Hero Cultivation

Chapter 229 - Sight

"I see, I understand what I must do now," said the villager as he woke up from his slumber to find George gone and having left nearly all his materials inside the house which could have only meant one thing. That being that he went out with the goal of ending his life in that night.

Understanding what he must do, the villager went along with the plan that was passed on to him by George while also contacting the people of the regular world constantly so that he could receive instructions on how to proceed with his mission. All of that led up to a single point in his life where it would all come to a conclusion.

"... yes, he's awake now. Send in the nukes," said the villager as he gave the signal to bombard the 10th kingdom with nuclear weaponry so that they could wipe out Julius off the face of the planet.

"Ill see you soon, George."

Those were the final words of the villager before he was killed off by Ian himself after the villager had shot Julius in the head and caused him to pass out.

Speaking of Ian himself, he was in quite the predicament as he didn't know how he got himself in the worst possible situation he could have ever done.

Due to a nuke approaching the castle which Julius was resting inside, Ian decided to create a force field of some kind to force the nuke to get blocked off and crumble so that it wouldn't cause a lot of damage to Julius' castle, let alone Julius himself.

It was odd because Ian didn't understand why someone would send such a small object towards Julius. If they wanted to crush his body, they should have used a much bigger object which would have been much harder to block. However Ian would soon find out why such a small weapon alone was sent out to deal with Julius.

Within the mere second that the object had made contact with the force field that Ian had created, it exploded with no warning as it caused the force field to break insanity while also creating a mushroom could in the sky. As for the nuclear waste which was escaping and about to fall onto the ground, Ian would have to take care of that. However before that could happen, Ian would have to come to terms with what was suddenly happening to him.

Due to Ian being so close to the nuke right before it exploded, it instantly caused him to go deaf when the explosion went off. As such, he heard a constant buzzing sound and was not able to hear anything except that for the time being.

"Dammit! Why didn't I realize that there had to be someone else to this! Why would Julius be scared of something so small?! Of course it would have a secret mechanism to which it would explode without warning and cause catastrophic damage! Now I have to deal with this while also being deaf," said Ian as he created another force field, this time a flag one which was

used as a net of sorts to stop the nuclear waste from reaching the ground and causing damage to Julius' land.

"Okay, at least the danger is all gone now so I have no reason to worry any longer," said Ian as he let out a sigh of relief as he began to life the force field that was carrying the nuclear waste towards the sky so that he could carry it towards a dead piece of land where he could dump it. Although he was released that he didn't have to deal with anything other than the nuclear bomb, Ian was still bummed out over the fact that he couldn't hear anything for a bit. Or at least until he would get a chance to take a break and use a secret art which would allow him to HES his ears back to full health. However life for Julius and his comrades is never that simple as when Ian looked up towards the sky out of simple curiosity, he was left speechless as he saw hundreds of not thousands of nukes that were heading all for the 10th kingdom and they were all spread out so that if Ian wanted to stop them from harming the kingdom, he would be forced to use quite a lot of his stamina which he was in fact willing to do so due to the fact that he serves Julius and would be willing to do anything for the happiness of the one who he served.

Seeing as that there wasn't much time to think about how much of the land his could save, Ian just decided to go all out as he couldn't afford to let even a single piece of grass to be damaged as he had already disgraced himself by even daring to attack Julius even if he was under the control of someone else. Even though Ian likes to act calm about the situation, out of all the subjects, he was the one most affected by his actions while under the control of Henry. As such, to atone for his sins of daring to even attack Julius a single time, he decided that he would make himself go through true pain

to prove his loyalty for Julius.

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

<<Secret Art: Force Field>>

Ian kept using the same secret art over and over again as he couldn't allow even a single nuke to pass through as it would cause enough damage that no amount of saying sorry would atone for the sin of not being strong enough to defend Julius' land. 

Ian was so hard on himself and judged himself to the point that he was driving himself insane.. All of that just to regain Julius' trust which he thought he had lost but in fact he never had lost.

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