Hero Cultivation

Chapter 192 - Absorbed In Thought

"Listen all of you! You are nothing but mere insects compared to your queen! You are filth, trash, lower than scum, you do not even begin to scratch the surface of the power she had. Simply because I defeated her so casually does not mean that you have any right to doubt her strength as even thousands of people as weak as you would not be capable of the simple task being to defat her. Learn your place you mongrels," Steven told the guards which where inside the castle which Emily ruled over. Although they had all seemed to be judging Emily for her so called weakness, not a single one of them showed a hint of doubt in her power, specially after the show Steven had put on for them by literally slapping one of their own comrades in the face so hard that their face twisted and popped off their head. Something as gruesome as that surely had to have traumatized a few of them.

Not only because that act alone was so disgusting and horrifying but also due to the fact that none of the guards had really ever experienced something as scary as what took just a moment ago.

The guards had never realized just how much Emily was doing for them. While all of them spoke to each other while basically doing nothing all day due to the peacefulness of their kingdom, Emily spent nearly all her time searching for any and all threats to her kingdom and eliminated them quickly and efficiently. Of course Emily did all of this out of the urge to help out her kingdom and as such never told anyone so she could never truly take credit for her actions.

Hence the guards thought process in which the believe whole heartedly that Emily was nothing but a bossy useless queen which abused her power to force her guards to do all her work for her. In truth, the guards were the lazy ones as they spent nearly all their days getting paid for doing nothing all day.

"Now listen, I don't have time to listen to you people. As long as you get the message, I'm done speaking to you. Just remember to not make fun of someone who is so vastly stronger than you. You have not earned the right to speak about your queen in that matter just yet. Instead of talking horribly on the one who is the sole pillar to your kingdom, how about you make yourselves useful and actually increase your strength so you could actually contribute something for your kingdom," Steven gave his final words before leaving the kingdom as he needed to head towards Julius as he wanted to help him in his own battle as soon as possible.

Although Steven had grown to have more respect for Julius, the main reason which he wanted to arrive where Julius was located was because he knew that there would be plenty of strong opponents to go around. As such, he would need to arrive early or he wouldn't get the chance to battle someone and go all out in that battle.

As for Julius himself, he was still on the ruby dragon as he was finally getting closer towards the kingdom where his father was. He was finally ready to go into battle.

"It's almost time. Although I know the outcome of this battle, I'm still a but nervous. However I am glad these are not emotions out of fear but excitement. It'll finally be a good way to let out all the pent of frustration in my system. I cannot blame anyone anymore, it is just the way things are meant to be. It was my own fault for thinking that Liz would have even the slightest bit of affection towards me. However I still need a place let all of this anger out on. Unfortunately for my father, that is going to have to be him and all his precious guards. Although I do regret Jun's choice to turn his back on me. I mean is my father really that much more important to him that he would willingly give away his life for that?" Julius asked himself.

"Jun should know better than anyone how this battle will end. Yet he still chose the losing side, why Jun, why would you sacrifice your life for nothing," Julius continued to ask himself as he fell deeper in thought until the point he didn't realize that he was right beside the castle where his father was waiting for him.

The ruby dragon didn't stop moving as Julius' head was subconsciously telling it to move forward. Nevertheless, Julius wasn't caught off guard by the debris that flew everywhere around him. In fact it was quite the opposite, Julius was much too calm as his body stood in the same place while it went inside the castle as if he was looking down at all the creatures who were inside it.

"So we finally meet Julius. Are you finally prepared to take me on in battle? I mean why else would you make such a grand entrance?" Henry asked Julius as he stared his own son down as if he was nothing more than the enemy.

"Please do not speak anymore. I am not here for simple conversation. I have one job and one job alone. I am here to kill my enemies, names and titles have no meaning here. All I recognize you all from this point forward is my enemy. It doesn't matter how many of you there are, you are all the same or me.

"Oh no, you sound so harsh. What has happened to you? You used to be so gentle and kind kid. Look how you've turned out now, you're here to kill your own father like it's a regular chore-" said Henry began to speak before cutting himself off so that he could laugh.

"I'm just kidding.. All you should know is that you're arrogant attitude won't remain the same after you see who's working for me," Henry said with a grin as a couple figures appeared from the shadows.

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