Hero Cultivation

Chapter 164 - Eighteen

On the day of Julius' 18th birthday, while the real prince was sleeping so that he could recover from his battle on death island, Jun had already cast an illusion to make himself look like Julius so that he could take his place during the global celebration.

The only people who knew of the state Julius was in were Henry, Roger, Ronald, Jun, Liz as well as Julius' biological mother. Other than those people, no one else knew about the state the real Julius was in. Even the kings and queen along with the captain and vice captains of the royal guards from the other kingdoms had no idea and were simply told that Julius had already recovered from his injuries due to his great status points for each of his aspects.

After Jun and Julius had their conversation on the illusion plan, Jun had went and told Henry which was a relief for the king as he didn't want to ruin the reputation and good name of him along with his son.

"Are you ready Jun? Remember this isn't like a normal birthday. The actual birthday ceremony will take place after this event. This is the one event which everyone in the kingdom has been looking forward to for their entire lives. Be sure not to mess anything up," Henry told the fake Julius. Of course the person who spoke was Roger but he needed to act as Henry for the people of the kingdom.

"Got it," Jun replied with a simple nod.

"Man, you really do look like Julius. I can't even tell the difference between the two of you," said Henry with an astonished look.

"That's because there isn't a different. It's the perfect illusion although the more perfect it is, the more it drains. To make things worse, I'll have to activate the secret art which will make me stronger so that people won't ask why my status points are low. After all they can't find out that Julius is a double cultivator," Jun explained.

"I see, I guess that would make sense. So are you ready?" Henry asked as he began to walk towards the door which closed off the balcony which Jun or more specifically the fake Julius would go on to present himself to the entire kingdom as their prince.

"Yes I am," said Jun with a confidant smirk before walking out of the room he was in and onto the balcony while wearing a royal cape around his neck while also wearing a clean white suit with a royal blue tie. Of course Henry walked behind Julius before going towards his side so that he could introduce the fake Julius to the kingdom. Before speaking, Henry quickly cleared his throat as it was time to make his speech. Seeing that Henry was getting ready to speak, everyone in the crowd went quiet instantly as they didn't want to be perceived as criminals for disrespecting the king.

"Good morning my citizens! You must all know why you are here today! It is for the grand ceremony known as the prince overview event! These events don't happen that often so you should consider yourselves very lucky that you're able to witness such a great event with your own eyes," Henry began to speak.

"However what makes this day special isn't the day itself but the person who it's about. Please say hello to your prince, Julius Henry," Henry introduced the fake Julius as he held him by the wrist and lifted his arm high in the air. Seeing this, everyone began to cheer as loud as they could to greet the prince before stopped once Henry cleared his throat once again.

"Over the past 4 years, the prince of this kingdom had went on to train under my own previous teacher. He had only completed his training a little while ago. Now you must be thinking that almost 4 years to train is a long time but keep in mind that the training he completed took me over 15 years and I still couldn't complete. That should give you an idea as how powerful my son had become over such a short amount of time. However for those who don't understand it yet, let me tell you only a few things he has managed to do since he returned from his training," Henry began to explain which clearly peaked the interest of everyone there.

"Right after returning from his training in a dungeon, he was surprised to find that his master had left to go somewhere. After searching for him so some time, he was sought out by the meditation army and they had planned to make him join their forces. However instead, their plan back fired and he ended up seizing control over their forces. If you don't get it by now, I'm saying that the Great War which was about to take place in our land was stoped thanks to my son," Henry said before the ground cheered even louder for him this time. Once more after a while of cheering, the crowd stopped after hearing Henry clear this throat.

"Now all of you must be pretty impressed with the prince of your kingdom but his heroic acts don't stop there. If you would all remember, a little over 10 years ago the 9 kingdoms gathered all of their best forces and headed towards an island which had reported strange activities. Upon going there, we were faced with a monster unlike any we had ever seen before. It completely defeated us and to make things worse for us, the monster didn't kill us just to show how worthless we were compared to it. As such, we named that island 'death island'. We thought we wouldn't hear any news of it ever again since the monster didn't care much for humans however just a couple days ago, we had heard that it had began to make its move. In a final effort to stop it once and for all, the 9 kingdoms once again gathered their greatest forces and began to head towards the island only to find it empty.. The only figure which was there was… Julius!" Henry yelled out as the crowd continued to cheer their hearts out for their prince.

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