Hero Cultivation

Chapter 40 - Heavens

"It doesn't matter when I woke up, I only have one mission… and I'll accomplish it!"

Hearing this words brought fear into both Jun and Julius as they knew that Spike alone would've been enough to cause havoc upon a kingdom or two however, if there 4 others with similar power to him, the 9 great kingdoms had a great chance of getting completely erased from history.

More than even Julius, Jun was more scared as if the 9 kingdoms were to continue their feud, it drastically increases the chance of them getting destroyed.

"Wait…" said Julius as he got a thought.

"Spike, I order you not to attack the remaining 9 kingdoms," hearing his words baffled Jun as there was no chance than a rank 20 cultivator would listen to what a mere child told him.

"Of course sire, I mean Julius," said Spike as he even corrected the name he used to address Julius. Seeing their exchange, Jun just stood there frozen in place as he didn't know if what he was seeing was just a dream.

"I know it must be hard for you to not go on with the order which was given to you. So instead, I have a proposition for you. I am not in the state where I can rule over this land yet so I will go off to train but for now… as your new king, Spike, I order you to use your power to bring life upon this land," Julius proudly stated at which Spike got on one knee as he looked at the ground while humbly accepting the role which he was assigned.

"Great, now let's go outside and test out what you can do for this place," said Julius as he opened the door of the house and walked out with Spike following him.


"What just happened?" said Jun, still frozen in place as that menacing being obeyed what Julius told him like a loyal dog.

Once outside, Julius saw a crowd of people who had gathered near Spike's house as they had realized that the calming presence in the village had disappeared.

"Who are they?" Spike asked as he didn't know why all those people looked at him with angry and demanding eyes.

"How dare you stop the calm flow of air?! You were the one given to us by the heavens so that we could continue to survive. You had no right to stop your duty!" The people began to tell Spike which just stood there confused since he didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Don't worry about this. I'll deal with them. They're just pushing on their own desires onto what they believe to be true. They think that you were sent down from heaven to given them a calming environment when in truth you were just cultivating or in your own words being a subject," Julius told Spike before turning his attention towards the people.

"Don't fret, yes he has awaken from his slumber so you won't be getting that calming breeze anymore but in exchange, he'll start to give this place life so that you can start to grow crops and develop," Julius said as he expected those words to change the people's attitude so that they would just calm down and wait for Spike to do what Julius had said he would do. Unfortunately for him, it wouldn't be that easy.

"You can't guarantee that!"

"We've lived this way for over a century, why are you changing things now?!"

"You gave you the right to intervene with that the heavens had given us?!"

The people continued to riot as they got louder and more angry. It got to a point where one of them grabbed a rushed pitchfork which they found from the pile out trash far from the village and threw it at Julius in hopes that it would strike him. Seeing this, Spike's expression changed to be much more serious as he stepped in before catching the pitchfork and dropping it on the ground. Once he had done that, Spike clasped his palms together.

<<Secret Art: Divine Blade>>

As he activated his secret art, a circle with a whole began to appear from the sky in which a giant blade which was much large that the village began to descend from it. Before the blade could fully come out of the hole, Spike stopped it before speaking to the people.

"Listen you people, I don't know who's been leading to believe that I belong to you and I was sent from heaven to serve you but that's all a lie. I only serve one person and that is him," said Spike as he moved back to show Julius.

"Now, you'll either do as you're told or you'll have to come face to face with that blade," said Spike which made all the people go completely silent. After seeing the display of power which Spike had, all of the people began to scatter to show that they were done complaining. Even Julius was a bit frightened by Spike even though he served him. Seeing as the people had finished complaining, Spike sent back the blade from where it came from and make the circle in the sky disappear.

"If you wish to rule over even a single person let alone a whole kingdom, you should learn to be more assertive just like when you told me to serve you. No one will serve someone who doesn't have the will to lead a whole army," Spike explained to Julius before smiling.

Jun, who had been watching everything from the window inside the house continued to be surprised but he eventually came out the house as he couldn't just be left off to the side.

"Thank you for that. Anyway, I wanted to test something out. Spike, can you try to make grass appear on this dry dirt?" Julius asked as if he was asking something impossible. However, spike just looked at him as if he had asked him to do something very simple such as drawing a line. Their perception of what was easy and what was hard to accomplish was worlds apart.

"Of course I can. There's almost a secret art for everything you want to do.. Wait… have you even heard of the library of the limitless?" Spike asked Julius which hearing those words made Jun gasp with worry.

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