Hero Cultivation

Chapter 228 - Wow

"Wow, that's very deep. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Although I can understand what you mean. However you should still not feel as if you have no outlet for all your emotions. You tend to latch on to things which don't matter anymore. In all truth, I would tell you to forget about your wife and so called child. You mentioned a justice system of some kind from the world you're from. If it's truly fair, it'll recognize that the child is not yours and that she's a lying scumbag for using you like that. As such, you should be able to live alone once again. Although it sound a bit sad when I say it, you should be much happier with your life like that. Then maybe you'll also get a chance to restart your life and have a new wife and child which you can say is your own," said the villager which had saved George's life as he tried to encourage him to do better for himself.

"Thank you. It really means a lot to me that you actually listened to me and my story. I wish that I could have employed the advice you gave me however it's much to late. I realize that I would rather end it all now than have to live any longer. The feeling of relief which I felt right before I pulled the trigger is something which I need in my life. No matter how hard I try from Thai point onward, I know that I'll never truly experience something even remotely as good as that. Thanks to you, I've realized what I must do. I should have never doubted my decision to take my own life from the start. It was always the right choice to make. I just never had the courage to do so. However I have a selfish request before I depart from this world. Please help me fulfill the goal which my people seek," said George as he was about to make an absurd request from the villager which had saved his life.

"Yes sure, what is it? I mean I doubt I can convince you to change your mind so all at least fulfill your final request. So tell me, how can I help you?" the villager asked in a confused tone as there couldn't be something that important which a person who was on the brink of death could ask.

"Do you know a man by the name of Julius?" said George which caused the villager's heart to sink as everything began to connect. He realized why George was there was why he was in so much agony. He understood the reason why he was sent there.

"Let me guess, you either want information about king Julius or want me to eliminate him or even both," said the villager as he wanted to know if that was what George was planning to which George seemed to be relieved that he didn't need to go the extra step of having to explain himself.

"Yes, please I know that this is a request unlike any other. I've heard just how much of an important figure he is in your world and how much trouble you could get in for simply speaking ill of him but if by some miracle you have even the slightest bit of hatred towards him, please do me the one favour which I'll ever ask of anyone and end his life or at least help us in ending his life," said George as he pleaded. The reason which he wanted to kill Julius was not because he had any hatred towards him, it was instead because he never accomplished anything in life and having the opportunity to kill someone as important or even help in killing someone as important as Julius would give him the satisfaction of having finally accomplished something good in his life for once. 

"You realize that I work directly for him right? I'm supposed to be one of the members of his army which would serve him even at the cost of our own lives. To betray him would be to stab the person who brought life to this entire continent in the back. It's simply an impossible request to grant. You would have to be insane to betray someone who's done so much for you," said the man which had saved George's life to which George let out a sigh of disappointment before preparing to accept what he has heard.

"It's fine. It was a dumb request anyway. It was just a foolish dream of mine," said George as he scratched the idea of having someone else help him active his goal to which the man which had saved his life began to laugh while making a sinister face.

"Come on now, did you really think that someone who would jump in at the last second to save someone random was sane? Don't even worry about it, I'll make sure he gets killed as long as you have the plan for it," said the villager in the most evil tone he could make.

Although he was quite surprised to receive and answer such as that from the villager, George was still grateful that the villager was willing to do so much for a complete stranger. Nevertheless, he knew he didn't have a lot of time so he started to explain what the villager would need to do to cause the down fall of both Julius as well as the entirely of the 10th continent as a whole.

Their conversation included talking about how to use a phone as well as the information the people on the regular side of the world were looking for. After somehow managing to convince the villager to do everything which he wanted, George let out a genuine smile. One which he hadn't done for quite a while.

After a long night at the villager's hours, George waited for the villager to go to sleep before leaving the house and finding an undead soldier so that it could kill him and cause and end to his life with one last good memory.

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