Hero Cultivation

Chapter 278 - New Path

Seeing this has caused the guild leader to freeze in the same spot that he was standing in for at least 5 minutes which was rather confusing as the guild members thought that it meant that he wasn't willing to teach them just as he had done to Julius however they were mistaken as he was more than happy to teach them everything that he had passed on to Julius and even more if they were willing to learn and could actually commit to a schedule such as that. 

"You know you can just tell us if you don't want to teach us right? I mean we all understand that you saw some hidden potential in Julius which was why you decided to take him under your wing. We won't resent you," said one of the guild members which caused the guild leader to turn red with rage as he was rather offended that his own members would assume that their guild leader would be so harsh on them.

"OF COURSE NOT YOU IDIOT!'' The guild leader yelled at all of the members, who had assumed that he wasn't willing to take them under his wing, which was nearly everyone in the guild. After all it made sense as they all believed that there were some criteria which one would need to surpass their limits so that they could cause a scratch on the one who was said to be so powerful that he was invincible no matter who his opponent was. It was as if Julius had disproved a legend which in some way he had actually managed to do so. It would make more than sense for only a few people could be produced at a time however what the guild members didn't understand was that their thoughts were wrong and in fact, all of them could become as powerful as Julius and even someday grow to the same power that King had. All that mattered was how much effort they were willing to put into their training which was what Julius had been excelling at. Even though Duke Drake could no longer assist him in growing like he had done in the human realm, Julius had learned to grow for himself by training all day and night and only spending as minimal time as possible to sleep and even eat.

"Wait what? So you can train all of us? Even if we don't get as powerful as Julius, I believe that I speak for everyone here when I say that we are grateful for giving us your time guild leader," said one of the members with a rather humble tone.

"Perhaps you're all under the impression that just because Julius managed to attack and land a scratch on King that it's impossible for you to do the same just because you have some random belief where you got from yourself that anyone who manages to do even the slightest amount of damage to King is also one of a kind. It's as if you all forgot the day where Julius walked into this guild as the weakest person you've all even. He couldn't even hold a candle to anyone here. He had barely been able to defeat another recruit that we had here. So tell me, what's your excuse for not being more powerful than him?! What were you all doing while he was training?! All the years you've spent here to attain your class and now some random child walks in and in matter of months manages to become more powerful that all of you! So tell me! Why are you all so lazy?... Exactly, you're all quiet now because you know it was never about talent or luck, it was always about training and putting in the effort. Not a single member of the S class and higher is lucky or talented. They all worked for their strengths. In Fact, you all are the lucky ones as considering how little you turn every day, you're still a part of this guild, now tell me, who's the real talented?! You're letting your gifts rot away. Now, imagine if you all actually decided to make full use of them and managed to grow even more powerful than king? Each and every single one of you, imagine a world where you're in the SSS class. Now I want you to engrave that image into your heads until the day you die. That all is possible and all you have to do to attain that it train. But I must warn you all, the reason why Julius was able to get this far is because he slept for an average of 10 hours per week. Sometimes, he didn't even sleep for 2 weeks straight and waited until his body collapsed. If you're not ready for that type of training, you can forget about your dreams. But if you're still willing to train your body until the point is colossus from exhaustion and your mind goes blank, please follow me, I'll teach you everything I taught Julius and grow you to surpass even him," said the guild leader which everyone in the guild let out a united roar before they all left for the forest of what remained of the forest after Julius had destroyed it and turned it to nothingness during his battle with King.

While the members of the guild were rather caught off guard, they soon got over it and began to focus on the training. Of course nearly all of them had passed out by the 10 hour mark and the one that lasted the longest was a single man who was known to be in the highest place of A class which lasted for 22 hours before passing out himself which caused the guild leader himself how Julius managed to not pass out thousands of times considering how weak he was compared to the rest of the guild members when he had started out.

Speaking of Julius, after a few days of sleeping, he had awoken with quite a relaxed face. He didn't even yawn as he believed that he didn't need more sleep nor did he feel tired in any way shape or form. For some reason, it felt audilly quiet. It was as if there was a sixth sense in Julius' body which allowed him to sense the energy around him as he had realised that only he along with another man were in the guild building.

"Where did everyone go, King?" Julius asked with a calm expression as he began to walk down the stairs. He didn't even need to take a look downstairs to know that the King was there. Hearing those words, King began to clap for Julius.

"It seems even while you're resting you seem to grow. I have to say, you're rather impressive. It's as if you were gifted by every realm that exists," said King before getting up from his seat to walk up to Julius.

"So what do you plan on doing moving forward? It's not like you can go train with the guild leader. He's too busy to train you as well as every single guild member. I mean it looks like you've been abandoned," said King with a smirk which Julius didn't even faze at all.

"Wow, you're really resorting to cheap tricks already? Are you really that desperate for me to come along with you? I mean I understand that you wet curiosity but just be upfront about it instead of trying to trick me using words," said Julius to which King instantly jumped back with fear in his eyes.

"Wait did you seriously advance your sensory ability to the point where you can read the thoughts of others?" King asked as he was terrified that someone could grow their sensory ability to a point which even he had only been able to unlock partially.

"Not really, I'm just able to tell due to how you speak. I can understand the intentions of many using the way they talk. I can analyse the words and the tone they use and figure out what their intentions are. It's a trained ability but it seems it's come to use now since I can use it seemingly on instinct," said Julius as he yawned at King as a sign of disrespect.

"Wow, I didn't think there could be so many surprises to a single person. I have to say, I look forward to working with you," said King as he began to walk to the exit of the guild.

"What makes you so sure that I'll be joining you?" Julius asked while knowing that he intended to follow King as it was the only way that he could grow to be a powerful man in heaven and get ever so close to his goal of being the new emperor of heaven.

"Something that you can call instinct," said King with a smirk and seeing that, Julius followed behind him and even left Lyla behind for quite a long time even though he had promised to take her along with him.

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