Hero Cultivation

Chapter 158 - Death Island

"Wait what?! I thought that there was only one monster there and it never decided to move. Instead it decided to stay on the island as it awaited for a worthy opponent. Why is it making its move now of all times?!" Julius asked his master since he didn't want anything to go wrong in the world, specially at a time like this were it was almost his birthday and the most important one he'll ever have at that.

"I have a theory as to why the monster decided to make its move now instead of any other time and when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense," Jun began to speak.

"If that's the case, tell me already, Julius told his master.

"Well, I believe that it has decided to make its move because of you Julius. Now hear me out. The reason for this was because it finds you worthy. You see, in the past when all of the rulers tried to challenge the monster, it didn't even bother to kill them. However now that it has sensed that you are upon this world, it seeks to challenge you to a duel. To be frank, you should be a bit honoured since the same creature that didn't even feel the need to kill the strongest people in the world feel that you're worthy of being killed by it," Jun explained.

"I don't really understand why I should be happy that someone or something is trying to kill me but okay. But seriously, what am I supposed to do now? Is it trying to assassinate me or is it looking for an actual battle when we're both at our best?" Julius asked.

"I don't know that information myself. The best course of action would be to either stop caring about everyone and just hide or go to the monster right now and challenge it to a duel," Jun told his student to which Julius let out a sigh of resentment.

"Sure, let's get going I guess, there's not much I can do here anyway. It's better to just go and challenge him to a battle while I wait for my birthday to come. It'll at least give something to do while I wait for that day," said Julius as the two walked outside of the castle without saying a word to anyone such as Henry or Roger since they might have to leave to quite a while.

After getting outside, Julius called upon his ruby dragon which descended from the sky in just a couple of seconds and allowed Jun and Julius to ride it.

"Julius, don't you think that you should at least inform Henry that you're going to be going to death Island?" Jun asked his student.

"To be honest with you Jun, I'm not even sure who my enemy is. I don't know if I'll die or live. I don't know if I'll make it back in time for my birthday either. Do you think my father would allow me to go to death island which consequences such as this?" Julius asked back.

"No… you're right. I'm sorry for doubting you. Just be careful there, the monster is a quite a beast on its own. The worst outcome would be being that the monster you're about to face is only level 90 and there are 10 others which range from level 91 to level 100. I just hope that it's not that," said Jun as the two of them silently rode the dragon in the morning sky while heading towards death island.

After arriving at the destination, the ruby began to descend from the sky as it wanted to drop the two of them off at the island since it was their destination. However before it could do that, Julius telepathically told it to slow down.

"Jun, I've been meaning to ask you, how do we even know that the monster has even decided to make its move? Did it somehow write a letter to us telling us that it is about to attack all of humanity if I don't fight it in a battle?" Julius asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Come on, you shouldn't be making jokes at a time like this. But to answer your question, it cut off its own arm and threw it at the castle which you live at. The distance between the two locations is enormous which should just give you a clue as to how powerful the enemy you're about to face truly is. The standing theory is that it located your aura from all the way in the island and sent its hand the there since Henry would recognize it since he had been traumatized by it. Unlike most dungeon monsters, it seems like this one is capable of intelligent thought. It created a whole plan to drag you out," said Jun.

"Wait so that would mean that my father already knew that the monster from death island made its move. So where is he right now?" Julius asked his master.

"Most likely, he's inside a meeting with all of the other kings and queens as they try to come up with a plan to defeat the monster. Seeing as it has decided to make a move, they can no longer keep quiet, they have to attack back to not only protect you but to also get rid of the fear which haunts them at night when they're trying to sleep," said Jun as the ruby dragon stayed at the same place while the two talked.

"So that means that they'll try to bring an attack force to take on the monster. That's unfortunate since that will give me little time to try to take on the monster on my own. However I can't blame them since they need to get their revenge as well. Although, I doubt that they're strong enough to take it on. I guess it's once again my job to do everything," said Julius.

"Take Jun back to the kingdom," Julius told his ruby dragon before standing up from the dragon and leaping down on the ground to face the fabled monster which is know as the strongest monster on the face of the planet.

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