Hero Cultivation

Chapter 279 - Reminders

Over the following few days, King with Julius tagging along at his side explored much of the best but cities and towns as they searched for... well they didn't exactly know what they were searching for. It was as if King was simply looking for something but didn't know what that thing was which rather confused Julius however he knew to be patient around the man who had managed to somehow become heaven's second strongest creature after the emperor of heaven however he was now currently the strongest creature there as the emperor of heaven had passed away and now there needed a replacement to be found which was what Julius was trying to become. 

"Not to be rude but what exactly are you looking for? We've been travelling for like 3 days and you still seem to be in search of something? Is this supposed to be an odd method of training which in the end will show me that I unlocked a new set of skills that I can use to defeat anyone or something?" Julius asked in a sarcastic tone to which King just looked confused.

"Training? I never said anything about that. I just told you to

follow me. That's all I promised you, well I technically didn't promise you anything since you don't gain anything from this exchange but nevertheless, that's all I stated. I have no idea where you got such an outlandish idea from," said Kinc as he replied to Julius which was simply left speechless. 

"If you're not going to train me, why the hell have I been following you all this time?!" Julius yelled out in pure anger as he leapt at King and tried to stack his with all his might as he wanted revenge for being forced to waste his precious time.

"Relax Julius, you're not on this level yet. You can't simply go around challenging people like me. Well to be honest, I would have to change that to a person like me because I'm the strongest in heaven," said King before laughing in arrogance.

"I don't give a damn who you are! You wasted my time and now you're going to pay for that with your time you moron!" Julius yelled out as he tried to land continuous punches at King Power every single one was effortlessly blocked by King while yawning with boredom due to how slow he perceived the punches that were being thrown at him were.

"Why you?!" Julius yelled out before landing back on his feet and moving so fast that he had left King confused for a second as it didn't make sense why he was able to increase his speed so much in nothing but a mere instant. 

"Now die!" Julius yelled out before trying to punch King the back of the head to catch him off guard; however , King was able to see it coming from a mile away as his sensory abilities allowed him to sense someone's evil intentions when they were about to attack him.

"Well I must say I didn't expect you to be able to live at such speed but I did see that punch coming at me. Nevertheless, you did quite well since you were placed in an unfair position. Now Julius, are you going to make the sensible decision to back down or do I need to make you give up by force?" King asked to which Julius simply grit his teeth and began to walk away from the fight as he needed to find his own method of training.

"Where do you think you're going?" King asked to which Julius just looked annoyed while replying to him. 

"I'm going somewhere to train. I don't need you anymore," said Julius to which King began to laugh as if he was a wise old man that was trading Julius.

"But you see..." King had begun to speak before getting cut off by Julius with a rather exhausted tone.

"'I've been training you countless times'' Julius said as he finished that same cliche phrase for like a thousand times in his life even though he was nothing but a mere young adult.

"Wow, so you can in fact read minds!" King said in awe.

"listen King, I'm going to be honest with you. I really don't want my time to be wasted anymore. I don't want to spend 3 whole days of nothing until I finally decide to ask you where we are going, which could have been well spent training," said Julius, to which King seemed rather embarrassed for a moment and simply shook his head in agreement as if Julius was the teacher and he was the student.

"Anyway now, where are we going to train?" Julius asked which King to have awoken from his embarrassed state as he replied to the question which Julius had just asked him.

"I have the perfect place for you to train. This is where I spend the majority of my time training. It's quite helpful to help you understand how to treat your body and how you should treat your weapons," said King as he took Julius to a nearby waterfall area and he took Julius there and forced him to sit under the waterfall with his legs crossed like a monk while closing his eyes as if we was trying to hold back him tears as he didn't realise how painful the waterfall that was hitting his head band shoulders would be. Nevertheless he was left exhausted after just a couple minutes as he could feel entire life being taken away by the waterfall as it constantly slammed against his body while causing an indescribable amount of pain.

"Why did I seriously sign up for this? What do I even get from doing this other than an immense headache and back pain. I can feel my neck trying to snap off my body as it would be more peaceful for it if it were to do that. It literally feels like a rough blade on my skin," said Julius to himself as he complained about how much pain he was going through.

"You might even wonder what type of training this is. If you're wondering that, this is endurance training. You see, although your attack potency is pretty good, your endurance is rather lacking. I mean seriously, you're the perfect definition of a glass cannon. You managed to put up a good fight against me but as soon as you get hit, you're out for the count. It's rather odd, don't you think?" King asked to which Julius felt embarrassed for what he was thinking which King to have picked up on and tried to comfort Julius.

"It's alright you know. There's no reason for you to be in so much worry. You still have plenty of time to get stronger. After that, the exp should roll in quite smoothly. The only hard part you have to focus on is this training. You see, as long as you master the basics, you'll be quite a terrifying challenger," King explained to Julius, which Julius understood and began to close his eyes and began to focus on his training more than ever. He didn't care what he felt. It didn't matter how much pain his body felt. As long as he could feel his endurance increasing as the minutes went by, the more he was driven to push himself further beyond.

During this process, Julius felt as if his head was slowly getting pulled off by a vulture which seemed to have hated him for quite a long time.

"So how are you feeling so far?" King asked after Julius had been under the waterfall without making a single sound for over 7 days which was rather odd as King had gone off to get food and other supplies multiple times however Julius didn't even seem the least bit faxed as he was too focused on improving his endurance and changing himself for the better so that he could slowly but surely climb his way to the top and attain the rank of the strongest creature on heaven as well as become its new emperor.

Although it was a very painful training process, at some point, Julius had reached a place where he could no longer care what he was experiencing. He couldn't feel the pain that was hitting him not because he was stronger than it but because he had grown so accustomed to it that he couldn't even be bother to be conserved about it when was when he began to fall into deep thought about how his life had gone so far and what he needed to accomplish.

Although he managed to find some new friends in heaven, Julius still thought about the people I. The human realm such as Rosie who he had missed very dearly along with his other comrades such as Steven, Ian, Liam and many more of them.. He remembered all the good times that had passed on the realm and how badly he had wanted to return to it which gave him all the more motivation to focus on getting stronger.

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