Hero Cultivation

Chapter 193 - Back

"What do you mean by that? You think just because you have a little extra people on your side you're going to defeat me? If that's the case, you're lacking in brain power more than I thought," Julius said to Henry however he quickly shut his mouth when he saw the figure which was walking towards him. Well there were 4 figures but only 1 of them was a real surprise as he never expected her to be there.

"Vivian?" Julius asked as he saw the leader of the cultivation through meditation army.

"What are you doing here? I never gave the signal to move out. There's no need for you to exhaust yourself with this battle. I'll take care of these guys," Julius said to Vivian with a glimpse of hope in his eyes as he honestly believed that she was still on his side.

"Julius, you should know this already-" Vivian began to speak at which Julius' brain stopped registering anything and only repeated the same word over and over again as it rejected everything which was being thrown at it.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," that same word continued to loop inside Julius' head as he couldn't possibly accept that even Vivian had betrayed him to join the enemy.

"But why?" Julius asked as he tried to find even the slightest bit of reasoning as to why Vivian which seemed to be the only one who was ever fully on Julius' side had decided to turn her back on him just like everyone else.

"Julius, don't make this harder than it has to be. You know that both the battling army and the meditation army will be working together to defeat you. It doesn't matter how strong you are, this battle is guaranteed to be on our side. Just give up now and accept your time in prison as punishment. Even after that, your father might allow you to rejoin society as the prince so you can serve at his side," Vivian offered to Julius as she tried to make an enticing deal with Julius. While it would have worked on anyone else, Julius had already experienced the life of a prince. He had been one for most of his life after all. As such, to him, it was more important to go through with a battle which he believed he would win but his enemies also believed that they would win.

"So it's all of you against me now huh? Well, it's not like that matters, with the army that I have on my side, I should be well on my way to defeat all of you without even so much as lifting a finger. My victory in this battle has been guaranteed long ago. It just seems that you've all forgotten who you're dealing with. However if you genuinely believe that this battle is going to be a walk in the park, you've got one thing coming," said Julius as he stared down all of his enemies.

"You!" Julius yelled at Mary as he finally seemed to recognize her presence. Due to Mary and Vivian being related, Julius began to connect the dots as he realized who was the culprit for making Vivian change sides at the last minute. In the eyes of Yuki, it was 100% Mary's fault. Julius had a less than pleasant experience with Mary which would explain his hate for her. In most cases, he would be willing to at least start a causal conversation and even wouldn't mind talking to get for a bit. However, Mary had taken it too far by making it so that Vivian joins the other side.

"Just you wait, all of you will learn my true power when my very own army comes here. Once they arrive here, it'll be over for all of you," Julius told Henry and everyone else who was there which included Roger, Jun, Mary, Vivian and royal guards.

"Oh about that, we already know," said Henry with a smirk as he had already planned to deal with Julius' army.

"Huh? What are you talking about? How would you even find out that I had an army before I told you. Wait," said Julius as he realized that Jun basically knew everything about Julius and as such he would be able to give Henry and everyone else valuable information on Julius since he was with him for a large majority of the time that Yuki was training all to come back to his kingdom at the age of 18.

Realizing that Jun was carrying precious intel that was crucial to Julius' plan, Julius simply grit his teeth in regret now that he had his plans given for all the enemy to see.

"I see, although I don't understand how that would help you. It should only make you realize that you're all done for. If Jun really told you everything, you would know that all of the other kings and queens are being completely defeated as if this moment. Not a single one of the will survive. You do know that right?" Julius asked as he tried to frighten Henry but it only caused him to grin more as if that was exactly he wanted to happen.

"That actually works out perfectly in my favour. I don't even have to do anything anymore since your army will be going all my dirty work for me. I should really be thank you. However we're past the point of turning back so lets create a show by using this battle," said Henry with an arrogant grin.

"I still don't get it though. How do you plan on dealing with my army. You still don't have a plan for dealing with such a massive and powerful army. I would be so cocky if I was in your shoes," Julius warned Henry.

"Don't worry about me. And don't worry about the plan either.. All you need to know is that there is one," Henry replied with a smirk.

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