally awake prince Julius! I was so scared, please forgive me for startling you. I didn't mean to do that, I just wanted to get an answer from you," said Liz as she spoke to Julius.

Before things could get more awkward, Julius took a deep breath and lifted his head off of Liz's thighs as he prepares to answer her questions.

"I'm sorry Liz. I didn't mean to pass out, that was pretty embarrassing but now I'm ready to give you your answers. To be perfectly honest, there's not much to it. The truth is that I like you, I always have. I spent the past 4 years training so that nothing could get in our way. Saying it out loud makes me realize how selfish it sounds because I never bothered to consider your feelings as well," said Julius as he confessed to the woman of his dreams.

"But Julius-" Liz began to speak without calling him prince Julius. However before she could say anything, Julius interrupted her.

"I know you probably want to refuse my confession. After all there are many reasons why you would want to reject me, but please I ask that you hold on to your answer until my birthday. I don't care if it's going to hurt me, I would like to prepare myself for that before I hear it," Julius requested as he did a short bow to Liz. Hearing his request, Liz simply nodded once before leaving the room to allow him to get some sleep.

"Man, this suck! I can't get any sleep! I can't stop think about what Liz is going to say on my birthday. It's not fair that it's so many days away from now. I really want to know but I also don't want to know. It's so frustrating," Julius said to himself as he tossed and turned while he tried to sleep through the night. However after much thought, Julius suddenly stopped thinking about the topic negativity nor positivity.

"Whatever happens, I still have to keep my composure. It doesn't matter what her answer is, I will have to accept it since I can't force her to like me. She can choose what she does with her life. Who am I to decide for her? And anyway, it'll be my birthday so hearing the news there will make it so that I can't break down, it's the perfect plan," Julius said as he smiled with a smile he did not mean.

"I wonder though, what happened to Liz's child and her husband, the vice captain of the royal guards," Julius thought to himself before finally going to sleep before he could think more about his question.

The next morning, Julius had woken up from his slumber with blurry vision. However, he was able to see that there was a figure sitting on the chair which Liz usually sat on.

"Liz? Why are you here? I told you that our appointment in on day of my birth," Julius said as he began to blush.

"I'm not your weird maid crush. I'm Jun. Now stop daydreaming and let's getting going," Jun said as he looked down at his student with a weird face of disappointment.

"Come on! Why can't anything go my way!" Julius complained as he got up from his head with a furious attitude without brushing his teeth or washing his face. Instead of doing anything else of that sort, Julius simply followed his master as they apparently needed to go somewhere.

"Wait, where are we even going? I thought we finished up everything that we needed to do. I'm already plenty strong, I don't want to train anymore for a while. I want to rest some more here. I mean they have so much food after all," Julius complained to Jun.

"Julius do you remember the island which I told you about quite a while back? The one with monsters that were over level 90? There's news that they have decided to make their move.. The monsters of 'death island'," Jun began to speak.

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