Hero Cultivation

Chapter 25 - Slow

Back at the outskirts of kingdom which was ruled by the sole queen known as Mary, Julius was having an altercation with a group of boys which looked to be around the ages of 14-17. Seeing as they were clearly trying to rob Julius, he wouldn't back down from them.

"What are you looking at?" the tallest one of the group said as he punched Julius who had been starting at him with his glaring eyes.


"Hey, that didn't hurt at all, are you sure you managed to hit me?" Julius asked in confusion.


"Ow, ow, ow. It feels like I just hit a giant rock with my bare hand," said the boy who'd punched Julius before backing up to catch his breath.

"What did you you do to out boss?!" another kid exclaimed before trying to hit Julius himself. However, his himself experienced the same pain which the one he'd called his boss had just a mere moment ago.

"Are you guys okay? I mean, you were the ones who tried to punch me so you have no right in playing the victim," said Julius.

"Oh...." Julius said before getting a sinister idea as he had remembered something.

"So you think you can rob anyone around here and get away with it? Well, I'll teach you a valuable lesson," said Julius before deliberately making it look like he was going to punch their boss but instead hit the wall beside his target and caused a dark dent on it which made the hearts of the kids who'd tried to rob him sink in fear.

"Please let us off with our lives, we won't every bother you again sir," the kids said before trying to run off.

"WAIT!" Julius yelled out which sounded more angry than it was meant to have been.

"All of you, sit down here. I want to tell you something," said Julius which the other kids relentlessly returned to hear.

"Do you know what's on the other side of the wall?" Julius asked them.

"Rich people who have all the food they can ever need. I've even heard that they eat 3 meals a day. To add on, they don't just have a single thing, instead they have multiple things to choose from and eat," one of the kids replied.

"Wait, you don't eat 3 meals a day?" Julius asked, he'd heard what the old man had said but didn't actually think that it was as bad as he made it seem.

"3?! We'd be lucky if we got 1 a day. But seriously, you're not from around here. So, I guess you must be from the other side of the wall?" one of the kids asked.

"Well, not technically... I'm not from this kingdom. I just came on a visiting trip and somehow ended up here. But... in the kingdom back home, I guess I lived on the good side of the kingdom," Julius said with sadness in his eyes.

"Why do you look so sad? You should be happy that you were born into a good family... maybe in our next life, we'll all be reborn into a rich family which lives on the good side of the wall," the tallest one of the group said which also happened to be the boss.

Just as Julius began to make a real connection with the new group of people he'd met, they all heard the yelling of a woman as she cried out for help. Of course, hearing her distress, Julius along with the other kids quickly came out of the the narrow area which they were in to see what was happening.

"Oh no, it's them. We better stay away from them," said the boss of the group as he saw a fat man in a suit which was dragging a woman by her feet towards the gate which separated the two words.

"Just come on with me. I can give you the live you've always dreamed of. Just marry me and you'll be able to live a life of luxury," the fat man said as he continued to drag the woman which was struggling.

"No! I'm happy with the man I have! Just leave me alone," the woman pleaded.


A moment later, a man came charging in as he leaped in the air in an attempt to kick the fat man's hands however, before he could reach him, the fat man's two body guards came from behind and apprehended the man.

"Let go of her! She's my woman!" the man who had apprehended yelled out.

"Oh really? She's way out of your league. Actually... this should teach you a lesson," said the fat man before pulling out a gun from him pocket and shooting the apprehended man in the leg which caused him to cry from the agony of the bullet but also from being helpless.

Seeing a man get shot in the leg for doing absolutely nothing wrong then seeing no one help him made Julius sick to the stomach. Filled with rage, he began to approach the fat man which had an arrogant look on his face.

"What do you want kid? Are you trying to get shot too?" the man said before pointing the bullet at Julius. Even though Julius wanted to break all of the fat man teeth, he knew that it wasn't the best decision he had. So instead, Julius pulled out the pouch of gold coins he had in his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Take this and never come back here again," said Julius as he stared at the fat man with his death filled eyes. However, instead of complying, the fat man began to laugh hysterically.

"That's child's money to me. I'd give 100 times that for this woman. Not that I would actually pay for her life. She's not worth anything. None of these people's lives are, including yours," the fat man said as he finally fired a bullet at Julius.

Hearing the shot be fired brought disgust even to the bodyguards which didn't believe that the fat man would go to the length of shooting a child.


"Too slow," said Julius with the bullet that had been fired in his finger tips.

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