Hero Cultivation

Chapter 31 - Exchanges

"Like I was saying, can we start my training now?" Julius asked his master.

"You know what, sure. Let's get going now. You already slept through the night so there's no mediation cultivation that you need to worry about for now. So let's begin with your other forms of training," Jun said as he began to walk outside his house at which Julius's followed him from the back.


"Is that jade dragon going to always be here from now on?" Julius asked in confusion as he didn't know if Jun could put his pet away or if he would just have to accept it once he summoned it.

"I can put him away whenever I want but it would just be extra work for me to summon him every time I need to travel so for the time being, he'll be in the outside world. Do you not like him or something?" Jun asked with a perplexed face.

"No no, not at all. I don't mind him. He's a bit scary but cool. I just wanted to know if you could put him away on command or not," Julius replied.

"If that was your question then I've answered it, now get on, I'm going to take your training up a notch. Of course, the training will be harder than it needs to be but it'll benefit you in the end," said Jun as both of them got on his jade dragon and began to fly. Hearing Jun's words made Julius uneasy but on the other hand, he was excited to grow stronger to accomplish his dream of building his own kingdom in which people wouldn't have to live in a place called a dark district. For his dream to give everyone a good life, Julius would go to extreme lengths.


After flying for sometime, Jun's jade dragon began to decent on a grassy area which had a couple dozen small hills. All around the area were enormous green frogs with yellow circular spots on them and orange scaly lizards which were at least 5 meters long.

"Wow! They're so huge!" Julius said with amazement as the jade dragon landed on the ground.

"Well, I'm glad you like them, now go along and do your mission," Jun replied to Julius.

"Wait... are you saying that I have to go kill those monsters?!" Julius asked with a frightened face.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Jun replied to him with the scary face he had when he told Julius to run 20 laps around his backyard or to do 1000 pushup. Just seeing that face alone made Julius get off the dragon with a blank expression and began to walk towards the nearest frog.


"Can I at least have a weapon?" Julius asked in a tone which seemed like he was begging.

"No!" Jun replied to him with more anger which just made Julius more frightened as he walked towards the giant frog near him.


"Hey there buddy, do you mind if you just die for me," Julius asked as he smiled at the frog while praying for a miracle. Unfortunately for him, that wouldn't happen and instead the frog would stick its long tongue out and use it as a whip to send Julius flying a couple metres back.

Now angry at the frog, Julius came marching back and before he could get whipped again, he decided to throw a devastating punch which e expected to break the fabric of space and time and cause the entire multiverse to crumble... however that would not happen as the frog wouldn't feel any pain and instead just use its tongue to send Julius flying a couple metres back once again.

This struggle between Julius and that single frog went on for what seemed like hours before Julius realized that with every whip he received from the frog, the less metres he was getting thrown back. To add on, with every punch that he threw, the stronger he got and in turn the more pain the frog felt. Due to Julius hitting the exact spot continuously as he grew in strength caused that one point of the frog to be its weak spot.

With one final strong punch by the exhausted Julius who seemed like he was about to just pass out and sleep the rest of his life off, the frog exploded until there was nothing left of it. Seeing this, Julius got on his knees as he cried tears of joy. He had finally defeated the one enemy he'd sword to defeat.


"What are you so happy for? You still have all of those left," said Jun who had came up behind Julius when he didn't notice and pointed at what seemed like the hundreds of more frog which Julius would have to defeat.

Seeing what was left, Julius began to cry tears of sadness as he would have to experience that hell all over again... and yet, he was willing to do so. Julius quickly charged towards a frog which was already near him. Although he didn't kill it on the first try and he got knocked back, Julius came back for another round and after only 10 exchanges, Julius was able to kill the frog.

The next frog took only 8 exchanges then 5, then 3, then 1. Julius had finally done it. He was able to kill a giant frog with a single shot. He didn't have to even get in a single exchange as before the frog could whip Julius, it was already dead. After a while, Julius had killed all of the giant frogs in the area without even realizing it.

Once having accomplished the task he was given, Julius began to head towards where his master had been waiting for him so he could boast about how strong he was.

"Damn it, I wanted this activity to at least take the whole day if not until tomorrow but he already finished it in 5 hours.. I guess I'll have to give him the next job," said Jun as he anxiously awaited his student.

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