Hero Cultivation

Chapter 33 - Progress

Even though Julius by some miracle had managed to kill the lizard which was in front of him without so much as receiving a scratch aside from the monster's scales, there were other lizards left which looked to be just as strong as the one who Julius had faced. Even so, Julius was just getting started himself.

Without saying so much as a word to Jun, Julius walked up to the next nearest lizard and just stared at it. Getting bored of just looking at the human in front of it, the lizard raised one of its arms and prepared to hit Julius. However, before it could do that, Julius leaped from the ground and hit the monster's jaw, in turn killing it in one attack. While it wasn't a demonstration of strength, Julius managed to use his own intelligence to gain an upper hand on the battle.

Once he managed to kill the lizard, it disintegrated into nothing just like all the other monsters he had killed so far such as the frogs and the one lizard he had battled previously.

After killing the lizard with a single attack, Julius continued to stay silent as he walked up to another lizard and began to bombard it with constant punches which no matter how long they went on for, they didn't stop. Eventually, that lizard died as well without getting a chance to show off its attacks.

As Julius went on, it took less and less punches to kill the monsters in front of him. Until once again, Julius had made a breakthrough and managed to kill a lizard with a single punch. Even though it was an impressive feet to accomplish, Julius didn't care much for it. Without a single word exiting his mouth, Julius finally killed the last and final orange lizard.

As he began to walk back to Jun to inform him that he had finished the task he was assigned, Jun's face quickly turned to that of worry as he was yelling something but due to Julius being so far away from him, not a single word with Jun said got to Julius.

As Julius continued to walk towards his master who was still on top of his jade dragon, he noticed that it was getting darker for some reason. However it was only the part which he was standing at. Before he realized it, Julius had gotten sat on by something. Even with his new found strength, Julius struggled to get out but nevertheless, he was able to barely make it out of whatever had sat on him.

When he got out and looked at what was there, Julius realized that it was something familiar. It was a giant frog much like the ones which he had faced before he fought the lizards. The only thing which made it different from the others was that it was fully golden and it's circular spots were white.

Already having to experience having being sat on by the golden frog, Julius knew that it was different from the others and it would take whole lot out of him or defeat it.

However, Julius' bad luck wouldn't end there as behind the golden frog came out a golden lizard making for a double boss fight.

Seeing that both of the golden beasts were there, Jun quickly commanded his jade dragon to fly in as quickly as possible however once Julius heard the dragon moving, he turned around and gave a look to Jun which indicated "don't interpret, this is my battle".

"I've been meaning to test this out. I've know for quite a while that there was something odd that happens to me when I am on the brink of death. Right before I can die, I always end up passing out then when I wake up, I'm completely fine. At first I didn't question it but now I'm sure that there's something off about me," Julius said out loud as he closed his eyes. Hearing Julius' words surprised Jun as he couldn't let Julius know that he almost killed Mary. If he were to know that, he would lose motivation to train.

After a few moments, Julius opened both his eyes however only one of his eyes was glowing while the other one was still normal.

<<Secret Art: Sky Splitter>>

In Julius' hand appeared a white blade with a long engraved area in the middle of it at which it glowed the colour blue.


"He's already learned to control it?" Jun asked himself as both fear and excitement began to set in.


"I feel so warm," said Julius as he swung his sword horizontally. Even though the blade didn't make contact with the golden lizard nor the golden frog, a white burst of energy got out of the blade which took the shape of the area which Julius swung his blade and cut both the monsters cleanly in half.

Once he had managed to defeat the golden beasts, Julius fell to his knees from exhaustion as his white blade began to disappear along with the white light in his right eye.

Seeing that his student was on the brink of passing out, Jun finally rushed in as he picked Julius up and placed him on top of his jade dragon before flying off into the distance as he began to take Julius to the mountain top so he could relax.

"You did good today. I thought it would've taken you at least a week to defeat the lizards and frogs which were normal. I didn't even think that you would've survived if you battled the golden beasts but nevertheless here we are now??? Julius, you really are amazing," Jun congratulated his student which made Julius blush.

Seeing as his training for the day was done, Julius wanted to check how his stats were doing from all of that training.

"Hey master Jun, I'm going to check how my progress has been going so far since we did a lot of training today. Would you like me to tell you what they are as well?" Julius asked.

"Of course I want to know.. Why would I refuse such an offer?" Jun replied.

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