Hero Cultivation

Chapter 26 - Sky

"HOW DID HE CATCH THAT?" the fat man yelled out in anger. The two body guards around the fat man quickly jumped in-front of him with a face or worry.

"Sir, please leave the woman and retreat. This is no longer a safe place for you. I believe that this child has already begun the study of cultivation," said one of the two body guards.

"Cultivation you say?... well no matter, you two should be able to take care of him, right?" the fat man asked with an arrogant but demanding tone.

"Of course sir, we will not disapoint you," said the two body guards at the same time before charging towards Julius.

However, even with him being against two grown adults, Julius stood his ground as he got into a fighting pose as he awaited for the body guards to make the first move.


While Julius was in his altercation, Jun and Mary had finally made it back to the kingdom from their short journey to the dungeon. Once they had actually made it back to the castle's balcony, Jun helped Mary get up from his jade dragon so that she could see a doctor. She had been completely covered in blood after her battle with the demons in the dungeon and she needed immediate assistance.

"Someone, get a doctor," said Jun as he helped Mary get off the back of his dragon. The guards seeing their queen in a bloodied state all gasped in fear for what had happened to her.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hendrick asked with worry in his eyes.

"I said get a doctor! I'll explain after she's been taken care of," Jun replied at which hearing his words caused one of the other guards to rush to get a doctor and a team of nurses to help him to they could bring her to a room which Mary could be treated at.


After some time, the doctor along with his nurses came rushing in as they quickly took Mary out of Jun's hands and began to quickly take her to a room at which she could recover at. Of course Jun followed them to make sure that she was getting the treatment she needed.

"How did this happen to the queen?" the doctor asked while treating her wounds.

"It's top secret information. I can't be giving it out to you," Jun replied.

"Well, whatever it is, the queen shouldn't be involved in it anymore. Her life is at risk right now. If this were to happen again and I wasn't there to treat her injuries, its every likely that she would die," the doctor said as he began to wrap the queen up with bandages around her legs, arms, chest and the part which sustained the most damage being her head.

"I wish it was that simple.." said Jun before he stopped himself.

"Where's Julius?" Jun asked one of the nurses in the room. Just then the butler who was in charge of Julius came into the room to inform Jun of the news.

"Apologies for the intrusion but prince Julius has gone off on his own to explore the kingdom," the butler who's real name was Steve, said to Jun.

"On his own?! He's a member of a royal family, does he not know the dangers which will befall him if people knew who he really was?" Mary said as she got up from the bed she was forced to lay on. Seeing her move so much brought instant worry to the doctor which forced her to lay back down on the bed.

"I tried to stop him but he threatened to use his political influence on me. Nevertheless I've sent the secret force to follow him, however..." Steve began to speak.

"However, what?" Mary asked she now laid on the bed.

"It seems that he's made it to the dark district. In addiction to that, it looks like he's gotten into a conflict with Mr. William. Since we've been trying to secretly destroy him for the past months to no avail, the secret force is currently waiting for Mr. William himself to cause damage to the prince so that may be used against him," said Steve.

"Have you gone mad? You realize who's child he is right? He's Henry's boy! If he were to find out about this, we could very easily be at war with him if just having you executed wouldn't be enough for him," Mary said as she got up from the bed completely.

"My queen, this was not part of my plan but the secret force's, I am just a messenger," said Steve as he bowed down to the angry queen.

"I can't have a war start because of this. Jun, take me to the dark district using your jade dragon. I'll need to settle this on my own," said Mary as she almost fell to the ground from exhaustion but was quickly caught by Jun who helped her walk back to the castle's balcony at which the jade dragon was still waiting for them. Once on top of Jun's pet, Jun directed the dragon to quickly take them to the dark district which was the name of the place at which Julius was at.


Julius himself was continuously receiving punches from the body guards which were protecting the fat man but due to his increased stats over the past few days, Julius himself was able to land a few hits even if they weren't very effective.

"Have you had enough kid? You're not on out league. I don't know where you learned to cultivate but it doesn't matter. You've got a long ways to go before you could defeat someone like us. You should've just kept quiet," said one of the body guards said he landed a clean hit on Julius which caused the prince to fall backwards and lay on the ground from exhaustion.

Seeing as he was out of fighting spirit, the body guards began to laugh along with the fat man as he dragged the woman out of the dark district by force.

"Why am I so weak," said Julius as he began to cry.

<<Secret Art: Sky Splitter>>

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