Hero Cultivation

Chapter 165 - Happy Birthday


"It sounds like they're having fun out there. It really sucks to miss out on your own birthday. Specially when it's an important one like this. I wish I hadn't gotten in this sorry state. At least it's better than having to battle those monsters in this kingdom instead though so I can't complain," Julius said to himself as he laid down on his bed.

"I'm tired of this! I want to go outside already! Wait, since I can't be presented to the people like this, I can just go outside and watch from the side lines. Seeing as how all the guards are distracted, I can leave the castle from a secret exit and hang around the kingdom without getting recognized," Julius said to himself before getting out of his bed only to fall face first onto the floor.

"Oh right, I forgot that I can't walk," Julius said to himself.

"Well, if I can't walk, I'll just have to crawl," said Julius as he crawled all the way from his room towards the castle's doctor's office. The reason being that there would be hand crutches.

"Found them!" Julius announced to himself once arriving at the doctor's office and finding the things he was looking for. After crawling for a bit more, Julius finally managed to get his hands on the wooden crutches and began to walk using his feet.

"Although this feels a bit weird, it'll do," said Julius before going back into his own room to grab a cloak from his closet as it was filled to the brim with every single type of article of clothing imaginable.

After gathering everything he needed, Julius walked towards the sweet exit inside the castle and walked outside from the back of the castle and slowly made his way towards a clump of houses were he hid behind while walking towards the back of the large crown near the castle of the kingdom.

After walking for some time and believing it was safe for him to come out, Julius who was still in his brownish cloak came out of the shadows and began to walk around the empty streets of the kingdom.

"I really forgot how amazing this place was. It gets hard to admire the area when there are so many people walking around the streets each and every day. Plus since I get to look at it so often, I think of it as a regular sight when in fact, it's anything but regular," Julius said to himself as he took in a deep breathe.

After walking around for a couple minutes, Julius could hear something which sounded similar to that of a human.

"What is that? I thought that everyone was gathered at castle for my birthday celebration ceremony. It's odd but I'll let it pass. Although, it would pretty funny to see their reactions then the prince of the kingdom himself confronts them. Their souls will literally come out of their body," Julius said to himself while letting out a quiet laugh and walking towards where the sound was coming from.

After making a few dozen turns, Julius could hear the noise getting louder meaning that he was getting closer to the source of the sound.

"Wait, that voice sounds familiar. But there's no way that would be possible. I'm probably hearing things. There's no way, right?" Julius asked himself as he began to walk faster while limping due to him being so injured.

With every step Julius took, the noise just kept increasing in volume until he had finally reached and open alleyway in between a couple houses where there were two figures.

"I can't believe he actually said that! How much of an idiot is he?! Him saying those embarrassing words should just have him revoked of the title of prince!" the vice captain of the royal guards said as he laughed hysterically.

"I know right! All it took for him to pass out was just a single touch! How can someone so weak be allowed to take control of a kingdom like this!" said Liz while laughing along with the vice captain.

"You know what, you should be king of this kingdom. That's what this place needs! Not that moron Henry or his idiot of a son," Liz told the vice captain.

"That's so kind of you to say. Of course you'll be my queen. There's no doubt about it," said the vice captain of the royal guards.

"Don't worry, it'll all take place very soon. All I have to do is get married to that prince which he'll agree to within an instant. After that, I'll just poison his father with the blood of that high level monster you had killed when you were at your prime. With that, Henry will no longer be a problem," Liz began to state her plan.

"Then once the king is dead, Julius will take over as the new king which I'll just poison him as well until he's dead. With no king to rule but a single queen. I'll marry you and you'll be king while I become your queen," Liz said to the vice captain as she looked at him with joyful eyes before embracing him.

While those two had their conversation, Julius just stood there as tears came out of his eyes like water. His face had completely changed to that of someone on great sorrow.

"I should have know something was off but I didn't. I bought every single one of her lies without ever questing them. I was treated just like a baby who's mind hadn't even fully developed. Even with me having grown so much in power and age, I'm still the moron of a child I always was. I'll never change from being the failure that hides in a fake persona! I'm weak!" Julius said to himself while crying before finally getting on his knees after dropping the wooden hand crutches.

"Huh?! Julius?! Why are you here?!" the vice captain asked in a panicked voice.

Julius' head went completely blank with his eyes wide open as he saw a single figure in his head. The glowing white figure who looked to be grinning like it was the best day of his life.

"Happy birthday, Julius."

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