Hero Cultivation

Chapter 235 - News

"Well to be frank with you. All of us think your people are monsters. I mean could you really blame us? While you all have access to magic, all we have is our technology. You might say that our nukes are stronger than most people on your side of the world but that really doesn't matter. Our nukes are only used in emergencies where it's the last option we have. As for you, magic is so vast that it can do many different things for you which include helping you with your daily life and even can be used in battle. We've heard stories about small children being able to take down fully grown adult with ease. In your world, age, height, body figure and many more barriers in our world mean nothing in yours as with just enough hard work, a person can surpass everyone else. It's just not fair for us. As such, we have no choice to but to portray your people as evil demons which only seek to destroy us and our only choice is to destroy you first. It's an instinct that we have. If we're not able to defeat you on equal footing, we have to do everything in our power to turn the tides and be victorious as it would be our only way of survival," one of the men in the room said with a sigh as they had given up on their life. As such, they decided to tell Julius everything and didn't care if Julius killed him.

"Wow, that quite interesting. I guess I can see where you're coming from. Specially if we were to make an agreement in which we would work together and later on we were to have conflict, you would be at quite the disadvantage since we would know your weakness but we wouldn't have a weakness to you," said Julius as he tries to sympathize with the people there.

"Nevertheless, I don't see how it's right to wipe our half a planet just because you're scared. I mean is that really the best way to proceed. You could have at least tried to reach a consensus with us," said Julius as he tried to change the minds of the people in that room so that they would no longer live in fear of the people from the cultivation world.

"Look, we tried to think about every possible situation we could have been in, in nearly all of them which we tried to speak to you first, the conclusion was that you would utterly kill all of us in an instant. As such, we must apologize as we never wanted it to get this bad however it's the way things must be. Goodbye Julius, it was nice meeting you," said the man as all of the people began to disappear as if they were nothing but holograms as they left Julius in the room alone.

"Dammit, so it was nothing but a trap after all," said Julius with a sigh.




*On the news*

"Reports are being made that the district inside the southern region of the city had been nuked multiple times at a time. Authorities warn that no one go anywhere near that area. What happened there exactly is still a mystery but has done our best to go some digging in hope of giving you some answers. It is believed that Julius Henry, the current strongest person from the other side of the world had infuriated our world and sought to destroy it. As such, he was lured to an area on last minute notice so that the world leaders could speak to him. Due to him wanting to destroy us from our core, he decided to go there himself so that he could kill all of the at once. We not present to you the video which we retrieved in his Julius killed one of our own greasiest leaders," said the lady who was reporting the news as she said whatever she was forced to say. Of course she told the general story of what had taken place but due to the world leaders being the ones that were creating the story, she needed to add lies as the ones in power were the ones who were allowed to control the media.

What ended up being shown on the news was a short segment in which Julius killed one of the old men using one of his thousand blades. However what was not shown was the part at which the old man tried to shoot Julius with a gun as there was no way one of the world leaders could be portrayed in a negative light. That was preposterous to even think about.

"As you can see by the video provided to you all, Julius Henry as well as the people from the other side of the world are nothing but blood thirsty monsters which seek o ur destruction. Have no fear though as the nukes that were launched today were done all in the goal of killing Julius at which they were successful as not even a single spec of his body could be found on the scene. This will also be how our magnificent world leaders plan to deal with the magical side of this world. We will irritate those vermin," said the woman as she continue to report the news. Although she had in fact said something true in her statement. There was in fact not even a trance of Julius' body in the scene however it was not because Julius was dead. That was far from the truth. It was because Julius was alive. He managed to live and still he sought vengeance for being played as if he was a fool.

As the lady continued to report the news and said what she was told, people all around the world continued to eat up what she said and believed every single part of it and not even a single one of them questioned the validity of her statement. That was all good until a figure walked in slowly at which the monstrous figure scared everyone in the news studio out of it including the reporter.

"Hello everyone, this is Julius Henry speaking"

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