Hero Cultivation

Chapter 169 - The Dawn Of Evil

"My own great 10th kingdom!" Julius announced to the crowd. Upon hearing those words, everyone including Roger and Jun gasped as even Jun's illusion wore off from him being so surprised that Julius would go along with such a reckless plan.

"1-10th kingdom?!"

"We're all done for!"

"The demons from 200 years ago have taken over the prince's body!"

The crowd began to panic just at the mention of the 10th kingdom. It was like boogieman had been summoned to terrorize all the people in the world who had magically been turned to a bunch of children.

"Save us! Someone! Please help us!" the people of the kingdom began to cause havoc on the ground from having fear they would be killed soon.

"Fear not my people! Your hero has come to save the day once again!" the real Henry yelled out as he appeared on the roof of the castle while looking down at both the people of his land as well as Julius.

"Oh hi Henry. Do you mind if I tell you something-" Julius began to speak before getting cut off by his own father.

"Do not speak to me you vile creature! I shall present your head to my people as a symbol of our united strength!" Henry continued to speak until Julius finally gave him a reply.

"Are you sure though Henry? I mean we've already had a battle between us and last time I checked, that didn't end well for you. I don't think you would want your people to see you in that sorry state," Julius replied to Henry with a lazy tone.

"Do not spout your lies in my beloved kingdom! I shall slay your for all the sins you have committed!" Henry yelled out as he pulled out his golden sword out to show everyone who just gasped at it.

"No way!"

"I've heard rumours but I never believed them!"

"The rumours which state that each of the great kingdoms have a false king of queen and that they also have a real king as well as a queen. Who would have thought that those unbelievable rumours were indeed true?"

The crowd began to speak at the sight of the golden blade which had man engravings on it which gleamed the colour black. Seeing the crowd was cheering for him, the real Henry began to make his move as he first activated the special trait of his blade even though he wasn't wearing his golden armour black engravings as well.

<<Special Trait: Shadow Merge>>

Henry instantly turned into noting but dust before literally going inside the shadows of everything he could see as he approached Julius who wouldn't have a clue where his father was coming from to attack him.

"Got you!" said Henry as he reappeared from the wall of the castle behind Julius as he pointed his blade at his sons neck. Without hesitating, Henry prepared to jab the blade right into his son's neck but for some odd reason, time seemed to stop as Henry saw the following few events which would take place.

Julius quickly saw the body of his father coming out of the shadows as he prepared to stab Julius. However the prince of the sword kingdom and the new ruler of the 10th kingdom wouldn't make it easy for Henry as Julius quickly grabbed the blade in the last moment from the side before slamming it onto the balcony. Before Henry could even react, Julius simply punched his biological father with the back of his fist which was enough to instantly knock out the current ruler of sword kingdom.

"Hey there! You can't be going to sleep already. You still owe your beloved people an explanation as to what just happened! What happened to being their hero? What happened to you killing me? What happened to me telling lies huh?" Julius asked his father who was bleeding from his nose as that was where Julius' fist had made contact with his father's face.

"Wake up!" Julius said as he punched Henry once again but this time at the side of the current king's head. As if it were a miracle, Henry had somehow regained consciousness.

"That nice, now you can apologize to your people for your lies," said Julius as he smirked while lifting Henry by the head and showing the pathetic sight to all the people of the kingdom so that they could look at their defeated hero.

"Now say it! Admit that you're a fake hero who just likes to lie to his people so that he could boost his own self esteem! Admit you're nothing but a coward! Admit you're not only a useless father but a useless human being in general!" Julius yelled out to Henry who didn't seem to give in even for a second as he resisted the demands of Julius who just kept growing in anger.

"Please stop that Julius! You've gone far enough!" Jun told his student.

"Jun who's side are you even on? You didn't even remind me about the dark districts when they were my biggest concern before," Julius began to question his own master while holding up Henry.

"Look at you Julius. I didn't tell you because I never wanted you to change. When someone goes into war, they aren't the same person when they come out of it. War is the most horrible thing to befall this planet. I never wanted the arrogant but kind kid to change. I never wanted you to become a ruthless villain who just killed to accomplish his goal without even caring for the lives of others. To kill someone is to completely erase them from existence. Murder is the worst crime anyone could ever commit and it can never be forgiven," Jun told his student.

Hearing those words, Julius had a change of heart. He would not kill anyone else. He had already taken the lives of 2 people and that would be the last two he would ever take. On the other hand, torture wasn't out of the table. Julius continued to squeeze Henry's head until the king couldn't bear any longer and had to give up of he wished to challenge Julius and bring him down once and fall fall.

"I admit it! I'm not a hero! I'm a failure!" Henry yelled out so that everyone the kingdom could hear him loud and clear as he accepted his defeat.

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