Hero Cultivation

Chapter 247 - Bloom

After just a few minutes of activating his magical art, Julius was able to erase all of the regular civilization off the face of the planet. All that remained was a plain flat space of dirt all around the area which was erased, that being half of the literal world. Not a single human was allowed to survive. It didn't matter who or what they were, if they were of the regular side of the world, Julius had ended up erasing them off the face of the planet without even a care in the world as it was the only way he could get revenge for killing Rosie.

"No... it's not enough. Not yet," said Julius as he began to grit his teeth in anger all while breathing heavily like an aggravated wolf.

Although Julius had erased literally everything and everyone off the face of the planet which existed on the regular side of it, Julius still wanted more. He needed more!

However for once, Julius was lucky as missies began to rain on him from the sky which meant that there was still something left for him to destroy. 

With a face which expresses his hunger for battle, Julius leaped in the air as he leaped from missile to missile. As he touched each one of them, he ended up completely erasing it from existence before moving on to the next middle and doing the same. This all continued until Julius began to run out air and it was getting difficult for him to breathe. This was due to the fact that the missiles were being fired out of space and he wouldn't be able to breath there. However due to the less technologically developed state of the cultivation, Julius had no idea of this and as such decided that simply holding his breath would be enough. For Julius, this assumption was true as Julius could move in outer space as if he was in the air. The only problem being that he couldn't control the way his body move due to him being in space. Due to this, Julius decided to improvise so that he could find where the missiles were coming from.

<<Secret Art: Flame Burst>>

Using this secret art, Julius was able to propel himself forward as quickly as possible even though he was in outer space which went against everything that should have been possible. Nevertheless, after a few minutes of following where the missiles were coming from, Julius finally reached the source of them. That being an odd structure which simply floated in space.

"So this is where you've been attacking me from?" Julius thought to himself before grinning while being unconscious.

<<Secret Art: Thunder Clap>>

Using his secret art, Julius created two large lightning palms which dwarfed the structure in space which was launching all of the missiles. Using those hands, Julius clapped down on the structure in space as he completely annihilated it with a single attack. All that remained was a small piece of compressed metal. As for the people who were operating the structure in the space craft, they had been instantly killed off without even the least bit of hesitation as Julius didn't even consider their lives to be valuable in the least as in his eyes, they were all to blame for the attack on Rosie and as such did not deserve any mercy.

"Now, I've finally taken care of that. I can finally rest in peace," said Julius as he felt his white haired form and allowed himself to go duly unconscious as his body fell in a sleep like state where he wouldn't be able to think or do anything. As such, Julius began to fall down from space quickly as his body was pulled down by the gravitational force of the earth. Slowly but surely, his body began to accelerate towards the ground as he also caught on fire.

With no end to his falling in sight, it could have been assumed that Julius would finally die as he had escaped fealty far too many times already. For him to get lucky again was preposterous and unimaginable. As such, the logical conclusion to come to was that Julius would finally die. After all the enemies he had were finishing battling him, it seemed that they had all reached their collective goal, that being to kill Julius. After so many attempts which ended up failing, they had finally done it. They would be able to pass on in peace as Julius would finally meet his end. That would have been the case of Julius wasn't special. 

The truth of the matter what that even if Julius had a crazy amount of enemies which wished to destroy him and torment him as much as they possibly could, Julius had a group of people which would look out for him in his time of need. It didn't matter that they were not as strong as him or his enemies. All that mattered was that they were there for him in his time of need.


"Is everyone ready?" Ian asked as he looked at Rosie, Spike, Liam, Steph, Steven, Dae as well as Knight. All of the members of Julius' elite squadron were present to be at their king's rescue. After Ian had asked them this question, they all replied by giving a strong nod of agreement which let Ian know that they were ready to recuse Julius from dying due to him landing at just a speed.

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

<<Secret Art: Softest Bloom>>

All of the ones that were there used the same secret art which created 8 roses that looked to be the softest things in the face of the planet. All of the roses worked together to cover a large area at which Julius would be able to land in. 

The members of Julius' squadron would in fact be successful in achieving their task as Julius managed to land inside one of the oversized petals.. Even though he had burned a large portion of the area he had landed in, all that mattered was that Julius was safe.

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