Hero Cultivation

Chapter 283 - Abandonment

Once finally coming to the realisation that he had only been trying Julius for his own gain, King felt rather glad to have made that realisation. It was as if a huge load was lifted off his chest as he could finally accept himself for what he was instead of trying to pretend like he was a noble hero. That was probably what had allowed him to realise why he wasn't so good at being a teacher to Julius. That would also explain why he couldn't teach Julius properly himself and requested assistance from Seven. That would also explain the sensation in his heart which told him to be on the ready for a wonderful fight whenever he was around Julius. It was as if his body could sense the feeling that a battle was about to begin every time he was close to Julius.

"Hey Julius, be honest with me, why is it that you want to train so much? I know you're here for the new emperor's contest but why do you want that title? I mean you do realise that there's another path you can take right and still achieve all of the things that you want right?" King said to Julius which seemed to have peaked Julius' interest and as such he began to listen to what King had to say.

"Well to be perfectly honest, I wanted you to go on and get the title of the emperor of heaven before I told you this but I might as well tell you now since it seems there's a promising bunch for this contest and hope l fully at least one of them survives," said King to Julius before continuing to speak to Julius as he needed to inform him why he wouldn't recommend that anyone took part in the new heaven's emperor contest.

"Well first of all, you don't get any freedom. Once you attain that title, you become a slave to the people of heaven. They can do whatever they want to you as can demand whatever they want and you have to go through a labouring process where you have to figure out if their requests are valid or not which is much similiser when said but when there's countless numbers of them which you must have an intensive talk with one of the attendants of the ruler of high heaven, the work piles up quite quickly and it's your ruin to make sure everything is in all in all the lands of this realm," said King to which Julius was understandably beginning to rethink his choices and was starting to figure out what he should have done differently.

"I mean if it's purely bad as you say, why don't you just stop? Can't you quit?" Julius asked, to which King nearly laughed at how preposterous it was to make such a suggestion.

"Perhards you didn't hear what I had said previously but the ruler of high heaven keeps a close eye on everything and everyone here. He's what you would describe as being quite overprotective that it's suffocating and you struggle to breathe. He literally cannot live in peace if everything is not perfect in this realm," King described, which made being the emperor of heaven seem like a life in hell which it truly was.

"What if you try to run away or end your life? That way he can't do anything about you right?" Julius asked, to which the King almost laughed at him once more.

"I don't think you paid attention to this part when you learned about the upper realms. Anyway, if you don't remember, the emperor from the higher realm which has access to all the realms below itself is able to alter them as much as he wishes to. That's the only perk of being the ruler of heaven. If you wish to go into the human realm which would make sense for you to do so since you probably want to live with your loved ones once again. After all, you're still pretty young. It's actually quite surprising to me that you managed to qualify to get into this contest. There's not many who would have killed for your position all due to their hate towards the people of the human realm which was created through literature. When you think about it, it's quite the power in which you're able to write using your own fingers and use that to change the way in which people perceive things. It almost sounds like a super power. Nevertheless, most of the people here would have loved to be in the contest for that common goal of their however they didn't qualify as they were too obits insulting humans instead of training," King explained with a little laugh as he found what he said to be quite funny however Julius didn't seem to have understood the joke and as such made the moment quite awkward.




"Anyway, you probably wish to see your friends so you can go ahead with your training," said King as he stopped talking but Julius wished to know more about the other option. He wanted to know about the path where he wouldn't be forced to live out the rest of his life being watched like a dog. As such, Julius decided to ask about the thing that was in his mind. That being the other method to which he could attain strength then do whatever he wanted with that power.

"Wait hold on, you also made mention of another part which I can go on. I want to attain power but not be confined to some higher entity. I don't want to live my life as a slave for all of eternity until I die of natural causes," said Julius to which King began to smirk.

"Okay then, I'll be very upfront about it to you. This path doesn't really have any steps you can follow. It's quite straightforward in that you just have to make your own path for yourself. Train how you see best for your body," said King which was a rather disappointing answer as Arthur had wanted to get a more sophisticated answer however he didn't complain as he had wanted to attain more information about this never heard about path and as such simply pretended to care about what King had said and what he would say in the future.

"What do you mean I have to find my own path? What is it that I'm specifically looking for?" Julius asked as he was quite confused as to what he was supposed to be searching for.

"You're supposed to find new ways to train yourself. Find a way to train the parts of your body which are weaker than the rest. Find way to make it so that your body no longer had weaknesses. You see Julius, I've noticed quite a lot of flaws in you body in that it's not very well trained. Well not to normal people but to professionals, you'll be considered rather a failed product with no value. With that being said, I'll be taking my leave now since I have no more reasons to stay here. I've already informed you of what I must and now it's time for you to make a decision. Don't worry too much about it though, I know you'll do a marvellous job in picking what you wish to do in this world," said King before teleporting away with a snap of his fingers which looked to be a magic trick however it was real magic as King did in fact use a teleportation spell to himself him get out of the situation he was in due to him wanting to get off from having to train Julius and instead once again start to focus on himself.

"Wow, once again I'm stranded. I don't know where to go or how to train. I don't have any teachers or anyone to guide me in this world. I seriously hate how unfair life can be sometimes," said Julius to himself as he began to slowly try to find his way outside of the forests, however that would not be such an easy task as the forest he was in was filled with a countless amount of scary animals such as giant spiders and other creatures. However giant wasn't an exaggeration as these spiders were at least 3 times the size of Julius himself which goes on to explain just how terrifying they were. As such, one by one, Julius began to start fighting them all. He didn't give in for even a second as he was tired of being left forgotten and as such wanted to get revenge for King abandoning him and as such simply decided by causing as most destruction ss possible, he would be getting revenge on King as he was expecting that to affect King's life however it didn't in any way shape or form which rather angered Julius who made a final remark promising that he would get revenge for being abandoned.

"I will search everywhere for you and I will find you once a day and let out every single last drop of anger in my body," said Julius with a terrifying expression in his eyes.

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