Hero Cultivation

Chapter 213 - Ice Core

"Wait you mentioned that you had 5 heaven tier secret arts yet so far I've only seen you use 3 of them. Does that mean that you still have 2 left which you still have at your disposal?" Julius who was just Duke-Drake in Julius' body asked as he wondered if he would have to push himself even more just to deal with a pest like Henry.

"Oh wow, it looks like you can actually do math even though your maturity is that of a child," said Henry as he mocked Julius.

"Sure, I'm the immature one when you ran away from the responsibility of taking care of you child so that you could live your life. I'm the immature one when you tried to lie yourself out of a confrontation with your son. I'm the immature one when you couldn't admit that you're wrong and is just a selfish dead beat of a father who can't admit that he's a horrible person," said Julius. During this entire time, Julius and Duke-Drake would switch whenever they needed to as some times, Julius wanted to be the one to express his emotions and hatred for Henry.

"Although it doesn't really matter now, the battle is already over. I wish that you changed your mind and joined me in my conquest to rule the world just as our family was supposed to do. However in the end, I have resort to killing my own son. Please do not hate me for what I am about to do," said Henry as he had a lump in his throat as he prepared himself to kill his own son.

<<Secret Art: Henry's Judgment>>

<<Moon Meteor>>

<<Secret Art: Henry's Judgment>>

<<Ice Core>>

Using his first, or technically 4th heaven tier secret art, Henry began to lift the surrounding ground around the castle which was blank due to Julius having erasing it so that he could show Mary just how weak she was compared to him. After lifting the ground in the air, Henry forced the ground to take a ball like shape as it floated in the sky above the castle which Julius as well as Henry were in. Due to all the debris flying everywhere, it caused the roof of the castle to be destroyed and tossed into the debris that was going into the giant meteor like ball that was floating high in the air.

After doing this, Henry's second or 5th heaven tier secret art took action as it quickly began to cover the outer layer of the meteor with a thick layer of ice. However, that wasn't all as it went on to seep into the cracks inside the ball of debris before filling it as well this the hardest ice anyone could have imagined.

"Goodbye Julius," Henry said as he pointed his finger towards the ground which told the meteor to begin falling towards the castle. Henry wasn't worried about what would happen to himself if the meteor hit him though as he knew that even if it caused catastrophic damage, he would just regenerate from it using one of his 5 heaven tier secret arts. 

"Why are you saying goodbye as if this battle has already come to a close? We both know that I'm not that easy to defeat. I mean if I was really that weak, I wouldn't be here right now in an all out war against you while I'm all alone," said Julius as he leaped in the air towards the meteor that was falling down towards the ground before attempting to punch it and in turn cause it to shatter into an uncountable amount of pieces. Unfortunately for Julius though, it became clear why the secret art that Henry had used was labelled as a heaven tier secret art as Julius wasn't able to do not even a single scratch on the meteor which was coming down towards him.

"Oh so you get it now? This battle was over the moment I said it was concluded. There was no point in you bothering to try and prove that you could actually take down the meteor let alone defeat me. As far as I know, you only have a single heaven tier secret art at your disposal while I have 5 times the amount of them that you have. This battle was always going to go in my favour," said Henry as he continued to belittle Julius as the seconds passed.

"Wow, well that was interesting to say the least. I mean I expected it it to have a bit of resistance but this is just too much. Not that I can't take care of it. It's more troublesome now that I have to use more of my power but it doesn't look like I have a choice," said Julius as he leaped towards the meteor once again however this time with a much calm demeanour as he finally stopped mid air right in front of the meteor. Julius simply placed his index finger forward and literally flicked the meteor with his bare finger. What was off was that instead of staying still and resisting Julius' attempt to break it down, the meteor almost instantly shattered into countless amounts of pieces all at the same time as if it was weak glass that was hit with the strongest hammer that the world had ever seen. The meteor didn't even turn into full debris pieces. Instead, it looked to be dust itself as that was how much damage Julius' attack had caused to the meteor.

"What the hell? How is this possible?! Just a moment ago you were knocked back like you were nothing but a mere insect however now you have the urge to be some big shot that's able to take out the combined attack of 2 heaven tier secret arts just because you managed to block a meteor which I created. Don't start getting so cocky. Both of us here know that the winner of this battle will always be the same. I will always come out on top," Henry stated as he taunted Julius.

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