Hero Cultivation

Chapter 256 - New Town

"Welcome to my home town. It's called Hera village," said Lyla, to which gave a simple nod before turning to speak to Lyla.

"So what are we doing here?" Julius asked as he was looking for places to train, not a place to look around for fun.

"What do you mean?" Lyla asked to which Julius looked rather annoyed that he had to explain something so simple to her.

"Well you see, I was looking for a place to train. Not a place to relax and have fun at," said Julius to which Lyla looked offended.

"That's the reason I brought you to this village. Don't get so arrogant," said Lyla before walking forward to which Julius followed behind her as he had nowhere else to go.

The two walked for a couple minutes before arriving at a small shop that looked interesting as it looked to be more of a shack than anything else.

"What is this place?" Julius asked with a curious voice.

"Come see for yourself," said Lyla as she walked in with Julius following behind her.

"Wow," said Julius as he saw the numerous amounts of potions inside the store. All of them being different colours and shapes which allows Julius to be mesmerised by them for a while.

"You see, I was trying to be helpful. Next time have a little faith in me," said Lyla to which Julius felt bad as she was right.

"My apologies, I'll start to trust you more," said Julius before picking out a handful of potions and heading towards the counter to pay for all of them.

"Hey runt, move over. Your kind doesn't belong here," said a woman behind Julius as she looked like she was about to pay for her potions as well. She was a tall lady with short ginger hair.

"Huh? Oh it must be another one of those arrogant heaven people," Julius thought to himself before turning around.

"Sorry, I'm almost done," said Julius as nicely as he possibly could to which the woman with ginger hair grabbed him by the head before pushing him to the side.

"I don't care how much time you need, you're still a second class citizen. Don't make me kill you," said the woman before starting to place her items in front of the cashier.

"Hey, what the hell is your problem?!" Julius yelled at her to which she prepared to kick him like he was a dog. Unfortunately for her, if that attack had made contact with Julius, she would have had a head removed from her body. However the woman as lucky as Lyla stepped in.

"I'm sorry ma'am, he's with me. Please don't hurt him. I apologise for his actions. Please go ahead and place your items on the table," said Lyla.

"Lyla dear, why are you protecting such trash? I know you're a rather kind person but trash such as that animal does not need sympathy," said the woman which made Julius think.

"If the normal Lyla is considered kind, then the other people from here..." Julius began to think before stopping as he didn't even want to imagine what could have been worse than the attitude that Lyla had when he first met her.

"I understand but please have mercy on him. He saved my life," said Lyla to which the woman simply looked at Julius with disgust before paying for her things and leaving the store.

"That was close," said Lyla, to which Julius looked annoyed; however , he got up from the ground and paid for his own potions before leaving.

"Hey Julius, is something the matter? It wasn't like you to allow someone to walk over you like you're trash. Why didn't you simply ask me to kill her?" Duke Drake asked which Julius had a simple answer for.

"She seems like an important person to Lyla. Maybe a close friend or a mother figure to her. I believe that I even understood that I could have killed that woman in the blink of an eye. She didn't step in to protect me. She stepped in to protect the woman that was attacking me," Julius explained.

"Even so, I'm still confused as to why you haven't made use of me yet? You could have asked me to give you power boosts or even pour in a large majority of my power to make you able to reach level 100 quicker than everyone else," said Duke Drake.

"Well there's a simple answer for that. During my previous life, I wanted to train day in and day out. I was obsessed with gaining power and defeating anyone that stood in my way. However, now, I have found a new goal. I want to treasure the time I have in this world. I don't want to rush things. Nevertheless, I still also plan on becoming the ruler of heaven. That way I can return to the human realm and go back to Rosie," said Julius as he still had not forgotten about his main goal, that being to be with Rosie.

"I understand, if you need anything, please tell me and I'll assist you to the best of my abilities," said Duke Drake before becoming silent as he had no reason to speak to Julius anymore.

As Lyla and Julius continued to walk through the town, the two spotted something that looked to be people ganging up on someone.

"What's happening?" Julius wondered to which Lyla told Julius to stay back while she checked what was happening which was a smart choice as what she saw was a competitor from the human realm getting beat up by the villagers.

"Someone please help me," the man from the human realm begged as he continued to get kicked and punched to the point where he couldn't move.

"How dare you come to our realm and challenge us so you could rule over us?"



The man that was getting beat up heard all of those comments and didn't understand what he had done wrong to have been called all of those names.

"It's nothing, let's just go," said Lyla as she turned towards Julius and began to walk away fast as if she was avoiding something. Of course Julius stayed back as he was aware of what was going on.

"Hey, what's going on?" Julius asked as if he was a regular person from the village.

"Can you believe this? One of those trash human creatures decided to

step into our village. We're going to make him pay?" the one of the villagers before getting back to kicking the human.

"Oh really? Can I join in?" Julius asked which the people of the village welcomed him since he seemed to be on their side without taking a closer look at him.

"Thank you," said Julius before punching one of the people that was kicking the human right on the chin.

"Huh? Why are you defending humans? Wait, you don't have wings at the back of your head either! You're a human!" The people yelled in anger as they tried to attack Julius however he had raised his level quite a bit and as such was able to easily evade all of the attacks that came at him before attacking back and knocking the people out with a single punch.

"T-Thank you," said the man that had been rescued by Julius, however Julius just simply ran in the direction that Lyla was going and seeing him run at that speed made Lyla realise that he had probably started a fight in the village and was now running away after having beat up some people. As such, Lyla began to run faster so that she wouldn't get left behind by Julius.

"You seriously have some problems," said Lyla as the two had gotten pretty far from the village.

"You're calling me crazy when your people are the ones that attack others just because they're a different species. They're lucky I didn't kill them," said Julius which made Lyla think he was bluffing.

"Ya right. Like someone as young as you even knows how it feels to kill someone," said Lyla to which Julius just gave her a silent look.

"No way, have you actually killed someone from your own kind before?" Lyla asked, to which Julius just looked confused.

"Not just someone. I've killed way more than just a single person," Julius stated as if it was something normal.

"Now it makes sense as to why you're able to use a blade so well. It's because you're a mass murderer," said Lyla to which Julius just took as a compliment.

"Well I don't know what to tell you. I didn't do those things and they allowed me to gain experience which I can now use to help me with this contest or whatever," said Julius which actually made a lot of sense.

"Since you're acting like murder is such a horrible thing, I presume that you've never killed anyone?" Julius asked, to which Lyla shook her head quickly in disagreement.

"Of course I haven't killed anyone.. Why are you acting like it's such a normal thing?!" Lyla asked.

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