Hero Cultivation

Chapter 246 - Final Straw

Hearing Julius' warns, Spike took them seriously as he gently picked up Rosie's unconscious body from the ground and began to quickly fly her out from there. Seeing a figure fly away, Ian who was still still in the sky began to follow it.

"Hey Spike, what's wrong?" Ian asked with a confused tone as he didn't know why Spike was flying off so quickly.

"Quick! We don't have much time left! I don't know how much longer we have but we have to get as far away from here as possible. We have to get away from him," said Spike with true grief and fear in his eyes and voice.

"What are you talking about?" Ian asked as he caught up to Spike at which he saw Rosie who seemed to be stabbed in the neck. Although he was quite surprised, Ian did not hesitate in his flight speed as he understood what was coming and the last thing he wanted was to be caught up in it.




"Why? Why does it always have to be me who's always hurt by this world? I just want to live a peaceful life. Is it so much to ask to live a life where no one which I love gets hurt? This world is truly cruel," said Julius as his heart being continued to get fast and faster. 

Julius could feel himself lose his mind as the seconds passed and all of the pain in his life continued to return in the form of memories where Julius seemed to be the one being hurt by everyone around him.

"Why? Why?! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!" Julius asked with a yell aa his heart rate continued to increase even faster. Julius began to feel the worst headache he had ever felt in his life. Even so, he want done as next he proceeded to do the impossible.

Julius began to activate every single secret he had in his arsenal as he didn't plan to show even the slightest bit of mercy to the world. Julius even activated his heaven tier secret art which which killed everything in its path. Pools of magma, waves of water, mountains of flames began to form all around Julius as Julius used everything he could think of but it was not still enough. Julius could feel as his mind began to crumble. Nothing was ever enough, he would always end up losing something and every time he was hurt, Julius would keep it all inside as the prince and now king, he knew that he could not falter in his emotions at any cost as it would cause his down fall. Even so, Julius could not take it any more which his heat continued to speed up ever faster as it became harder to tell if it was even beating at all. 

However the final straw came as Julius' heart completely stopped beating and his eyes began to lose their colour which should have meant that Julius was dead. However that could have not been the furthest from the truth. In that moment, Julius had never been so alive in his life.

As such, instead of only using all of the secret arts in his disposal, Julius put to use all of the special traits which he had consumed through the monster cores which he ate for his survival during his stay inside the dungeon for 3 years where he trained without a single break.

However even with all that damage done which had caused 60% of the country he was in to be erased off the face of the planet, he still didn't believe that it was enough, Julius wanted to do more. As such, Julius decided to completely lose himself as he once again regained his white hair but did not regain his white eyes but he had also received the layer of white clothing as well.

In this state, Julius was vastly stronger than his normal form and he prepares to do something which had never been seen. Even Julius himself didn't know it was possible, it was just in unconscious mind which was acting for him which allows him to use a move which he had never seen before.

<<Magical Art: Complete Erasure>>

Using a magical art which far surpassed secret arts of all types, Julius began to completely erased everything on the face of the planet that existed the regular half of the earth. 

During the few minutes that humanity on the regular side of the earth had left before they would be completely erased by Julius' magical art, many things took place in all countries. However one of the people who would be most devastated by this event was Jack Harvey which was a regular teenager on the side of the world where it was still day much to the contrast where Julius stood where it was night.


"Well, it's finally the day. I'm going to ask her out. I've waited two whole years to do this. I've finally built up the confidence to tell her how I feel. Soon, I'll be able to confess these feelings which had been tormenting all this time and soon, I'm sure you'll be mine Amelia," Jack said to himself as he prepared to tell his crush about how he felt. Jack was not special and was just a regular human in a world full of so many other regular humans. However in his head, what he was about to do was one of the most important things in his life even though he was one of many which were about to do the same thing all around the world.

"There she is. Amelia, the girl which my heart belongs to. Well it's time, here goes nothing," said Jack to himself as he began to approach the girl that was on his mind all day nearly every single day for the past two years of his life.

"Hey Amelia-" said Jack as he finally started to make his confession but before he could get another word out, she turned to him and gave him a smile which delayed his actions just a bit. However doing so was the worst mistake of his life as Julius' magical art began to erase Amelia in that moment and Jack had to watch this take place as a single tear left his eye before he was also erased from existence without ever getting a chance to make his confession.

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