Hero Cultivation

Chapter 41 - Library Of The Limitless

"Library of the limitless..? Nope, never heard of it," Julius replied which made Spike turn to Jun with a "are you serious?" face.

"You said you were his teacher right?" Spike asked.

"Yes…" Jun replied as his voice trailed off.

"SO WHY HAVEN'T YOU TAUGHT HIM ABOUT IT?" Spike suddenly yelled out.

"Well you see… I kept it a secret so that he wouldn't have too much to worry about. With taking over a kingdom and cultivating with both methods along with already mastering a dragon tier scroll on his first try, I thought that he would get sick of all the things he was doing," Jun tried to come up with something.

"I don't know if you're lying or not but the real reason isn't that you're scared he would have too much on his plate, instead you subconsciously fear that he'll quickly surpass you due to him being born with so much talent. Given that he's training constantly and not letting those talents rot, he could very easily do what took you decades to accomplish in a few years if not months," Spike stated which struck a cord on Jun which caused him to get a bit frustrated.

"Wait Spike, how did you know that I trained constantly?" Julius asked.

"It's actually really simple, I can usually tell how much people have trained for with just their aura, I think it has something to do with me being cultivation rank 20 but for you… almost anyone can tell you've been training, I mean look at all the bruises on your body," said Spike as he laughed. Hearing Spike's words, Julius looked down at his body to see all the bruises he had gotten from doing the defence training with Jun were still there. It did make sense though as it had only happened a few days ago. However to Julius it seemed so long ago due to him partaking in so many activities.

"Spike… about what you said. I don't know if I actually subconsciously fear that Julius will quickly surpass me but that's not the reason which I kept the library of the limitless a secret from him. I only hid it so that once he grew bored of training, I could inform him about it so that he would continue to training. It's like giving a dog a treat and every time you give it one, or continues to run around until it runs out of energy," Jun explained to Spike which cleared things up.

"Did you just call me a dog?" Julius asked.

"That's not important, you should be worrying about more important matters," Jun replied.

"Oh right, Spike, can you try to make a whole tree appear from that patch of dry dirt?" Julius asked as he pointed to a part in the village with looked to be specially dry.

"Sure… how about I make you a better deal. Instead of just that part, how about I give the entire village life by allowing the soil to be about to create crops, creating large trees to give the people shade and things of that sorts?" Spike offered.

"Sure! By all means, if you can accomplish it, go ahead," Julius encouraged Spike while thinking that it was impossible.

<<Secret Art: Greenest Grass>>

Once activated, Spike laid his hand on the ground and from that exact spot, a patch of grass appeared which later spread out all across the village until it reached the village walls. Once the grass finished spreading, trees began to immediately grow out of the soil until within a matter of moments they turned into large trees which looked to have been growing for a decade. To add on, other bushes and trees which were able to grow fruits began to appear as well. All the people of the village just stood dumb founded at this magical sight was taking place right in front of their eyes. One the process had finished, Spike lifted his palm up from the ground only to find that all the people of the village had come back to him however this time, they were crying tears of joy.

"Thank you so much."

"You really are an angel sent by the heavens."

"How can we ever repay you?"

The villagers said as they cried out to Spike who had relatively long white hair and was wearing a toga.

"If you really want to repay me, I would like you to turn to your real leader, Julius," Spike stated which caused all of them to turn to Julius with the same questions.

"Look, all of you must know by now that this continent of looked down upon by the rest of the world. They see it as pure evil and would kill anyone who would try to resurrect it. However, that all stops now. I plan on bringing life to this kingdom and defending it from the 9 kingdoms. The only problem is that I am not ready to defend this kingdom on my own yet. So I'll be putting Spike in charge since he has the strength to defend you against nearly all enemies while I go off to gain strength. So what I ask of you is to support him and help him grow this continent to be a utopia," said Julius. Once he was done giving his speech, all the villagers along with spike began to applaud.

Seeing as he was done giving his speech, Julius grabbed Spike lightly by the wrist and began to drag him off somewhere so they could talk.

"Thank you so much for all you've done Spike. However, I doubt that the rebirth of the 10th continent will stay a secret for much longer. Although, that doesn't mean I plan on giving up, the reason which I dragged you off is so that you can tell me the locations of the other 4 subjects so that I can wake them up from their slumber.. I know that if the 9 rulers team up against you, they'll most likely win but against 4 others just like you, it would be a fight which they would like to avoid if possible," said Julius hoping that Spike could tell him where the other subjects were.

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