Hero Cultivation

Chapter 34 - Method

[Heath: 500]

[Intelligence: 120]

[Bravery: 250]

[Stamina: 400]

[Speed: 410]

[Defense: 490]

[Physical Strength: 530]

[Mental Fortitude: 10000]

[Skill: 10000]

Those are my status points for now. As for cultivation through battle…

[Julius Henry]

[Level: 3]

[EXP: 29/300]

"What?! You managed to level up twice?! You know how much of an accomplishment this is right? We've got to do something to celebrate! Do you have anything in mind Julius?" Jun asked his student so that he would be rewarded for progressing so well.

"I actually wanted to get something from you, well more of learn something from you but I have a question first. I've managed to level up only twice and yet my base status points have increased drastically. Why am I such of a low level compared to my base status?" Julius asked Jun.

"To be perfectly honest with you, even I'm not quite sure but I have a hypothesis as to why you are that way. You see Julius, you're not like everyone else, you've been blessed with extraordinary talents and skills so that your base status point incase drastically along with your rank in cultivation through mediation. Even I expected you to get more exp from the golden beasts but it seems like you and the glowing version of you are two separate entities so that would mean that instead of you getting the exp for killing the golden beats, the other entity got it. The only problem is that where did that entity come from?" Jun asked himself as his voice trailed off. Hearing Jun's words, Julius instantly knew where he got the second entity along with his mysterious powers. There was only one explanation for it, that being that it came from the pill which the old madman had given to Julius all those years ago.

"Well at least I learned a little bit more about what that glowing thing was even though it wasn't much, thank you," Julius said to Jun as he didn't want his master figuring out more about what Julius was hiding. As such he would need to come out with a distraction.

"…As for my reward, I want you to teach me something. When I had been defeated by Mary, I remember waking up for a split second to see you and her fighting for some reason. I already know that the battle started because of me but that doesn't matter. I want you to teach me how to do the thing where you summoned all those blades out of no where," Julius requested.


"You know, it would be nice if you were to stop reminding me of a younger version of Mary all the time. You see, she had also asked me to teach her how to use that secret art after she saw me use it to defeat a gang of kidnappers who were after her because her parents ruled over the great kingdom which she now controls. There were too many of them so I was forced to use it and she grew interested in it. Just like you just did, she requested that I teach her how to use it," said Jun.

"So did you teach her how to use it?" Julius asked.

"I started to teach her it which is where she learned the lesser version of it being the secret art known as 'basic blade'. However, before I could finish teaching her it, she disappeared without a trace. I went to look for her at her kingdom and there she was but she didn't want to speak to me at the time and I was forced to leave by the kingdom's guards," said Jun as he finished explaining the story between him and Mary.

"My apologies then, it was wrong of me to ask you to teach me such a technique, do you happen to have any other secret arts you could teach me?" Julius asked in a calm voice as to not upset Jun.

"Come on now. I didn't say that I wouldn't teach it to you. Of course I'll teach it to you, what kind of teacher deprives their student of information. The only rule is that you can never stop training as I hate nothing more than unfinished secret arts," said Jun as he turned around and smiled at Julius.

Once Jun and Julius got back to the mountain top, Jun quickly went inside his house and brought out a wooden box in which there were many scrolls inside.

"What is this?" Julius asked with a curious face.

"This is a box full of all the secret arts which I have possession over. Except a couple others which I shall never give out to anyone as they are forbidden," Jun explained.

"Forbidden….." said Julius with an evil grin on his face.

"Hey! Don't start getting any ideas, I'll never allow you to obtain such destructive scrolls. They could very well bring destruction to the entire world," Jun yelled at his student.

"Come on master, I already have the potential to destroy the world so if I were to have them, it would be in the safest hands in the world," Julius said as he tried to convince his teacher to somehow give him the forbidden scrolls. Hearing Julius' words, Jun just rolled his eyes and began to explain what the scrolls he actually brought do.

"Anyway, these scrolls are capable of allowing you to obtain a secret art through to methods. One being that you roll the scroll around your wrist and wait for it to activate. Once it does, it'll engrave the instructions into your brain. While it's quick, it'll hurt like hell and you'll be feeling the effects of it for at least a month which is why most people stick with the second methods," said Jun.

"The second method being that you continuously learn a chant which drains you of a lot of your stamina every time you do it but it's much less painful than the first method. To be perfectly honest, I was just going to lie to you so that you would only use the second method but I have a feeling about this," Jun finished explaining.

"So which method would you like to pick?" Jun asked which Julius relied to with a grin.

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