Hero Cultivation

Chapter 44 - Greenest Grass

Right as Julius began to think that the white figure would listen to him, a large smile began to appear on the white figure's face.

Its teeth began to show as its sharp fangs stared at Julius with their murderous intent. There was only a single word to describe the monster which was in front on him.


Julius' white figure quickly leaped towards the woman and took away her bow before throwing it down into the void. Next, he quickly reached for her helmet using his left hand and began to bring her closer so he could punch her face with his right hand. Due to her trying to get Julius' white glowing figure to let go of her head using both her hands, she couldn't block his punch.

Once the woman was dizzy from getting punched right in the face, Julius' figure began to finish of the battle by throwing a deadly bombardment of punches which all managed to make a direct hit and the woman eventually passed out and fell to the void. Unlike his fight with the figure which was in Spike's head, Julius' figure was much harsher on the woman most likely due to wanting Julius to not get what he wanted.

Julius woke up a few minutes after he passed out feeling horrible. Along side him, the girl also awoke from her 200 year slumber.

The moment she laid eyes on Julius, she quickly got up before getting on one knee then making her head face the ground.

"Good evening to you my liege. Did you enjoy your slumber?" the girl asked Julius which made Jun laugh.

"Did I seriously get king-zoned?" Julius asked himself as he made a disappointed face while Jun continued to laugh hysterically at him.

"My liege, you seem to dislike the old man in this room, shall I eliminate him?" the girl asked which made Jun stop laughing. For a moment, Julius thought to say yes to the girl's request to teach Jun a lesson however that might've actually caused her to kill Jun which in reality, he would never want.

"No, it's fine. I just need to inform you of some news first…" Julius began to speak.

"Wait! You were thinking about letting her kill me?" Jun asked in an angry tone but Julius just ignored him and continued to speak to the girl.

"First of all, what's your name?" Julius asked her.

"I go by the name of subject 2," she answered.

"No, not that. I meant you real name," Julius told her.

"How do you know that I have 2 names?" the girl asked Julius.

"Subject 3, or Spike, whatever you know him as is already awake. I came to relay the same news which I told him," Julius said before explaining to the girl what happened. To Jun's surprise, Julius wasn't nervous around the girl. He didn't know if it was because he was that much of a good leader that he eliminates all of his personal feelings when serious matters were being spoken about or if it was another reason. Nevertheless, Jun was glad that Julius wasn't immature.

"So you want me to join you and become one of your servants as you become king of this kingdom? You also want me along with the other subjects to help the plant and animal life grow while you're off training so that when you come back, you can take your rightful place as king?" the girl asked.

"Well you make it sound worse that I intended-" Julius said before she interrupted him.

"Sure, I would happily agree to become your servant my liege," the girl said still bowing down to Julius.

"Servant wouldn't be the right word, more like my general or representative," Julius said.

"It would be an honour to bear any of those titles my liege," said the 200 year old girl before the three of them in the room heard some angry knocking at the door.

"Oh no, this can get bad pretty quickly," said Julius as he thought of something but seeing the stress on his face, the girl got up from the ground before opening the door to look down at all the person with eyes that indicated death. That glare alone was able to make some of leave the scene but yet, there were others which chose to stay behind and argue with the girl. Just like the previous village, the villagers began to speak of nonsense.

"How dare you stop the calming breeze?!"

"You dare defy the heavens?!"

"Do your damn job and bring back that calming aura!"

The villagers continued to demand before Julius walked out of the house to stand beside the girl. However instead of speaking to villagers like the previous village, he grabbed the girl by the wrist and forcibly moved the people before he arrived at what looked like the centre of the small village.

"Actions speak louder than words. Would you mind using the secret art known as greenest grass?" Julius asked of her which caught her off guard as he shouldn't have known that she has learned that secret art but then she quickly remembered what Julius had told her about Spike.

"Sure," the girl said before placing his right palm on the ground.

<<Secret Art: Greenest Grass>>

Just as Spike had done in the previous village, the girl did exactly what Spike did by covering the village with fresh green grass, lots of trees and bushes and a calming breeze.

"Was that to your satisfaction?" the girl asked as she turned around, letting her silky black swing back as he looked at Julius with a noble gaze. While he mostly stayed serious but he thought that it was okay for him to admire her beauty for once before returning to his serious attitude.

"Y-yes, thank you for that," said Julius before turning around to face the villagers which just a stood there amazed at the fresh sight in front of them which they hadn't seen their entire lives and never expected to see during their life time.

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