Hero Cultivation

Chapter 43 - Secluded World

"Master Jun, do you mind holding on to my wrist and dragging me inside the house where all this aura is coming in from? I fear that I am not strong enough to make my way inside without your assistance," Julius requested which caused Jun to grin.

"Oh my, the so talented prince who's making his own kingdom isn't strong enough to even walk on his own?" said Jun with a sarcastic gasp.

"Haha that's so funny, now just help me get inside," Julius demanded.

"Hold on there mister prince, are you ordering me around?" Jun said sarcastically as he continued to gasp.

"Master Jun, I have one question. In a fight between you and Spike, who do you think would win?" Julius asked with an evil grin of his own.

"Most definitely Spike, I don't know how you managed to get him on our side but I'm glad you did. I wouldn't dare face him," Jun said.

"Wait I was just joking, is Spike actually that strong?" Julius asked.

"Of course he is, I don't know if it's because you're only a rank 2 cultivator, but I could sense some seriously powerful aura around him. The reason which I feared him so much was because in a one on one fight, I don't think there's a single person on this planet that could defeat him. Of course if 2 or 3 rulers joined together and battled him, they might win but it would be extremely difficult. You'll learn when you gain more strength but for now just think of yourself having 2 rulers of the great kingdoms at your side," Jun explained as he finally agreed to help Julius get inside the house which the aura was coming from.

"So… if I manage to get all of the 5 subjects from 200 years ago on my side, I'll be able to take down the 9 rulers and still have power to spare?" Julius asked.

"Hmm, I guess so but remember, the 9 kingdoms aren't the only power which our secluded world has to offer and I'm not talking about the 9 continents either. I'll explain later, for now, just worry about waking up the next subject," said Jun as he opened the door of the house which the aura was coming from before closing behind Julius so that he doesn't get pushed out.

"Master Jun, I don't get it. Why are you helping me start a revolution against the 9 kingdoms, I thought you personally taught 2 of them. Wouldn't you hate it if they ended up dying?" Julius asked.

"Well, I don't really have an opinion on this matter. My job is to help you achieve your goal which is to create your own kingdom and to protect its people from the 9 other kingdoms which is what I'm doing. If another person which was more talented than you came to me and asked me to train them so they could defeat you, I will do so. In reality I don't really have favourites. My job is to help those who seek strength to gain it through cultivation," Jun explained which saddened Julius but quickly got over it as he couldn't force Jun to change how he acted. All he could do was use him to attain his maximum potential.

"I guess that's fair, not put my hand on the subject's head," said Julius as he looked down at the person who was laying down on the ground.

It was a girl which looked to be the same age as Spike which meant that she looked about 16 years old while in reality she was over 200 years of age. Even so, Julius was mesmerized by her beauty as she slept in a clean white futon which didn't even have a single speck of dirt on it even thought it had existed for over 200 years. Julius was so distracted by her beauty that he had forgotten about Liz for a moment.

"Wait why do I care about Liz in this situation out of nowhere?" Julius asked himself as he stayed frozen.

"Why are you looking at her like that?.." Jun asked as he realized that Julius was completely frozen in place. However once an evil thought came to him, Jun slowly walked toward Julius was stuck to the wall due to him getting pushed back by the girl's aura.

"Julius… you wouldn't happen to have an interest in this girl would you?" Jun asked Julius as his face grew to be more sinister.

"Me? Like her? Absolutely not!" Julius disagreed quickly as his face turned red.

"My my, I don't think your parents are looking to have a grand child yet, you're too young for that," said Jun as he continued to get on Julius' nerves.

"I- I wasn't going to kiss her!" Julius argued which hearing those words made Jun look at him with a blank face with just a hint of pity in it.

"So he doesn't know," said Jun as he looked at the ground in shame and taking hold of Julius' hand and placing it on the girl's head.

Before Julius could even ask any questions to what Jun had previously said, he passed out before waking up in the empty space where he battled the warrior like figure before Spike woke up.

This time however, the figure which appeared before Julius was a bit different. It was a woman warrior is much the same armour which Spike's warrior figure had but instead of a spear and a shield, the woman figure had a bow and arrow. Just as he expected, the woman pointed her bow at Julius and fired an arrow at him which in the last minute was caught by the white figure which protected Julius all the time.

"Please go easy on her. It's not nice to hit women in the first place," said Julius to his white figure and even made an excuse as to why he didn't want the woman figure to get beaten hard. Even though Julius had expected the white figure to ignore his words, the white figure looked at Julius with the arrow he had caught in his hand before dropping it into the void.

Right as Julius began to think that the white figure would listen to him, a large smile began to appear on the white figure's face.

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