Hero Cultivation

Chapter 255 - Friendship

"Are you okay?!" the girl who had been saved by Julius asked as he saw that Julius had passed out for a moment after he was hit by the trunk that was supposed to hit her instead.

"Ya ya, of course I'm okay. That's why I passed out," said Julius before getting back on his feet, however he still wasn't able to walk straight as he had suffered too much damage. Nevertheless, Julius turned around to face the enemy which he would have to defeat next. Although he didn't know for sure, Julius could tell it was the final boss of the dungeon.

"Hey lady, stay back from him for a second," said Julius as he began to slowly take deep breaths while trying to find a weak point on the monster that was before him.

Julius' enemy now was a giant gorilla of some kind that had a big branch in his mouth as if he was holding the gorilla equivalent of a cigarette. Even so, he looked more terrifying than ever as there was a large stack of logs which he planned on picking up and throwing at Julius as projectiles.

"I see," said Julius as he took a single step forward to which the gorilla threw the log at Julius without any hesitation before going back to grab another log I prepared.

"I thought so," said Julius to himself as he once again stepped forward to which the gorilla threw another log at Julius which caused him to move slightly to dodge the log that was thrown at him. The moment that he had dodged the projectile, Julius began to sprint as fast as he possibly could towards the gorilla which already had the log in his hand and seeing as Julius was getting closer to him, the gorilla threw the log at Julius.

"Dammit, I guess I'll have to risk it," said Julius as he leaped up on top of the log and began to run on it while it was mid air before leaping off of it once he had gotten to the edge of the log and landed right on top of the gorilla's head.

"DIE!" Julius yelled out before finally finishing the job as he plunged his sharp blade into the skull of the gorilla with as much force as he could which in turn did pierce the monster's head however it still wasn't enough. As such, Julius decided to literally use the hilt of the blade to hang off the gorilla's head. Of course the hilt was only big for one of his plans but it was a life of death situation which caused Julius to make reckless decisions which would pay off in the end as he began to swing using the hilt of his blade which caused the blade to move further down the gorilla's face until it had done enough y damage where the gorilla no longer moved.

As such, Julius leaped off the gorilla while making sure to take his blade with him and lastly, Julius got on the ground and prepared for once final attack where used a magic spell to coat his blade in flames and leaped off the air before finally making a clean cut right off the gorilla's neck and making a clean cut fence decapitating the monster. A few seconds later, the gorilla's corpse disappeared and Julius as well as the female that was there with him heard a sound.

"Dungeon has been cleared. Congratulations."

+5000 exp



By this point, Julius' watch which was given to him to reflect the level he was at stated that he was on level 7 which brought a grin to his face however he knew more than anyone that it was just the start of his struggles.

Seeing as how he had levelled up so much, the system decided to reward Julius.

After the screen that congratulated Julius disappeared, a book of sorts dropped on the ground alongside another blade.

"What's this? What am I supposed to do with a book?!" Julius complained before picking it up and placing it inside his ring which he still had on him was given to him after he had spent 3 years inside a dungeon and he kept all his things in. As for the blade, Julius seemed to have been interested in it and as such placed the blade that he had gotten previously inside his ring, however he kept the new blade he had received. Since the dungeon had been cleared, the tree began to disintegrate as it turned to nothing more than ash and a pile of gold dropped on the ground. 

"Well I might as well take my reward," said Julius as he picked up half the gold and placed it in his ring before leaving.

"Aren't you going to take the other half of the gold?" the girl which was still there asked to which Julius turned around before giving her a confused look.

"I already took half of my gold. The rest is yours. It's not really that complicated," said Julius as if he was mocking the girl for not being able to do simple maths.

"No, I get that but you basically cleared the dungeon on your own. Don't you think that you should get more gold than this," said the girl to which Julius just looked tired.

"No, you handed me that blade and without it I couldn't have cleared the dungeon so it was a team effort. Don't overthink it," said Julius before continuing to walk off in the distance and he did this for a while. Not being he wanted to find the next dungeon but to see when the girl would stop following him.

"Do you need something from me?" Julius asked in a rather tired voice.

"No," said the girl as she gave him a simple reply.

"So do you mind telling me why you're following me?" Julius asked, to which the girl looked confused as if she had been doing something normal.

"Well it's simple. You're strong so I'm going to stick along with you. Maybe you animals in the human realm don't do this but here it's the most logical method of survival," said the girl.

"How much do you want to bet that you're lying and you're simply stalking me," said Julius to which the girl looked offended.

"Me?! A stalker?! How dare you accuse me of something so despicable?!" the girl asked to which seeing as she wasn't stalking him, Julius decided to see for himself as he cast a magical spell without speaking which was more specifically done by Duke Drake and turned Julius invisible.




Right as the girl thought that Julius had teleported away, she began to cry and fell on her knees before rolling around in the grass as she began to complain as if that was going to change something. For the first time though, it did kind of work out in her favour as Julius made himself visible again.

"You see, you are a stalker," said Julius to which the girl looked annoyed but still had tears in her eyes.

"I just want to be protected. Is that too much to ask for?!" the girl demanded to which Julius responded by simply laughing at her.

"I mean what's your problem huh? I'm good looking you know. Every man to have ever stared at me has fallen deeply in love with me. So why won't you even give me a good look for even a second. You seem to be distracted All the time! Your attention should be on me instead," said the woman to which Julius just continued to laugh before stopping.

"Wait, you said every man right?" Julius asked which made the girl concerned but she still answered it was to boost her ego.

"Yes. Every man that has ever looked at me has fallen in love with me," said the woman which made a sinister grin appear on Julius' face.

"Okay let's make a deal. You can come with me but under the condition that you'll always stay by my side. If you try to leave to join someone else, I'll kill you," said Julius with a clear expression which made her understand that he wasn't joking yet she wanted to lighten up the mood so she decided to make a joke.

"If you want me to stay that badly, just say so," said the woman in a rather arrogant tone.

"Anyway Julius, you didn't let me introduce myself earlier. My name is Lyla," said the woman to which Julius simply shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Lyla. I hope we can work together," said Julius with a smile.

"So where do you want to go now?" Lyla asked, to which Julius just looked confused.

"Isn't this your home? I don't know where to go. I was hoping that you could show me around," said Julius to which Lyla nodded in agreement.

"I think I know a place which might be helpful to us," said Lyla before the two began to walk towards their next destination.

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