Hero Cultivation

Chapter 30 - Ruler Of The 10th

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

Before Mary could reach Jun, 1000 silver blades which were the length of 50 inches appeared all around her. It was over. Her only hope of victory would've been for her to attack before Jun used his more complex secret art, however, now that Jun had managed to set up his attack, it was over for Mary.

"Give it up now Mary, you know you can't take all these blades at the state you're in now," said Jun as he warned his previous favourite student.

"Like hell I will. I rather die than allow that boy to live in this world for another day," Mary replied as she prepared to swing her own blade so as to deflect the the blades which Jun had created.

"Then so be it. Goodbye Mary," said Jun as he allowed all 1000 of his blades to rain upon Mary.


"What happened?" Julius asked as he woke up with a gasp.

"I see you're finally awake," Jun replied with a gentle smile.

"Hello there master Jun. What happened to Mary?" Julius asked his teacher as he looked around and realized that he was back that Jun's house on the mountain top. Even though Jun wanted to inform his student about his unconscious secret art appliances and how powerful they are, he stopped himself as he knew that if Julius knew about them, he would stop his training all together and instead just focus on activating his powers at will the living contently with them instead of unlocking his full potential.

"Well, she defeated you in an instant and you were knocked out before you realized it. She told me to take you back to wherever we came from so I did as I was told. And as the terms agreed upon said, she's allowed to do with her kingdom as she wishes and you can't do anything about it," Jun lied to his student.

"Oh," said Julius as his face saddened and then he began to cry from feeling so pathetic. He couldn't even help the one group of people he wanted to assist so desperately. Because of his weakness, all the children he met, the old man he first talked to and the couple who had to face the fat man were going to continue to live in that hell because of him.

"Master Jun, I beg of you, please take me to see my father," said Julius as he bowed down to his teacher. Even though seeing his student in that state made sad, Jun knew that simple compassion wouldn't do for the situation. He needed to leave a permanent mark.

"You probably think that your father would be willing to start a war in your honour and that would be correct. However, don't believe that for even a second, he would be willing to help the people in the dark district. I mean he even hasn't helped the people in the dark district of his own kingdom," said Jun.

"There is a dark district in my kingdom as well?" Julius asked as he began to get even more heart broken.

"Of course there is. There is a dark district in every great kingdom. They need to keep creating a divide so their citizens believe that they're fortunate to live in the kingdom and in turn help the kingdom build wealth. In fact, if you were to call upon your father, there would be more people living in dark districts," Jun explained which just made Julius cry more.

"So how am I supposed to help all those people?" Julius asked as he looked down at the ground in shame.

"Well, right now you're nothing... but there's a way for you to help every single person in the dark districts," said Jun as he tried to start the fire in Julius' heart.

"How can I?! Please tell me, I want to help them," said Julius as he begged for any idea on how to help all those people who lived without knowing when their last day of life would be.

"You can start your own great kingdom..." said Jun.

"My... own great kingdom?" Julius asked in amazement as he was being pulled in by the words of his teacher.

"Yes, your very own great kingdom. Remember when I told about the downfall of the 10th kingdom? Well, the land at which it used to exist still lives on, however, the other great kings and queen won't allow you to take over it in peace. So as a solution, let us begin your training once again. We'll get you to be more powerful than all of them combined so that you can rescue all the people from the dark district and create the greatest kingdom which has ever lived," said Jun as he continued to explain the plan to him.

"I understand. Thank you master, I'll start training as soon as possible... how about we start now?" Julius said as he got up from the futon in which he was sleeping in just a moment ago.

"Sure... that's fine by me. Before we start though, I want to know how your progress with cultivation through mediation while sleeping is going," said Jun.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you, I managed to rank up when I went to sleep the day which you and Mary disappeared," said Julius.

"That's great! So tell me, what is the current point you're at," Jun requested to learn.

[Julius Henry]

[Rank: 2]

[SP: 560/2000]

Hearing Julius's progress, Jun's face lit up in joy at the progress Julius was making. The rate which his student was progressing was unheard of throughout all the lands. However, as for his progress when it came to his progress with cultivation through battle, it was less than impressive. Due to the events which occurred over the past few days, Julius was not able to make a lot of progress in the other method of cultivation.

However, that would soon change as his master had something spectacular planned for him not only for cultivation through battle but also for a few other events which he wanted to keep as a surprise for Julius.

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