Hero Cultivation

Chapter 202 - Interesting

"Umm, well that was interesting. I mean the letter could just be something you created using a secret art or a magical spell which I don't know about. However I am not going to bother with investigating you. I trust that this is the real deal. However due to that, I would like to look into this just a bit further," said Julius as he flipped though the next couple pages of the book as he quickly skimmed through it in search of a specific topic although Duke-Drake wasn't sure what that topic was.

"Well, as long as you return to your senses, that's Al I'm looking for. However if you wish to continue to look through this book, please feel free to do so. All I want from you is your assistance and if you spending a couple extra minutes reading the journal of the family line which gave you your powers will help with that, feel free to take as long as you wish," said Duke-Drake as he encouraged Julius to do as he pleased which Julius did in fact plan on doing. 

After looking through the boom for quite a while, Julius reached the last couple of pages where his eyes widened as his hands stopped flipping through the pages. Julius had found what he was looking for which brought joy to him. The information which Julius was looking at read like this.




Dear Julius & Sin,

I hope you two are finally happy that you got what you want. You ruined the lives of so many just to stop this war which cannot even be proven to be coming. I mean for all anyone knows, what Sin said could be a blatant lie to ruin the lives of multiple generations.

Although I shouldn't really care anymore. My life is reaching the end anyway. My body was forced to age at 5 times the speed it would have usually all for the sake of creating the tool which was supposed to be passed on to Julius. My life had to rot away while everyone else didn't have to do anything but just the very basic and simple stuff.

Since the day I was born, I was tortured constantly by my father who forced me to repeat that I was just a tool thousands of times every day. At first I didn't understand what the goal of that was but in just a couple months, I was so absorbed into the idea of being merely but a tool for for you people, I stopped thinking of myself as human. 

Anytime I got injured or sick, I simply ignored it as tools and objects cannot get sick. Their job is to preform the task they were given. If they could not complete the task that they had been given, that makes them completely and utterly useless.

In all honesty, that was what I believed about myself. I willingly nearly killed myself by forcing myself to learn a countless amount of spells and secret arts. Even though my mind was on the brink of breaking down every single day, I didn't give up for even a second. I thought of myself as simply a tool and nothing else. That's the corruption that you two have caused upon me. And what's even worse is that I won't be able to hear both of you greedy people say thank you to me. You'll never know my name, what I looked like or how I lived my life. Well Sin might be able to but Julius, I can already sense that you're going to be quite the troublesome person to deal with.

When I think about it, I'll be kidnapping a literal child from the royal family just a few days ahead of the date which i am writing this letter. I'm a bit glad that I decided to wait this long to write it. After al, my fate was decided long before I was born. As such, anything and everything I do has been seen from the future. As such, it doesn't matter what I do or how I act, I know that there will be no dire consequences since all my actions are being controlled. It's a bit sad when I think about it but at the same it, it's quite a burden to not be able to know if anything I do is decided by myself and not the deeds of Sin. However that's not really important since in exchange for my fate, I can do whatever I wish since all my actions are being controlled. Plus I'll be getting killed soon so I don't really have anything to look forward to.

This feeling reminds me the time where I had feelings for someone. I mean I would never get a chance to speak to her so there's really no point in holding it in anymore. It's truly unfortunate. If I ever got the chance to live a normal life, maybe I would be brave enough to tell her how I feel.

This isn't just about being brave though. After all, no matter how much courage I have, it will amount to nothing in the end. I have a task to accomplish and once I have completed that, all I'll have left to do is bring my life to an end. I wish I could've lived a different life.

Nevertheless, there's no point in of tiring myself any more than I already have. My goal should now be to accept what I must do. It's not my fault and neither is it anyone else's. It's simply the way which things were meant to happen. Although everyone wishes to change certain parts of their lives. They can't really do anything expect do the same thing they've been doing their whole life every day once again. 

No one has the power to bend fate. I mean expect Sun himself since he can see past that due to his precautional abilities. As such, the only choice for the rest of us is acceptable. 

Anyway, that's enough of a rant from me. I just had to get some things off my chest. I'll be doing the job which I was assigned even before birth soon. I hope that makes the two of you happy.



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