Hero Cultivation

Chapter 187 - Special Arrows

"And who might you be?" Dae asked the gentleman who had come on the golden suit that gleamed the colour silver.

"How rude of you. You were the one who broke into my home and now you're asking me to introduce myself with you doing that first. I must say, you're the first who I have met that has manners that are so foul," said the man in the golden armour and also carried a bow and arrow. Well more specifically arrows but was only holding a single one in his hand while he carries many in the basket which he held over his shoulder.

"To be perfectly frank with you, I don't really care who or what you are. As long as I can kill you and get this interaction over with, I'll be fine. However when you meet someone else, it is good manners to introduce yourself first, although telling you that won't matter now since you'll be dead before you'll be able to use that advice. After all, you'll be dying by my own hands," said the man I. Golden armour which Dae was about to face in battle.

"Speaking about good manners, it would be better that I tell you my name now so that you can remember who killed you. My name is Christopher, king Christopher to be exact. That is the name of the man that is going to put an end to your life," said Christopher as he fired one of his golden arrows at Dae without allowing Dae to concentrate or even gather a reply to the small speech that he had made. Instead, he began firing his special arrows so that he could kill his enemy quickly.

"Special Trait: Multiplying Arrows"

Just as Christopher activated his special trait that belonged to his arrow, it began to multiply as multiple other golden arrows with glowing silver engravings began to also fly towards Dae.

"If he can just multiply his arrows, why does he bother to carry more than one since arrow?" Dae asked himself but he was about to see soon why Christopher carried more than one arrow around him.

Of course due to the speed at which the arrows were flying at him, Dae would have no idea of knowing this but the shade of silver on the bow that belonged to Christopher and the arrow which was fired were just a little different to the point that barely anyone could recognize a different even by inspecting both tools properly let alone someone who had to think quickly on how to dodge the arrows instead of analyzing the colour of the two tools.

Unfortunately for Dae, that information would be crucial as right after he had dodged all of the arrows that were fired at him which caused them to stick to the ground which made them seem useless however Christopher let out a single grin which seemed to inform Dae that he had fell for a trap.

"Special Trait: Expanding Ice"

Just as Christopher let out those words, the arrows which were inside the ground began to start getting colder and within seconds, they began to allow thick shards of ice to bloom out of them as if they were flowers before they had gotten so big that they had completely surrounded Dae.

"A weapon with two special traits?! That's what you're probably asking yourself. I mean I would be surprised too if I saw a single weapon multiply many times then turn into ice. That should have been impossible and that assumption would be correct. Of course I'm not lying to you right now. I truly do not posses a weapon capable of handling 2 special traits on his own. Instead I have 2 weapons which both have special traits. That being my bow which allows arrows to multiply so that multiple arrows get fired at my enemy and also my arrows themselves which are each infused with a lower tier monster core. Even so, due to them being connected with such a high grade weapon and being used in combination with a high tier secret art, they're able to preform repetitively well and usually cause me no problems," Christopher began to explain to Dae in a rather kind tone which was a bit surprising to say the least.

"Now, I'll make another prediction. You're probably confused as to why I'm being so nice to you right now and why I'm explaining the full capabilities of my weapon to you. The reason for that is quite simple. There just isn't any way for you to escape. I've won," said Christopher with no sarcasm in his voice, all that was there was only confidence as he didn't doubt himself in the least.

"Now? Let's continue where we last left off," said Christopher as he let out a sigh and reached for a random arrow inside the bucket which he carried behind his back. From it, he pulled out a golden arrow which had bright red engravings on it and fired it right at Dae sparing any time.

"Special Trait: Multiplying Arrows"

"Special Trait: Flaming Rain"

Right after Christopher had fired his arrow, he caused it to multiply just as he had done with the previous arrow. However he chose to do something different this time as instead of activating the arrow's special trait after it had landed on the ground, he did it while it was still mid air.

Due to that, the golden arrows became engulfed in bright orange flames as they rained down at Dae which could only dodge them as if he had attempted fo catch them or even touch them in the slightest, he would surely pay for it in the form of injuries.

Even though it had seemed that Christopher had failed his goal as Dar was able to dodge the flaming arrows quite easily, that was all according to his plan as they had landed on top of the ice that was created by the previous arrows. Once the flaming arrows made contact with the ice, they began to melt it and created water which made Dae's cloths wet.. Although that might have seemed harmless at first, it has a deadly effect which would be revealed very soon.

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