Hero Cultivation

Chapter 42 - Village

"So you're looking for the other subjects huh?" Jun asked as he came in between the conversation with an evil grin.

"Yes I am… do you know where they are?" Julius asked.

"Well today is your lucky day. There are exactly 5 villages in this entire continent. Do you know why there are only that many over such a large area? Well that because these 5 subjects are the only hope which the villagers have. Anyone who tries to live here without the help of those 5 subjects usually dies of either starvation or madness," Jun explained.

"So you know where they are? That's great! Let's get going now," said Julius as he began to walk away with Jun before turning around to face spike.

"Please continue to give life to this continent, I'll be back as soon as possible. Until then, please take care of these people," said Julius as he continued walk outside the village.

"I forgot how much help this place needs to develop. It's going to be tough for Spike to to but I'm sure he'll accomplish it," said Julius as Jun whistled which caused his jade dragon to come towards them so they can ride it towards the village which the other 4 subjects were sleeping.

"By the way, what happened between you and spike? At first he looked like he was going to murder all the 9 rulers but after you told him not to, he began to obey you like it was his duty since the day he was born," Jun asked.

"Well, just like you keep secrets from me, I'll keep secrets from you as well. I mean it's only fair. How could you not tell me about the library of the limitless. I still don't even know what it is," Julius complained which caused Jun to sigh before speaking.

"The library of the limitless is a place which is heavily guarded. Only high ranking personal are allowed to enter and you being a prince would allow you to go inside it. The only rule is that you can't take anything out from there but you can read anything from there," Jun explained.

"So it's just a normal library with strict rules?" Julius asked.

"It's much more than a library, it's an enormous structure which houses nearly every important book that was ever written. That's not the reason which I kept it a secret from you though. I hid it from you because of the scrolls which they have. They have hundreds of thousands of scrolls ranging from every tier. They even have multiple shadow monster tier scrolls. If you managed to get your hands on those things, it wouldn't matter who came up against you, you could defeat them. On the other hand, there might be a limit to how much scrolls you can consume and as such, you could unintentionally kill yourself. There's too many unknown variables which is why I kept it hidden from you. Once you finished your training, I was going to inform you about it and you could've done whatever you wanted with your life after that," said Jun which helped Julius understand the reasoning for what Jun had done.

"Well if you feel that strongly about it, I'll listen to your words. I won't go near that library until I've finished my training but once it's completed, I will venture to there and absorb as much of the scrolls as possible," Julius promised.

"Yes I understand. You wish to gain as much power as possible so that you can protect your own kingdom from the others," said Jun as his dragon finally made it to where they were standing. They both got on Jun's pet before continuing their conversation.

"Master Jun, I must ask. You said that outside the other kingdoms lays a whole other human civilization right? Could they be a threat to me in the future?" Julius asked as he wondered what would happen if he had to go against another human civilization which he knew nothing about.

"Well, we've been isolated from them for so long that I don't even know. The only thing which we do know about them is that they do not cultivate like us so their physical strength is always very low. However don't be fooled. What they can't do in cultivation, they can probably do with something else which they developed instead of cultivating. For all we know, they could wipe us all out with a single attack," Jun replied which made Julius shiver in fear.

"Thank you for the information," said Julius before going quiet. Now, he didn't only have to worry about the 9 kingdoms but the other 9 continents as well. Unlike the 9 kingdoms, the 9 continents powers were unknown. For all Julius knew they could either be easy to wipe of or dangerous enough for all 10 kingdoms if they united at their peak. This just made one thing clear, that being that not matter what happened, Julius would need to continue growing in strength but also manage to gather individuals which were strong as well so he could build an invincible army to take on the entire world by his side.

"We're here," said Jun as he made his jade dragon descend to the ground right beside the next village which Julius would need to go inside.

"So you didn't make me walk pointlessly for hours this time?" Julius asked as he remembered that Jun had made an early landing so he could make Julius walk to the village the first time.

"Oh, I guess you're right, I'll make sure to remember that step next time," said Jun which Julius looked at him with anger filled eyes and a fist. Seeing this made Jun laugh before he spoke.

"I'm only kidding. Don't worry, I wouldn't be that harsh on my favourite student," said Jun as he walked through the village as Julius followed behind him. As they stepped through the village doors, they felt the calming aura of another subject.. This time it was much more gentle that Spike's and Julius even thought that he could smell a hint of flowers in the air even though there weren't any there.

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