Hero Cultivation

Chapter 170 - Loyalty Is Key

"No way… he really admitted it," said Roger as he began to tremble in fear seeing as how easily his king had been defeated.

"What am I doing? My king is being tormented and disgraced by this evil scoundrel and I'm just standing back as I watch like a simple spectator! How useless have I gotten over the years?! Am I seriously going to let him disrespect my king on his own land?" Roger asked himself as he prepared to change towards Julius and stop him.

"Prince Julius, I'm going to have ask you to let go of king Henry immediately," the current captain said as he stood beside Julius while point a sword to the side of the prince's neck.

"Or what? You can't possibly think that you'll be able to stop me right? I mean just take a look at what I've done to the king which you love so much. I've completely beaten him to a pulp and he's just now admitted defeat. If you want to lose your life that badly, you should have asked more politely," Julius replied to the current captain of the royal guards.

"You leave me no choice then," said the captain of the royal guards as he prepared to kill off Julius who he had known so so long out of his sheer loyalty to the king.

"I've already warned you but it seems that I need to clearly show you how much of a power gap there is between us," said Julius as he quickly turned his head, faster than anyone could see before literally breaking the blade in the current captain of the royal guards by biting it with his bare teeth.

"Holy hell, where did you get strength like that?" the captain of the royal guards asked as he tried to move away from Julius while still holding on to the broken blade in his hand.

"Oh no, there's no getting out of this. I need to make an example out of you," said Julius with a smirk as he dropped king Henry on the balcony before turning his attention towards the current captain of the royal guards.

Without asking any question, Julius took a big step forward and grabbed hold of the broken piece of the blade in the hand of the captain before squeezing it until it was just a piece of twisted metal.

"Come on now Edward, you must still have some fight in you. There's no way that you could already be out of will to fight, right?" Julius asked as he continued toy with the captain of the royal guards just like Liz toyed with his own emotions.

Before Julius could grab a hold of the current captain of the royal guards, Roger finally summed up the courage to chalk he Julius as he roared before punching Julius right in the cheek.

Even though it wasn't very effective, it had caused just the right distraction as Julius turned around to face Roger while the current captain of the royal guards took the chance given to him to whack Julius on the head with the squeezed peace of metal that used to be a sword.

A miracle took place in that moment as the twisted metal had made contact with Julius's left side of his forehead and managed to cause a king and deep cut on the prince's forehead as the part which had made contact with Julius' head had been a twisted sharp path which had caught on to Julius' skin a tore it open.

"Nice one!" Roger congratulated the current captain of the royal guards before quickly remembering that he was in a less that favourable position.

"Uh oh," said Roger in a worried tone but Julius once again turned his head towards the current captain of the royal guards as he was more of a threat than Roger.

"I see that I should have taken care of you from the start," said Julius as he forcibly took away the piece of metal in the current captain's hands and threw them down towards where the crowd was standing. Next, Julius grabbed the current captain of the royal guards by the head and slammed him into the wall behind him so that he wouldn't be able to move for a while.

"Is that all you've got? I mean it was pretty cool of you to come in so quickly to save your king but look where that has go you," Julius said in a sarcastic tone as he turned his attention towards Roger to get revenge for accidentally causing the cut on Julius' head.

"I guess this is how I go out. I don't mind, at least I'll die with honour," said Roger in a confidant voice which made Julius stop.

"I've never really understood that phrase. When you die, you're not left with anything. Your wealth, fame, glory, knowledge, and even honour will mean nothing as you won't be able to reap the fruits of your labour anymore. So in truth you'll never die with honour. To add on, if you believe that you'll be remembered just because of the way you died, you're mistaken as after someone dies, sure their loved ones will remember them for a couple years but eventually they'll be forgotten about. This actually reminds me of a saying. It goes like 'a person doesn't die when they're killed, they die when they are forgotten'. And just like the saying states, you'll be forgotten about," said Julius as he allowed all of that information to sink into Roger's head before preparing to punch the previous captain of the royal guards into oblivion. In that moment, Roger closed his eyes as he accepted his fate.

"Am I dead? I guess you really don't feel any pain when you die," said Roger with a sigh as he opened his eyes to see that he was very much alive. In fact, Julius had stopped his first before it reached Roger's face.

"I already promised that I wasn't going to kill anyone," Julius said with a smirk before finger flicking Roger into a wall.

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