Hero Cultivation

Chapter 284 - Return Of The King

Seeing as he was abandoned now, Julius began to go on a search for a new path to life in heaven. He had lost everything once he had gone into the guild in that they took Lyla and moreover, he was now left with no one to train him.

"I seriously hate this feeling. It just feels empty, I want to get stronger but I don't know how to and that confusion causes me to get lazy. I need to start learning more about myself," said Julius as he began to wander the place he was in. He walked for hours but to him it had felt like it was nothing more than a couple minutes as he had been absorbed in thought as he tried to figure out a way for himself to get stronger. He needed to attain power to be able to rival the King as well as the Seven. Even if Seven's power was attained through artefacts which allowed him to increase aspects of himself, he still was that powerful and as such it didn't matter to Julius if the powers of his opponent were natural or faked, all that mattered was that in a life or death situation, he would either die or live and the only path he wanted to take was one where he would end up alive which could only happen if he was strong enough to defeat opponents such as Seven and King. For all he knew, there could be many more like them. All capable of cutting through him as if he didn't exist. One of the more notable ones being the S class member of the guild he had temporarily joined which in truth, he didn't seem to be as weak as an S class member. He was closer to SS or even SSS in Julius' eyes.

"I want to reach that level of power. I wish to be strong enough to destroy everything in my path. I want to defeat any and all people that stand in my way. I don't want to be defeated like I was when it came to Seven. I want to rule again as king. Perhaps I was quite too arrogant in the past realm due to the position I was able to attain since birth. I was given everything in my life without having to work for it. I was able to get a great teacher like Jun to teach me everything I needed. I got access to everything due to being the prince of the wealthiest and most powerful kingdom in the world. I never understood what it meant to be born from the lowest point. It seems life isn't as fair as I had assumed it to be," said Julius as he came to a realisation that life wouldn't be easy just because he had wanted it to be that way. He would need to work without the assurance of Duke Drake as he was basically of no use in this realm and as for anyone else, they weren't obligated to listen to him as he was not royalty nor did he have the power to subjugate people under his rule.

After searching for quite a bit, Julius had come across something interesting. It wasn't another city but instead something that resembled a dungeon. Of course he wasn't sure as the dungeons in heaven weren't as out in the open as the dungeons back in the human realm. However after just a bit of a closer inspection, he realised that it was indeed a dungeon gate instead of a house out in the middle of an empty grassy field. The grassy field was dried up as if it hadn't gotten any water for quite a long time. 

The house itself resembles a small cottage which was why Julius had first assumed it was normal as if it was a complex building, he would instantly know that something about it was off however due to its simplistic nature, he needed to take some time to inspect the house before finally coming to the conclusion that it was in fact a dungeon gate. The main giveaway was that it had an odd aura around it. If it had been the Julius who had just arrived in heaven, he wouldn't have realised that it was a dungeon gate and would have simply walked away from it however this version of his had a greater level of awareness which he had attained through countless hours of training until he couldn't even more a single muscle. As such, he was able to deduce that the building that was in front of his was indeed a dungeon which was quite exciting for him as he looked forward to challenging a dungeon for the first time after he had spent a couple of months doing nothing but training and wanted to see the fruits of his labour.

Of course luck wouldn't be on his side as he would be encountered with something rather odd and rare.

Seeing as how curious he was to learn what the dungeon had to offer him, Julius walked right into it without even questioning a single thing which took through him simply opening the door of the house and taking the first step in which caused lightning sparks to go in all directions as the dungeon was accepting Julius and was allowing him access into it.

"Welcome challenger. Special event: Red River's Rage has been activated. Good luck" 

Those were the words Julius had heard and he instantly knew it would take place. He had this feeling before. The feeling where he knew that he would face hell itself for quite a long time. This was the feeling he had gotten when he had first entered the dungeon that Steven had been stuck in for 10 years in his life in the human realm and Julius himself, who was considered a prodigy, took 3 whole years to finally clear it.

"Well, I might as well have fun in this place," said Julius to himself while shaking in fear even though he didn't notice it as he was also oarycialky excited to go into battle once again.

The inside of the dungeon was rather odd in that it resembled a fallen kingdom in its size and structure; however , there were countless pounds filled with red water; however , it didn't look like blood or even if it was, it wasn't normal blood as it was silky smooth and looked refined. Something about it made it glow which had caught Julius' attention as he began to walk around in search of what could have destroyed the kingdom he was in and he wouldn't have to search that long as something out of nowhere leapt at him which has startled Julius and caused him to leap back before the monster could attack him.

At a closer inspection, the monster which was leapt at him was an odd type of zombie as it looked like a red orc but an undead version of that with quite the speed to him as he was able to move at a speed which would be troublesome for Julius not because he couldn't match it but because he could at most take on 2 or 3 of these types of zombies and knowing how zombies typically worked, there would be quite a whole lot more of them that would come after Julius.

"It's just the start of the dungeon and they're already sending out things this powerful? I guess I won't be able to show off like I had wanted to. I guess I might as well take this to learn more and grow stronger. Wait!" Julius said to himself as he had made another realisation.

"Why did I ever think that I was alone? When did I start to pity myself so much? It's not like I need to rely on others to help me in life while walking me through everything single stage. I did it in the human realm and I can do it here as well. I can make use of these dungeons and attain enough power to destroy anyone that dares to stand in my way. Moreover, I can also attai exp to go to my counter and help me reach level 100 first. I'm probably quite a lot behind most of the people but I'll be able to close the gap rather quickly since while they were busy rushing to get even the slug test but of exp, I was training until I had finally made it into a new class of power. Now that I've attained enough power to give me quite the boost, I can now start going through the dungeons and learn whatever I'm missing on the way.. After all, I've learned quite a lot during these past few months," said Julius to himself as he began to battle against the zombie he was up against after he had taken out his black blade which he had kept away from him so that he could train on his physical body however he was now ready to make use of that blade once more.

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