Hero Cultivation

Chapter 277 - Vast Changes

"What are you all laughing about? Did I miss a joke or something?" King asked out of sheer curiosity as he didn't understand what the guild had found so funny.

"You're joking right? I mean even if you're pretty humble, you must find the fact that you managed to knock someone out with the power of your sheer presence to be pretty funny as well right? I mean why else would we be laughing?" one of the guild members replied while continuing to laugh, however as the seconds passed, the laugher began to get even louder but King just stood there as if he was still confused. Due to this, ever so slowly, the laughter began to die out before everyone turned their attention to King with hope that he would explain to them why he wasn't laughing.




"Why do you look so serious now? Did you get too powerful to even take a joke now? So you've gotten arrogant huh?!" one of the guild members asked while wondering why King had decided to stay so silent which they realised once he had gotten a chance to reply. However his reply wasn't in the form of words but instead with a single gesture. That being that King simply pointed at the scratch which Julius had given to him and instantly everyone in the room understood why King was so silent and their hearts began to sink in fear. 

"B-But," they tried to speak but could not as they were completely helpless as the child who had seemed so weak when he had first come into their door and requested to join them was now even more powerful than those who they deemed as those who no one except the chosen ones could compete with. Those being the members in the S tier. 

The regular guild members were so shocked as even the strongest S rank members of the guild couldn't even get a single scratch to appear on king which was why he had originally gotten that nickname. It was because no matter how hard anyone tried, the throne of King was just too far away for them to reach just like he was in battle. This was rather surprising as Julius had not only managed to land a hit on King but also somehow managed to make a scratch appear on his body. 

At first not a single person believed him and some even began to laugh in desperation as they had prayed that King would start laughing too and tell them what he said was a joke however their prayers would not be answered as King simply stood there motionless.

This of course left the entire guild hall to be dead silent as not a single person wanted to believe that they had just heard not even moments ago. Moreover, they all wanted to forget what the King had said and move on with their day like nothing had happened hoefer one person would not agree to that as he got up in anger.

"You expect me to believe that? You want me to seriously believe that the child who's unconscious right now like a mere baby was able to land a scratch on you? You know what, I want a challenge with you. If that small baby can do it, so can I!" the drunk and arrogant man said with a stinky breath as he tried to fight King himself which everyone throughout was insane as even the sheer presence that King had would be enough to cause the city to get crushed.

"You know what? I believe that you have some already made up fantasy idea about how you're stronger than Julius. Let's see if that's true. How about you attack his unconscious body? It'll be an easy shot for you, right? If you manage to stay standing after you hit him, I'll derank myself to SS class and will promote you to SSS class myself," King explained, which went on to show just how confident he was in Julius' abilities in battle even when he was completely unconscious.

Hearing this of course caused a huge uproar as everyone believed that they would be able to easily win against Julius in a set up like that and even though they were so foolish to think that, King promised them all a chance as he was fully aware that after what would take place in a few moments, they would all change their and have some new found respect for Julius even though he was much younger than them and spent less time than nearly all of them. Even so, he was still much more powerful than them which was the part which they could not grasp.

Seeing the looks on their faces, King understood what was going through their heads and thought to give them some final words of advice before they would be humiliated by the only person in many years to be able to give King a scratch.

"Maybe if you all trained in your free time instead of getting drunk and having meaningless conversations all day, you would manage to be just as powerful if not more powerful than Julius," said King before the drunk man rushed right towards the unconscious Julius and tried to land a devastating punch on him.




Something strange had occurred. Everyone had made sure that they had kept their eyes peeled. Not even a single person dared to blink at any moment, yet they didn't see what had happened. All they saw was that the arrogant drunk man was now fast asleep.

As for Julius, he was awoken from his state of slumber.

"Woah there, you seem rather tired. Well it's your lucky day since I have just the perfect present for you," said Julius as he used his ring which carried a lot of his things and pulled out a blanket and a pillow before putting the drunk man to literal sleep.




"Did he just metaphorically and literally put that man to sleep?'' The guild members as Julius had just performed the most disrespectful fight sequence of all time.

"Wow, great it looks like he's awake. Anyway, is anyone looking to challenge him?" King said with a smirk as he had been waiting for this moment.

Just as King had said those words, everyone in the guild seemed to have been getting busy with their activities as they didn't want to get knocked out without even knowing what had happened to them. Seeing this, King had a smile on his face as he realised that they had started to respect Julius even though there was a clear age as well as experience gap between them and him but even so, they acknowledged him for once. They no longer doubted his abilities even though it didn't make sense to them. It was as if their world had come crashing down. After all, in just a matter of months which to them had felt like just a couple days, Julius had managed to multiply his power several hundreds if not thousands of times while they had been stuck in the same position for as long as they could remember. Even so, King had seen that as a chance for him to teach the guild a useful lesson which he did in fact accomplish. Even though he didn't realise it at the time, he had just allowed the people of the guild to grow several times what they would have amounted to if they weren't able to experience what had just taken place.

Even though they hated to admit it, Julius, who was just a mere child, was stronger than them. The members of the guild which was known throughout all of heaven to be one of the strongest guilds in the realm had been shamefully defeated in spirit by nothing but a simple teenager.




After everyone had settled down, the guild leader took Julius to the upstairs of the guild building before allowing him to go to sleep as he knew that he was still exhausted from his fight with King and was even forced to inflict more pain on himself by straining his body in his what couldn't even be classified as a fight between him and that drunk man from the guild. It was rather funny how Julius had caused more damage to himself than his opponent managed to do.

Nevertheless, after allowing Julius to go to bed so that he would be able to rest as much as he needed or even wanted, the guild leader went back downstairs to speak to the King as they hadn't gotten a chance to interact for quite some time. However the guild leader was greeted by something unexpected which he couldn't have imagined even in his wildest dreams.

It was everyone from the guild, excluding the King as they had all lined up in the hall while bowing to the guild leader as a sign of respect to him.

"We want to grow so that we won't be an embarrassment to this guild ever again.. Please teach us master," said all of them simultaneously with a rather loud tone but Julius didn't mind as he was already fast asleep.

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