Hero Cultivation

Chapter 45 - King-Zoned

"Listen up everyone," said Julius as he turned around to face the villagers. Hearing his words, they all faced him with anticipation for what he had to say. However, instead of being nervous of scared of them, Julius looked more confident than ever as he spoke.

"I have some things to inform you of. Firstly, this girl here will be your temporary leader but I'll be your main king when I return. I want you to accept me as your king because I want to rebuild this entire continent from square one. However, I'm currently not strong enough for that so I'll be leaving her along with 4 others in charge of the 5 small villages in the continent. While I'm gone, these 5 will begin to give life all over the continent and allow you to gather crops and hunt animals. What I seek from you is to help these 5 people and create a continent strong enough to challenge the 9 other kingdoms of the world," Julius began to give his speech.

Due to all the villagers being people who escaped from the dark districts of the kingdoms, they knew what Julius was speaking about. While it seemed unrealistic, they had nothing to lose so they fully backed him up. Once he was finished giving his speech, the villagers along with the girl and even Jun applauded for him.

Seeing as he had taken care of everything he needed, he began to say his goodbyes to the girl.

"I need to get going now, goodbye-" Julius was about to say the girl's name but realized that she hadn't given him her name yet.

"Sorry but I don't think I caught your name," said Julius.

"Oh right, my apologizes my liege, my real name is Rosie," the girl said to Julius.

"So I really did get king-zoned. Maybe in another life time Rosie," Julius told himself as his face began to get sad.

"Stop moping around there, let's get going Julius," Jun told him as he waited for him at the entrance of the village where the jade dragon was already waiting for them there.

"Goodbye then Rosie, please work hard to revive this land," Julius said to her in a serious tone as he needed to make sure that the continent would be in perfect condition when he returned.

"Goodbye Julius," said Rosie as she leaned in closer to him.

Jun who was watching from a far could see as Julius just stood in place while Rosie stood extremely close to him for a moment before moving back.

"What is that boy talking to her about? I hope he doesn't tell her to over work herself just for the revival of this continent," Jun said to himself as he watched Julius finally say goodbye to Rosie and make his way towards Jun who was already on the jade dragon. For some reason Julius looked happy which Jun found odd. Once Julius got on the dragon and Jun forced his pet to fly into the night sky, Jun began to as his question.

"What were you talking about with that girl? Does creating a kingdom of your own make you that happy?" Jun asked Julius as he turned around to see his student continue to smile and just ignore the questions he had been asked. Seeing as Julius was completely distracted, Jun decided that his student was probably tired.

"You should probably get some sleep, I'll tell my pet to go slower so it'll take us until morning to make it to the next village, and don't forget to cultivate while you're sleeping" said Jun.

"Yes master," said Julius as he laid off his back while looking at the stars from the sky.

"So I'm not king-zoned anymore?" Julius asked himself.

"I'm not king-zoned anymore!" Julius said to himself in his head.

"Wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something… grand children?!" Julius asked himself as he got frightened before going to sleep.

Elsewhere in the world, more specifically at the castle which Mary lives in, Mary herself was in a large stadium like room which was covered in sand. In her hand was a Woden spear which she continued to swing extremely quickly in all directions even though she still had her bandages on from having to fight in a dungeon plus having to battle with Jun.

Her eyes were completely sealed as he continued to imagine the movements of each of the 1000 blades with Jun had thrown at her, all while dodging and deflecting them. Each time she failed, she restarted before failing again.

"How long has she been in there?" One guard asked another guard which was watching her train.

"She's been like this for 2 whole days. She still needs to let her injuries heal but she won't listen to the doctor. She hasn't even eaten or drank and single thing and yet she keep repeated the same sequence of moves," the guard replied.

"Wait have you been here for the past 2 days watching over her, Hendrick?" the guard which had first asked the question asked one again.

"That would be correct if you to assume," Hendrick replied.

As he said those words another guard came to go on his shift of watching over the queen.

"Hey man, did you know that Hendrick has been here for 2 whole days watching over the queen even though he doesn't have to?" the guard which asked the questions told the new guard which had came to switch shifts.

"I know right. All she said was his name and now he's love sick. I feel bad for him, he'll soon wake up from his sad and hopeless dream," said the new guard before tagging out with the new guard which had come for his daily shift. He stared at Hendrick which just stood there mesmerized by the queen who continued to train.

"I swear by my own life, I'll make you pay for humiliating me Jun and Julius.. Mark my words, the next time I see you, you won't live to see the next day," Mary promised.

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