Hero Cultivation

Chapter 224 - Spy

What had initially taken place between the spy from the regular world and the villager from the 10th kingdom which was being trained to be a servant for Julius was quite interesting. 

The spy had come to the 10th continent in search of information about Julius as that was the people who were in change of him wanted. Even the slightest bit of valuable information about the man known as Julius who commanded so much power that it brought fear into literally half of the world would be so valuable that the spy would most likely be awarded several medals in recognition of this hard word and receive a large sum of money as well. Hence their desperate attempts to find even a clue as to Julius' whereabouts.

After searching for so long and having so many of them getting killed when they were found out by either the undead monsters or Dae and Knight themselves, many of the spies began to lose hope and decided to turn back and head towards the place which they called their home, that place being the regular side of the world where magic, cultivation and secret arts were unknown words or were from fiction. Nevertheless, a single man stayed behind while all others fled for their lives, that being the man which would pass on his mission towards the villager that would in turn become the best spy the regular humans could have asked for.

This all started one evening as the sun began to set, the spy which still had the goal of bringing down Julius and his forces was running out of places to hide as the army of Julius not only worked on the morning but also at night. Due to this, the spy not only had to worry about getting found out while he walked during the day but also when he slept at night as he didn't know if when he woke up the next day, he would be getting eaten alive by a horde of undead zombies. Even so, the man looked determined to get the information about Julius and pass it on to the people on the regular side of the world.

"Dammit! I've ran out of water. I've been walking here for what seems like years. I just can't seem to catch a break! Why is this world so harsh to me?! All I need is just a single clue about Julius then my family will be set free. After that, I can finally head home and live peacefully! That's what I've always wanted, yet it seems like that's the one thing I can never get. My previous job before this itself was pure hell. I couldn't catch a break as I was forced to work long hours without stop. All of that just so that my family could live comfortably. Even after I went to work, I would have to return home to the sound of my wife's nagging that I never spent that much time at home and how my children need a father figure. I mean if it wasn't for this job and putting all of that arguing to the side for now, I would've surely gotten a divorce with my wife. She would've mostly took the kids then demanded money for it as well. This world is truly cruel. Maybe... I should just take my own life. I mean hell, who would even care? It's not like my wife will ever miss me. She'll just marry someone rich then live her life happily. As for my kids, they never even had me in their life for a while so I guess they would move on quickly as well. To add on, I wouldn't have to worry about dying because I'll be the one doing the job to myself," said the spy to himself as he thought of how pathetic his life truly was.

"Well when u think about it, I guess I've always known, death seems to be the only positive thing my life will offer me. Well, I guess I better just do it now, it's not like anyone will miss me," said the spy as he pulled a gun from the pocket of his coat before pointing it as his head and closing his eyes.

"Farewell you horrible world," said the man as he finally prepared to pull the trigger only for a human to leap towards him and grab the gun from his hand.

Seeing this take place, the spy quickly opened his eyes in concern as he didn't know how someone was able to grab the gun from him in such a a short amount of time.

"Give that back!" the spy demanded as he wanted to take the gun back and actually take his life. At first, the spy only wanted to take his life from feeling pathetic and pitying himself however after having the joy of having the opportunity to take his own life taken away from him, the spy became infuriated and wanted to take the gun back and actually take his own life.

"Give it back right now!" the spy demanded as he laid back first on the ground while having the human which had stopped him from shooting himself sit on his chest. Even though the spy tried to grab his gun out of the human's hand, it didn't work as the human just kept moving the gun further away.

Feeling tired and exhausted, the spy gave one last push as he forced his body to move just a little so his hand would have a greater chance to get the gun back but once again that failed at which the spy finally broke down.

"Give it back!" said the spy as tears began to flow out of his eyes and snot left his nose while he grit his teeth in pain and agony. Truly a pathetic sight to see.

Nevertheless, the person who stopped him from shooting him self got up from the spy's chest and put his hand forward to help the spy get up from the ground.

"Get up"

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