Hero Cultivation

Chapter 212 - Look

"By the look on your face, I assume that you would like to know where I was able to acquire such dangerous weapons and have them at my disposal. Well it's your lucky day Julius. Since this will be the day in which you will die, I might as well tell you everything which you wish to know so that you are able to rest in peace," said Henry as he tried to taunt Julius while apse still trying to peak his interest.

"You see, after I had killed my own father, I still sought out more power. I wanted to become the strongest human to ever live on this planet. As such, I needed to find away to option more power quickly so that I could remain unchallenged. However power like that isn't easy to come by. Unless someone were to train relentlessly to achieve such a powerful state, it was nearly impossible to become that strong. As such, I decided to take a journey of my own to look for something, maybe a relic of the past which blesses one who touches it with seemingly endless amounts of power. I searched across the world with nothing to show for all my struggles. Due to my status as king, it was easy to get inside kingdoms and look for anything, even a single clue which might reveal a treasure of some king. Nevertheless, I was left with nothing. In just 3 years, I had spent all of the money I had set aside to go on this journey and had nothing ti show for it. In a heave of desperation, I decided to look in a place which I never thought to look into before. That being the 10th kingdom," said Henry which puzzled Julius since he had been to the 10th kingdom multiple times but still never found anything interesting. Specially something which would lead him into receiving power similar to what Henry had described. Even so, Julius didn't bother to question Henry as he was till curious to learn more about what Henry was talking about and how he had gotten his powers.

"Once I arrived there. I realized that the place was empty. There was nothing but empty lands everywhere. Even after searching the whole continent for a single area where humans might have lived, I couldn't find a single thing. As such, instead of looking throughout the entire continent, I decided to go to the only place which most likely had any old relics. That being the actual kingdom inside the 10th continent. More specifically, the castle inside the kingdom as that was where the ruler of the kingdom would have resided 200 years ago and might have left some treasure behind before he was killed," Henry continued to speak of his journey inside the 10th kingdom.

"That was probably the Mara test decision I could have made as the moment that I entered the kingdom, I realized that I had hit the jackpot. Not only was there an endless amount of gold and precious gems which would increase my wealth by at least 10 fold even though I'm the king but there were piles upon piles of books which seemed to have valuable information as they were mixed into the pile of treasure. To finish it off, there was a glowing bowl that had exactly 5 scrolls inside of it. It was heavily decorated as if it was the most precious thing in the entire world. At first I thought that the owl itself was the treasure but upon closer inspection, I realized that the real treasure of the castle were the scrolls inside the bowl itself," said Henry.

"I quickly examined the scrolls thinking that they were nothing more than useless tools or an instructional guide on how to use all the money left however that was far from the truth. The moment I unraveled those scrolls, they latched on me without giving me a change to react which caused me to pass out instantly. I don't know how long I was knocked out for but it was about 6 months. When I woke up though, I looked completely different. I wasn't the same angry king which found the slightest things to get mad at. I was far from that, I learned to me much more collected. I had also lost weight but my muscles remained which helped me look even better. However after being amazed at my body for so long, I needed to know what had caused me to pass out at that time," Henry continued to speak.

"When I I looked at the unwrapped scrolls on the floor, all I could see what that they were all blank. It was as if there was nothing special about them. However I still felt like I was missing something so I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed myself to relax. My body was still fatigued from being in a slumber like state for so long. However after closing my eyes, I could feel my body healing itself at unimaginable speeds. It was insane to think about as even the best healers which I knew in the world weren't capable of healing at even a fraction of what I was able to do. That was when I realized that I had consumed a secret art. However even so, no secret art which I had heard of art that time was capable of doing something as unimaginable as that. As such, I began to search for answers. I began to quickly skin through the couple books that were in the room as I liked for answers. Luckily for me, the first book I grabbed had all the information which I needed." Henry continued to explain.

"The book revealed the true history of the world as well as what a heaven tier scroll was.. Although I was first caught off guard by the information which I was consuming, I soon began to accept who I was and prepared to attain total control over this world just as I should have from the start," said Henry as he finished explaining to Julius how he was able to attain not 3 but 5 whole heaven tier scrolls.

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