Hero Cultivation

Chapter 39 - Sire

Without saying so much as a single world, the warrior figure threw his giant spear directly at Julius who was merely but an insect to him. However before the spear could make contact with Julius and squash him like an insect, a giant hand caught the spear as if it was nothing but a toy.

It was the white figure who had saved Julius from the dragon tier scroll monster.

"It's you…" said Julius but he was ignored by the figure who looked to be just a white figure that didn't wear anything. Without speaking, it threw a first directly at the warrior figure which was only half of the white figure's size.

The warrior figure tried to raise its shield to block the fist but the shield was broken when he blocked the fist. The white figure dropped the spear which it had caught into the void and began to bombard the warrior with an endless borage of punches. While the warrior was able to bare block the first two punches, the other punches managed to make direct contact until its arms exploded from just being punched. Before it could even realize what had happened, the white figure went in for a final punch directly at the warriors face and managed to break its nose before the warrior was forced to fall into the empty void.

Julius just stood there as his mouth was opened wide in surprise as he watched the white figure absolutely demolish the warrior. However before Julius could ask any questions, he woke up back in the room where the 200 year old teenager and Jun were.

Unlike the previous time he was awake, Julius wasn't pushed back into the wall. In fact, he was able to walk and move normally. Seeing as Julius opened his eyes, Jun wanted to ask him if he was okay.

"What happened? You're not injured are you? Did anything bad happen to you?" Jun began to bombard Julius with questions just like the white figure bombarded the warrior with its punches. However before Julius could answer, something happened which answered all of Jun's questions for him.


"Where am I?" said the 200 year old teenager as he got up from the ground like nothing happened before staring blankly at Jun and Julius.

"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" the 200 year old said as he jumped back.

"I guess you really did manage to wake him up," said Jun as he laughed.

"I'm not joking! Answer my question before things get serious!" the 200 year old demanded as his face got serious as if he was going to use a secret art. Both Julius and Jun knew things would get bad if that were to happen as he was probably a max rank cultivator.

"Master Jun, move back!" Julius yelled out before closing his eyes then opening them once again to reveal that one of his eyes was glowing.

<<Secret Art: Sky Splitter>>

The long sword with a glowing blue engraving through the middle appeared in his hand.

However just as the 200 year old teenager saw the glowing eye of Julius, he quickly bowed down on the ground as he began to ask for forgiveness.

"My apologies, I didn't know it was you sire," said the 200 year old teenager which jus confused both Julius and Jun. However just after a moment of thought, Julius realized why the 200 year old had said those words.

"Do you know him Julius?" Jun asked him student.

"Ah… when I went into his head, we just had a conversation so I guess we kind of know each other," said Julius as he turned off the white glow and made his blade disappear as he helped the 200 get up from the ground. However Julius' words perplexed the 200 year old.

"That wasn't what happened, we battled and-" the 200 year old began to speak at which Julius turned around and gave him a glare which indicated death.

"Oh my apologizes, that must've been in my dream. I'm still not sure what happened," said the 200 year old as he tried to understand why Julius was lying to Jun.

"We should probably introduce ourselves, my name is Jun and this is my student, Julius," said Jun as he spoke to the 200 year old.

"Oh, nice to meet you, my name is subject 3," the 200 year old replied. However as he said those words he was confused as to why the old man called the much stronger young boy his student.

"Subject 3?…" Julius asked in belief that the 200 year old was joking.

"Well that not my real name, that's just the name I was given. Speaking of which, how is the war going?" Subject 3 asked.

"There's a war?!" Julius asked in surprise.

"Julius, don't forget that he's been in a coma for 200 years. He's speaking of the Great War," Jun informed his student.

"Ohh, that's right. I almost forgot about that," said Julius.

"Anyway, what's your real name," Julius asked Subject 3.

"If you must know sire, my name is Spike," Subject 3 replied.

"That's great. It's nice to meet you Spike… and stop calling me sire, just call me Julius," said Julius before changing into whisper at the end where he leaned in closer to him so that Jun doesn't hear him.

"Did you tell him a secret while you were both unconscious or something?" Jun asked Julius.

"Well that's pretty close but.. anyways, Spike, why did you first introduce yourself as 'subject 3'," Julius asked.

"Well, that's because I was born for a single mission. If the 10th great kingdom were to fall, I, along with 4 other subjects were to unite and take revenge upon the remaining 9 kingdoms 10 years later which was when we were scheduled to wake up. However, I see that something went wrong as you said it's been 200 years since the war," Spike explained.

"So now, what do you plan to do since you woke up so late?" Julius asked.

"It doesn't matter when I woke up, I only have one mission… and I'll accomplish it!"

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