Hero Cultivation

Chapter 29 - Blade

<<Secret Art: Julius' Judgment>>

<<Silent Death>>

A white cylindrical line began to appear right at where Julius was standing before starting to expand. Even though she didn't know what it was, Mary knew that whatever that white light was, it was something bad. As such, she began to run away from it as fast as she could. However, even at her top speeds, she was barely out running it but it wouldn't be much longer until it reached her.

Seeing as Mary was about to die, Jun quickly came rushing in with his jade dragon before picking up Mary and taking her far away from the white light as fast as possible. Once the light cleared, it became visible that every animal within a 100 metre radius of Julius had died. The odd thing being that there was no blood or destruction, all there was were unconscious bodies.

As for Julius himself, he had passed out once again. Now that he was unconscious, Mary and Jun began to go in to pick him up and take him back to the kingdom. However, as they were going to pick him up, Mary wanted to ask a couple questions.

"What was that?! I felt like I was about to die if that thing touched me," said Mary as she continued to gasp for air.

"Because you would've died if that thing touched you. There's no limit on how destructive his secret arts are, specially this one. It kills everything that it touches, no matter how powerful or weak they are," Jun replied.

"No limit?! Why would you teach him a secret art in the first place let alone one where he can destroy everything he wants. And why him? You didn't teach any of your other students that move... it could be the one thing we need to defeat Henry," said Mary in anger at her teacher for keeping a move like that a secret from her.

"That's where you're wrong. I didn't teach him a single secret art. It hasn't even been a week since I started to train him and yet he has control over 2 secret arts. The only thing which makes him even the least bit balanced is that he passed out after using them," said Jun.

"2?! He already had 2 secret arts at this age even when he had to learn then on his own? That must mean that he's cultivating through meditation like you?" Mary asked as she calmed her self down as if he were to cultivate through mediation, he would be a glass canon for ever.

"No Mary... he's learning both cultivation methods..." Jun replied to her as he couldn't keep it hidden any longer.

"B-both? H-how?" Mary asked as he voice began to tremble.

"After some experimenting, we found a way for him to sleep while he cultivated through mediation and in the morning, he cultivates through battle.. " Jun slowly told her as he tried not to scare her to the point where she faints.

"Come on Jun. Even you must know what will become of this world if this boy is allowed to live. We must end his life now while he's vulnerable. His extensive in the future can lead to the destruction of the entire world," said Mary as she prepared to leap off the jade dragon and kill Julius before he woke up.

"Stop it Mary! I won't allow you to kill him. He had the potential to bring peace to the world," said Jun as she tried to steer his dragon away from Julius.

"It's too late. I'll finish what I started here and now," said Mary as she leaped off the jade dragon and began to sprint towards Julius at top speeds.

"Damn you Mary, why must you be so stubborn?! I hate to do this to you," said Jun as he once again turned his sights on Julius body as he directed his pet to fly downwards at speeds which he had never gone to. After only a few seconds, Jun had made it in time to stand in front of Mary.

"Move of the way Jun, I don't want to battle against you," said Mary as he started at her teacher.

"I already said it. I won't allow you to kill this boy," Jun replied as he stood his ground.

"Then so be it. We already know that I only need one hit on you and you'll be defeated. I guess it's fitting that I use what you taught me to defeat you," said Mary as she began to breathe heavily.

<<Secret Art: Basic Blade>>

A katana like sword began to appear out of nothing as it formed and slipped into Mary's hand.

"Ah yes, one of the first spells I teach to anyone who learns to cultivate through mediation. Too bad though, you're must too inexperienced with it," said Jun as he prepared to use a secret art of his own.

"I finally understand why you love that boy so much. You see a version of me in him. He was able to learn both methods of cultivation just like I was able to. You couldn't live with the fact that a gifted student such as myself had left you without an explanation which was why you grew to be harsh on your other students. And yet, you've become a caring person when it comes to this boy. I finally see it Jun, you don't want to lose Julius just like you lost me," said Mary as she smiled at him before charging towards her master in an attempt to kill him first then Julius.

"It really hurts you know. Seeing my two favourite students fight then having to watch as one of them tried to kill me. I never understood why you left Mary, you could've been the greatest one instead of Henry. So why... why do you continue to be selfish?" said Jun as his eyes began to fill with tears. Jun didn't feel anger or hatred. All he felt was sadness.

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

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