Hero Cultivation

Chapter 236 - Sun

Just at the sight of the deformed monster alone people who were watching the news at home began to panic as simply looking at the demon on their screen was enough to send shivers down their spines. The will to live simply escaped their souls as the stared at the monster in front of them. Julius who had just introduced himself to them on the screen looked completely deformed as he was covered in a green chemical of sorts. It continued to born his skin as he spoke but he didn't seem to care.

"Hello everyone. This is Julius Henry speaking. You must've heard many things about me. How I'm a monster and want to destroy your kind. How I'm so evil that I put satan himself to shame. I assume that all of you believe those things because in truth you are all brainless monkeys that believe everything you're told. As such, whether you believe me or not, I would like to inform you of what actually happened," said Julius as he prepares to unveil the truth to the world.

"You see, all I wanted to do was speak to those who govern your world which was why I had caused a scene. It had seemed like they had agreed to my conditions but they simply set a trap for me and killed me. I mean if I had actually killed one of them, how would they be alive? If I was able to kill them while I was in that room, they would have all died when the room was nuked. I mean all it would take is a couple seconds of basic thinking to process that which many of you did not do and I can assure you that. Secondly, if I had truly wanted to kill your people, I would have just started to wreck havoc on the planet instead of going to meet with a couple people. To you they

might be important individuals however to me, they're no different than a person I see walking down the street. All your lives are equally worthless in my eyes. The reason why I'm telling you this is that you realize that you are the ones who always start problems with me. I was never given any warning when my kingdom and people were attacked. You can only blame yourselves for what is about to happen to you. You'll all be dying by my hands," said Julius as he prepares to show how truly powerful he was.

"You must be wondering how I could make such claims in the state I'm in. If that's a question which you have in mind, I advice you all to watch closely as I do what I'm about to do," said Julius with a grin.

<<Secret Art: Instant Regeneration>>

Using his secret art, Julius was able to recover completely as he healed his body in an instant to which was very confusing to the views as if they had blinked for even a fraction of a second, they would have missed the process in which Julius went from a deformed monster which was disgusting to even look at to the regular Julius who was completely fine and healthy. Included with his healing was a factor where he would also regenerate the cloths he was wearing before he was nuked to the point where he was turned into a monstrous creature.

"Do you all get it now? I've won from the start. There was no hope for any of you to actually defeat me. It doesn't matter how many nukes you send at me, I'll always be able to turn my body back to how it used to be. You simply can't win against me. You are all monkey in my eyes," Julius said with a smirk before leaving the camera and flying up towards the sky.

"I've always had this idea but never got a chance to try it. I've always wondered how powerful I was but due to how many restrictions I was placed in, I never got the chance to go all out. However things have changed. I now have the chance to actually use my powers and fully demonstrate how much of a monstrous power I am in this world," said Julius as he prepared to do something which he had always wanted. That all began from a use of a secret art.

<<Secret Art: The Sun>>

Using this secret art, Julius simply pointed his finger towards the sky before fuelling all of his stamina into it as he created a small spec of fire which stayed in the sky before it began to slowly but surely grow more and more. With every passing second it continues to grow just a bit and within a few minutes, it has reached the size of a small tennis ball and had taken a globe like shape.

From this point onward, the fire began to accelerate the rate which it grew at it continued to get bigger and bigger, in just a few more seconds, everyone in the city could see and feel it. Next, the entire country. However it was at that point that Julius began to lose his breath as he was already exhausted and was running out of stamina. However, Julius still wished to make the large hall continue to grow as he wanted to demonstrate his superiority to everyone in the world. As such, he resorted to using his ultimate form which was the one where he would merge with Duke-Drake and become an all powerful being capable of so much destruction that it would put the entire planet under threat of destruction.

"Let's go, I just need to push my self just a bit further," Julius said as he grit his teeth while pushing himself through the pain. Soon after this, the fire ball could be seen all throughout the world. At this point, Julius had struck true fear into everyone's hearts as they knew that there was no escape.

The final straw was when Julius pushed himself too far and made it so that the ball could be seen not only on the regular side of the world but also in the cultivation world. 

Whether it was day or night, Julius' presence was known throughout the world.

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