Hero Cultivation

Chapter 188 - Crushing Ego

"What was the point of that whole attack sequence? All you did was get my cloths wet. Other than that, your bows did nothing except waste time," said Dae as he didn't understand what Christopher's goal was since he hadn't really accomplished anything.

"I knew you were going to ask that. Of course predicting what a simple minded animal is going to think isn't all that impressive when you think about it. After all, there's only a hand full of information people like you can processes as such, it's only a process of elimination that would be needed to completely out play you and gain an easy victory over you," said Christopher as he made fun of Dae's thought process. Hearing those words made Dae quite infuriated but he knew that he would be able to kill Christopher soon enough so he just kept gritting his teeth while waiting for the perfect opportunity.

"Of course I should get to the main point which is why I bothered to waste two arrows to get back to the same place. Of course to you it seems like I'm back to square one but in reality, I'm much ahead of you. Well, I guess it would be easier to just show you than explain it to you. After all, I doubt one with the same brain capacity as a monkey would be able to comprehend such complex thought," said Christopher while continuing to mock Dae.

"Seriously though, how stupid does he think I am. Does he really believe that I don't know that he got my cloths wet so that he could make it so that his following arrows would hit me? Although it's a bit sad that he thinks he has out smarted me. After all, what taking place now is the exact opposite of what he thinks,"

Dae said to himself as he already knew what Christopher was planning.

"Although in most scenarios, he would have won by this point since his strategy is almost flawless, there is one slight problem with it. Since he didn't allow me to use any of my attacks yet, he's fighting me under the assumption that I'm a cultivator through battle which is obviously not the case. Due to that, I have access to multiple secret arts which I can use without moving my body. As such, I can make any long ranged attacks useless when they come at me. Such a shame, I'm about to destroy his ego before he even realizes it," said Dae to himself as he continued to pity Christopher since he wouldn't have any idea what hit him.

All while Dae was having this conversation with himself, Christopher went on which his attack as he pulled out a an arrow from his bucket of arrows which had engravings that gleamed the colour yellow. Seeing as he wanted to win as quickly as possible and laugh at Dae's corpse while calling him all sorts of names. However Christopher would soon realize that things wouldn't go according to his plan due to a slight miscalculation.

"Special Trait: Extended Explosion"

Using his special trait alone," Christopher was able to duplicate his arrows so that there were multiple of them and right as they got close enough to Dae, Christopher caused all of the arrows to explode all at once so that even if by some miracle the Dar which had his cloths wet which would drastically slow down his movements managed to somehow dodge the arrows, the explosions would not allow any room for error since they would cover a larger area than the arrows by themselves.

"It's over. Although I shouldn't have expected more for some animal that managed to run inside my home and think that he could defeat me. You should have expected to lose so don't resent me if your next life," said Christopher as he began to walk away from where Dae's corse would be once the explosion's smoke finally cleared up.

"Don't worry I won't resent you. Of course I expect you not to resent me as well once over brought your life to an end as well," said Dae in response to what Christopher had to say.

Just hearing Dae's voice sent chills down Christopher's smile while also putting a lump in his throat as visible fear and confusion began to take over. There was just no possible way for Dae to be alive. After all, he had been slowly down and even if he somehow managed to dodge the arrows, there was no possible way for him to dodge the explosions.

To make Christopher's fears even greater, when he looked at where Dae was standing, he realized that Dae didn't look the least bit injured and was somehow standing in the same spot that he had been in which meant that Dae didn't even bother to dodge Christopher's attack.

"H-How though?" Christopher asked as he stared at Dae's palm which was pointed forward while holding up a clear shield which seemed to be the reason why he was still alive.

"Is that your weapon's special trait? Even if it was, there was no way for you to bring it out and activate its special trait within the time that it took for me to lose my sight of you for just a moment which I used to activate the explosion. If that were to be true, you could've just moved away easily. Even if your cloths were wet which would cause you overall speed to greatly decrease, that would still leave you with plenty of speed to run away for the explosion area and some to spare," Christopher began to think of every possible way that Dae could have survived his attack but none of them made sense to him. The reason being that he thought that Dae might have a used a super complex strategy so all of his guesses were similar to that when in fact, the reason why Dae had survived and even took no damage was because of a very simple phenomenon known as being a cultivator through meditation.

"Tell me Christopher, do you know what secret arts are?"

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