Hero Cultivation

Chapter 32 - Win

"Did you see me master Jun? I was killing a whole frog with a single punch. I feel like a superhero," said Julius as he finally made it in talking distance to his master who was still on his jade dragon as he watched.

"Yes yes, you did well. However, if you seek to create your own kingdom, it'll take a lot more work that single frog killing. You see, the frogs are the weaker ones of the species which live here, the real monsters are the orange lizards. They're at least 10 times if not 20 times stronger than the frogs," Jun tried to make Julius more enthusiastic about his next mission as if the missions were too boring, his student might give up on the life of cultivation.

"20 times?! I know that's supposed to be scary but imagine if I manage to gain enough strength to kill a lizard with a single hit?! That would mean that I would get 20 times stronger than I am now right?" Julius asked.


"You're horrible at math right?" Jun asked with a straight face with suggested the expression "you've got to be kidding me".


"There is no real way for you to determine how much you grow by the exact measurement however your reasoning for the statement you made is just plain out wrong. The gap between a frog and a lizard is a 20 times multiplier. For you to grow 20 times, you would have to start a the same strength as a frog which we know you're stronger than since you killed them with a single attack. However, let's say that for this scenario that your logic until this point was correct, for you be 20 times stronger than the current you, you would have to be the same strength as a lizard, not stronger than them," Jun explained.

"Huh?" Julius asked in confusion.

"Well... what you lack in academic knowledge, you make up for with pure talent. NOW START KILLING THOSE LIZARDS!" Jun yelled at him which forced Julius to focus once again as he headed out for his next task being that he would need to kill some lizards.

"Okay, if I manage to quickly swoop in and land a hit the keep repeating that process, I should be able to kill a lizard without getting hit even a single time," Julius told himself as he began to walk to a lizard which was near where he was.

After getting close enough, Julius pretended as if he didn't want anything to do with the lizard and began to walk away. Just as the lizard began to believe him and it turned its eyes away from him, Julius quickly turned around and went in for a devastating punch which should've been strong enough to break the planet in half in his own belief. Unfortunately for him, the large scales of the lizard were like an iron wall and his hand had just made contact with it. To add on, due to the jagged nature of it, Julius's fist ended up getting a couple cuts.

To make his situation even worse, the lizard turned around to see who the person was that tried to punch it. As it saw the figure of Julius, it stared into the prince's eyes with eyes of anger which Julius instantly recognized as danger. Without wasting a second, Julius began to run for his life. No matter what happened, he couldn't allow himself to get caught by the lizard as if that were to happen, he would be eaten.

As Julius continued to run, he began to cry as he rethought his life choices and how he ended up in the situation he was in now. All he could think of was regret and how he wished he could go back to the kingdom and relax. Then he remembered the people of the dark district. There were so many others who had to face hardships much greater than the one he was facing right now. Julius needed to be strong so that all those people wouldn't have to endure their hellish life anymore. This was no longer just about him but about a lot of other people as well. Their future depended on his success during his training.

"Damn you stupid lizard, I'm going to make you regret every wanting to mess with me," said Julius as he stopped running and turned around to face the lizard which was chasing him. However to his surprise there was no lizard behind him however he could see another lizard which looked exactly like the one he angered, running towards him from far away. Julius hadn't realized it at the time but his speed had drastically increased while he was attempting to run away for his life and in turn he was easily able to out run the lizard which was following him.

"Where did that lizard go? Well I guess I'll just take the one that's already following me," said Julius as he waited for the lizard which was running after him to reach him and after waiting for a few minutes, Julius was once again face to face with a lizard.

"I won't run away anymore, I can't do that. I don't have the luxury of asking other people to do my bidding anymore. I only have one choice… to WIN," said Julius as he stared the lizard dead in its eyes before quickly charging at it with a punch.

Even though it hurt Julius, he went in for another punch, then another one until he couldn't feel fists anymore, even so, Julius continued to bombard the lizard with a swarm of punches until it was finally ready to give up.

Without allowing the lizard to even get a single hit in by dodging all of its attacks due to his increased speed, Julius finally came in for a final punch which he put everything into it.

The fist made contact with the lizard.

Right as the first touched the lizard's body, it the monster began to grow in size until it began to get deformed and then eventually blew up.

"I win."

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