Hero Cultivation

Chapter 159 - Ghosts

"What do you mean that the monster from death island has made its move?! There's no way that's possible!" Wilson began to yell at Henry.

"What I speak of is the truth. Have a look at its arm for yourself," said Henry as he showed Wilson the large black and red arm of the monster which had traumatized both him and everyone else in the room. Just seeing the large demonic forearm made everyone in the room gasp from the fear.

"Damn it all, why did it have to be now?! After all these years of leaving us to live in peace, why has it decided to make its move now?! How are we even supposed to defeat something like that?! Even though some of us have stopped training, the rest of us have occasionally been growing our strength. And yet, it's very clear that we'll be no match to that monster. We're all just going to be toyed with again. That's not the worst of it either. If it was simply to just let us leave after we've exhausted ourselves, that would have been fine, however it chose to slowly break each of our bones until we lost consciousness before doing the same thing the next day after our bones had healed. It was a real trip to hell! The only reason we even survived was because Jun was put outside the island so he could rescue us if something happened to us after 10 days and we didn't return!" Sandra began to panic as she stated the past events that took place on that island.

"That's not even the worst of it. That demonic creature is capable of complex thought. It probably learned its lesson from our last encounter. If we go back now, there's no guarantee that we'll make it out of there alive," Mary added on to the conversation.

"Then what else are we supposed to do? If it decides to leave the island and attack our kingdoms, many people will die. Since it did us all a favour and sent its arm out to us, that's a generous warning. Our best approach to this should be to gather our forces and attack it with everything we have," Steward offered up a plan.

"To be honest, that's the best thing we can do right now. If we were to wait that monster out, it could target each of us at a time and kill us one by one. Even if a single one of us is dead, it drastically decreases our chance of victory. The mission will be as good as impossible," said Henry.

"But think about it Henry, an attack with all our powers combined didn't work back then when we were more than motivated enough to give it our best. How effective do you think this plan will be if we go into with the same plan but now we're scared instead of motivated?" a king who wore glasses in the meeting asked Henry.

"I can see what you mean by that Astaroth but we don't really have any other option, we're going to get killed either way. However if we give our lives willingly instead of letting him come to us, he'll most likely give up on the rest of the humans since they're weak," said Henry as he replied to the man in glasses.

"So this is a suicide mission, isn't it?" Astaroth asked Henry.

"Yes it is. I'm sorry it had to end this way," said Henry with a saddened face.

"Are you sure that even with 'that', you won't be able to turn the tides of the battle?" Astaroth asked Henry.

"The level which 'it's' at isn't capable of doing much. It's just a couple party tricks that can go a long way if they're used properly. On 'their' own, such as in this situation, 'they' won't be very handy," Henry replied.

"Well there's no point of crying about it. Let's just get our main attack forces ready and let us go back there. After all, it was meant to happen this way. We lived by accident the last time we went there. Let us go out like we were supposed to!" Wilson yelled out as he tried to boost the morale of everyone in the room.

"Yeah!" they all cheered back. Even though they didn't want to die yet, they had accepted that this was the way things were meant to be. They only saw themselves as lingering ghosts.

After waiting until there were only a few days until Julius' birthday, they had all gathered their forces and decided to meet near the end of Wilson's kingdom since that was the one closest to death island.

Death island was a large plot of land that was separated from the cultivation world by a large lake as the island sat in the middle of it. Throughout all of the cultivation world, death island was the only island on its existence since the cultivation world had no idea about the other civilization which lived up right beside them.

Once meeting, the people who were present where the kings and queens, the captains of the royal guards and the vice captains of the royal guards for each one of the kingdom's except Henry's one which no one said anything about.

"You must all know what we're going to go in to today. This is a battle that is completely pointless to fight. We will all die on that island just like we were supposed to all those years ago. Now, join me and let's die where we were supposed to!" Henry yelled out to which everyone cheered back as they all rushed towards the end of the ground on their horses until they reached where death island's lake started.

Once reaching there, they had gotten on a wooden ship which was already waiting for them there to lead them to their deaths. Even though they were going to walk to their own deaths, all of them seemed surprisingly happy.

After their ride on the ship which took a couple hours, they had finally arrived on the island where they would face the same monster that appeared in their nightmares.

"What the hell happened here?"

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