Hero Cultivation

Chapter 226 - Honest

"To be perfectly honest. Life was pretty amazing at that time. I just wonder when all of it went to hell and I was forced to live this hell of a life which I cannot even find joy in the most spectacular things in the world. Now all I have in my life are a nagging wife which likes to yell at me constantly, a boss who makes me work late hours and children which I cannot even be there for as I am too busy working to provide them with the best life I could possible provide. I do all those things and still I am treated like nothing but trash," George continued to speak as he got side tracked for a bit but remembered where he was at in his story and started to continue.

"Like I was saying, that woman brought pure joy into my life. Everything was perfect for me. To top it all off though, on a random day, she asked me out on a date. Of course I was shocked and stood still for a bit as my brain could not even comprehend the thought of any woman finding me attractive let alone the woman of my dreams. Although I was caught if guard which caused me to stand still for a while, I was ecstatic about it. However due to me being silent for quite a bit, she thought that I did not feel the same way so she tried to tell me that it was okay if i did not feel the same at which I quickly interrupted her and told her that I would agree. Although when I think about it now, maybe I was a little too enthusiastic about the way I said it since my brain had just managed to process what she had said and gave an answer as quickly as possible so that the opportunity wouldn't go away. Even though my reaction was quite weird to say that least, all she did was smile before running away from being embarrassed. To this day, I've never felt more joy than the one I felt on that day," said George while continuing his story as everything seemed to have been perfect which didn't explain why George seemed to be so sad now. Nevertheless, George continued to speak about his life.

"Even after that, life only got better and better, I truly didn't think life could get any better than that. And to my surprise for once in my life I was correct in my assumption. Life from that point on did not in fact get better but instead only got worst. As my relationship with my coworker got more serious, we decided to move in together and soon she decided to stay at home while I worked which was fine by me as I didn't mind. However that was the worst decision I had ever made. Suddenly, I have very little money left over after having all our expenses taken care of. Even after that, the girl took the rest of the money to herself. I couldn't live like that. I was living check to check and even at many points, I had to take money from my savings to afford to barely live. The worst of this was our wedding which cost an astronomical amount of money. Even after having used up all the money I had saved up, I still was in debt and needed to find a better job quickly. However jobs such as that do not come without consequences. In exchange for better pay, I would have to work much harder at my new job and would also have to spent many long hours in my office taking care of some business. Sometimes those hours could have been from 2 to 4 hours extra which I would have to stay back and finish work without getting pay anything to compensate for my time," said George as he began to explain the downfall of his life.

"At first my wife was very supportive as we now had more money so she could spend it on what ever she wanted and could spend more time hanging out with her friends. All while I worked non stop to provide that life style for her. Of course I wanted to speak up about it since I also wanted to do some extra activities with the money I worked so hard for, however I always returned to save thought over and over again. That being that without her, I was nothing. I was just a tool to be used by others. My life never had meaning, I was always below average and worthless. To find even the slightest bit of joy in life was more than I ever deserved. As such, if all it took for me to be happy with my wife was for me to work a couple extra hours, so be it. It wasn't like I had anything better to do with my life anyway," George continued to speak.

"However the hell never ends there. It only gets worse. One of the days which I managed to finish work early, I decided to buy my wife a treat and surprise her with some flowers. Looking ecstatic, I pulled up to our drive way to park my car only to find another car already there. My first thought was that she had guests over at our place but after some thinking, things didn't add up. She had never had guests at our house. She would usually go elsewhere instead but this time she actually had a guest over. Of course I was till in denial so I walked up to the door and almost rang the door bell when I heard something which I shouldn't have heard. My eyes opened wide in sadness. The amount of pain that filled my heart was indescribable. Although most would have felt angry at their wife for having another man in their house, I simply walked away like the pathetic man I was and got back in my car before driving away with tears in my eyes.. That was the first time I ever contemplated taking my own life," said George.

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