Hero Cultivation

Chapter 225 - Help

"But why? Why did you help me?" the spy asked in a rather thankful tone but also a harsh one as he didn't want to be alive in that moment. 

"What are you talking about? It seemed like you were going to use this thing to end your own life so I just stopped you. There's no reason for someone to help someone else in need. I mean imagine everyone leg everyone else whatever they wanted. This world would be in pure hell right now," said the man which had saved the spy from killing himself with a little laugh as he wanted to make the situation less awkward.


"Anyway, is there a reason why you wanted to end your life? I mean I'm. It busy right now so we can talk about it. But maybe let's head inside so that you'll have a place to sit while you tell me about it. I'll also bring you some food and water. You look very exhausted, you look as if you have been travelling for over a year without any food and water. You have to take care of yourself so that you won't die from exhaustion," said the man which had saved the spy before taking him into his home which was inside a near by village.

Due to it being quite dark when the two had reached the village, everyone had went back into their homes and as such could not see the spy and question who he was.

After quickly making the spy head inside his home, he allows him to have a seat on a hay constructed seat while the man prepared the spy some soup. This all took place in a span of only a few minutes and as such the two would be able to continue their conversation very quickly after the spy had finished his soup and thanked the man once again as he had not only saved his life but also him shelter and food as if he was his parent.

"Thank you so much, I don't know where to begin to thank you-" the spy began to say as he wanted to repay the man for all the kindness that he had shown to the spy. However the man did not want anything in exchange. Well not technically as he wanted something but it was not a material. That being information. He yearned for information so badly that he had interpreted the spy before he could thank him and instead spoke so that he could get to the point faster.

"Don't worry. You don't have to repay me for anything. I can sense that you're not from this world. You seem very different to say the least. What I want from you is two things which you can tell me if you want or refuse if you don't wish to do so. Those two things being the reason why you wanted to take your own life and the second one being where you're from. Well to be perfectly honest, I have third request too, that being for you to tell me what you're doing here. I mean why else would you venture to an unknown land where it's very easy for you to get killed if you didn't have an important reason," the man which had saved the man's life requested. In turn, the spy simply let out a sigh as he was too tired to even argue, all he wanted was to be done with everything and leave the world behind. As such, he began to tell everyone to the man that saved his life.

"Well I should probably start from the beginning. My name is George, my last name isn't important so I won't mention it and trouble you with memorizing it. Anyway, my life was always a mediocre one. I never really excelled in anything. My grades were below average. My athletic abilities were never the best either. I dropped out of school when I was a teenager due to having constant fights with my parents at which I finally decided to move out and get a job. To be honest, those years where I lived alone were probably some of my best. I got by with working decent hours and although I didn't make the best money, it was enough for me to take care of my expenses and still have some left over. I had time to enjoy life on my own as well. I was never really fond of making friends as I was never particularly good at anything and never fitted in with any groups. Nevertheless, I never minded doing things alone as it brought me peace. However that all changed when I got a new coworker at my job," George began to speak as he told the man which had saved his life about the hell which he called his life.

"That new coworker at the place I worked at would be my future wife. She was a gentle and kind woman. She tried to do her best at everything and almost managed to get it right on her first try. Everyone adored her and wanted it be her friend. She had such a positive atmosphere around her. She was everything I wasn't and could never be. Anyway, due to me being her superior, it meant that I would have to look over her quite a lot but in all truth, she was the one that looked out for me. Even though my ranking was technically higher than hers, she knew how to do my job even better than myself. Although it was pretty pathetic, it was nice to finally have someone to look out for me. Just her smile alone brought life into my day. That was when my life turned from being just average to amazing. I genuinely wanted to go to work just to see her. Although it was pretty pathetic, I didn't care in the least as it was the only thing in my life that brought me happiness.. There was just no way for me to live without her," said George as he remembered the past.

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