Hero Cultivation

Chapter 201 - Dear Julius

Dear Julius, 

I am writing this letter to you 200 years ahead of time. I know you must be pretty confused about what's going on around you and how all of this is possible. After all, there would have to be multiple loops holes for the idea of future sight to exist. However it's not as complex as you may believe. While you may believe that you have free will in this world, that's the furthest from the truth. Anything and everything which pertains to this realm is controlled by the fate in this realm. There is not such thing as truly being in charge of your own destiny. Everything you do is this universe has been written already. All you can do is follow those rules without making yourself realize that you're being controlled. 

The moment you realize that you're being controlled and actually believe it is when you're able to live freely. You'll realize that there truly is no way out of this hell you call your life. All you can do is let your body work on its own as it tries to find itself a place inside this world. All while that happens, allow yourself to relax and put your mind into auto pilot. That way you won't have to worry about anything which may cause you stress. While everyone sees you as the average person, you'll be relaxing as you've accepted that date is the only thing which truly dictates this world. Any king, queen, prince or princess would be able to truly rule over people as in the end, they are only capable of holding the power in their possession due to fate. If it wasn't in their destiny to be a king, they wouldn't have been born a king. If it wasn't in their destiny to be a criminal, they wouldn't have been a criminal. All things in this world only take place due to fate. 

As such, you must be wondering if someone can truly be blamed for their actions. Well technically not. Of course everything has been written out for them before they were even born so who can blame them. However most do not hold this type of thought process as the most believe that it doesn't matter why something happens, if it's violent, they do not agree with it. In some circumstances, it might be the opposite.

Nevertheless, I'm getting side tracked. What matter right now is the fact that you stay alive. You need to do everything in your power to stop Henry. 

I wish I could've been there to say this to you myself but I am truly sorry for my actions. Because I was born in the wrong period of time, you are now left to deal with the problems which in couldn't. Once again, I'm truly sorry. No child should ever have to go through what time gone through. It truly pains my heart to place such a burden on you. 

However even though it is one of my greatest regrets in this world, I wouldn't change any part of it. Specially because if I were to change it, I would cause the entire time line to crumble into dust. 

I hope you can find it In your heart to forgive my selfish decisions. I didn't mean to cause so much pain and suffering. The training you've gone though as well as all the emotions you must be feeling must be a lot to deal with. In all truth, I wish I could have done more for you, however due to the time gap between when this letter is written to the date it will be received is just much too long. I will be long gone when you receive this letter. 

Although I am making it sound as if I am a villain in this situation, that not true at all. Everything I've done so far has been for the sake of helping you in your mission. In truth, you would have always wanted to have helped the people which will die if you abstain from this battle. The only reason which you may be feeling hesitant is due to the fact that you found out that all your actions since birth were being controlled. However this isn't entirely true. In all fairness, all humans are being controlled by fate. No one truly has the powers to change fate. Even if someone where to randomly throw a bottle to test their theory, that wouldn't be a random action. Instead it would be considered sort of fate as if that person wasn't willing to doubt the explanation which I gave right now, they wouldn't have had the urge to test the theory out, if they hadn't done that, they wouldn't have had the answer to their question to prove if they are truly being controlled by fate. Like I mentioned before though, only a certain few can see the lines of fate. Everyone is controlled by it and only a few people can walk though it.

There are the group which I mentioned before which allows to push themselves earlier so that they are not held by the confines of fate.

I am one of those people. I somehow managed to tap into the future sight type magic which I am grateful for since I will now be able to stop the destruction of the world. 

The important part is that you shouldn't doubt yourself or your beliefs. In the end, the only way to truly escape being controlled by fate and destiny is to believe so much in yourself that you start to believe that even destiny itself is no match for you. 

Such overwhelming power and aura that everyone around you will be forced to follow you. That's the type of man this world needs. Specially considering what your father's secret art is, you'll need something along those lines ti defeat him. 

All I have to say that you should be careful round him. He is not the man to hold back just because you are his son. He will do anything and everything in their power to defeat you. 

Sincerely, Sin

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