Hero Cultivation

Chapter 163 - Ronald

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"So what am I supposed to do now? There's no way I can go on my birthday like this, I feel so defeated," said Julius as he didn't even want to stay alive anymore from the embarrassment he thought himself to be.

"Like I said I have a plan. Instead of you going to your birthday in this sorry state, I'll go for you," Jun replied to his student.

"Huh? But how would that work? Wouldn't everyone just know that you're not the prince but just some old man that snuck into the castle?" Julius replied while looking at his teacher is if he was stupid.

"That's not what I meant you moron. I meant that I would go as you by creating an illusion to make myself appear like you. That way, you can stay here and rest while your social image won't be damaged in the least," Jun recommend to his student.

"I guess that does sound like a pretty effective plan. The only problem is that you don't know how to act like a prince. To add on, when they do the status overview presentation in front of the whole kingdom, those status points will be yours and not mine," said Julius.

"So what? Most people would be surprised to find that their prince has such impressive status points for his aspects. However if it bothers you that much, I can use a secret art which temporarily makes me stronger than I actually am so that they would at least make it look like you're a cultivator through battle," Jun replied which began to convince Julius to go with the plan.

"Sure then. But don't mess anything up! This is the biggest day of my life," said Julius as Jun replied with a nod before leaving the room. Once Jun left, Julius let out a sigh of worry and relief as he didn't know if Jun would be capable of presenting Julius as a good.

"Well at least he's bothering to even stand in my place in the first place. I should just be grateful for that," Julius thought to himself as he was finally ready to go to sleep. However that wouldn't be the end of his worries as another person came into the room right as Julius was about to go to sleep.

"Who ever is stupid enough to enter this room at a time like this must have a death wish," Julius said in his head as his bloodlust grew towards the person who was coming near him.

"Good morning Julius. There are news that you have awoken from your slumber. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you some questions about the event which places you in this state," said a familiar voice.

"No way, is that actually him. I mean I haven't talked to him in such a long time so it feels weird. Could it be the current captain of the royal guards?" Julius asked himself as he turned his head to face the seat which Liz usually sat on only to see that his guess was correct.

"Ronald, is that really you? I haven't seen you in so long," Julius said to the current captain of the royal guards.

"That should be my line. After all I'm not the one who disappeared for 4 years without saying anything to me," Ronald replied to Julius.

"Come on, it wasn't my fault. It was last minute so I didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone except my mother and father," Julius replied.

"Anyway, how have you been? I've heard that you've become a lot stronger than you used to be. So what do you say, wanna have a sparring match with your old sword instructor?" Ronald asked Julius.

"Like I could ever challenge you in this state. I can't even move anymore," Julius replied in a tired voice.

"Well to me it just sounds like you're scared of me," said Ronald as he tried to crack a joke.

"Oh just you wait until I've fully recovered. You won't even know what hit you. You'll be knocked out before you can even take your first step," said Julius with a smile.

"We'll see about that," Ronald said happy that things between them weren't as awkward as he had thought.

"Anyway Ronald, how can I help you today? Is there a reason why you came to see me?" Julius asked.

"Oh right. I nearly forgot but I came here about the events which took place on death island. Please answer these questions truthfully," said Ronald as he got serious.

"Sure," Julius replied as he couldn't sense anything bad coming from Ronald.

"Firstly, why did you go to death island. To add on, why did you go there with no back up and not even telling anyone that you were going there?" Ronald asked Julius.

"That's a lot of questions at once but I'll do my best to answer them. I went to the island because I heard about the monster from there making its move. Seeing as my birthday was approaching, I wanted to get rid of that threat before it ruined by birthday celebration," said Julius.

"As for your second and last question, I went there on my own without telling anyone because you would just hold me back. I know it sounds rude to say this but I can't battle and protect all of you guys there while battling those monsters. I mean look at me right now. This is me after fighting freely. What do you think would have happened if I had something holding me back from fighting at my best? I would have been dead by now," said Julius.

"I see, thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate you answering our questions. I'll be taking my leave now. And Julius, I hope you get better soon," said Ronald before leaving the room after changing his tone to be back to the friendly version right before he left.

"I guess seeing as who he is, it would only be expected that he has to act serious all the time, even when he's already so casual with the people he's speaking to," Julius thought to himself before finally being about to call it a day and go to sleep at last.

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