Hero Cultivation

Chapter 46 - Liam

"Wake up already! You've been sleeping for long enough," Jun told Julius as he forcibly woke him up from his slumber.

"Okay fine, I'll get up," said Julius as he rubbed his eyes as he tried to clear them from having slept so well.

"Are we already here?" Julius asked.

"Yes, we've been here for quite a while that the people of the village have gathered around us to see where we're from or they might just want to take all our food if we had any," Jun explained as hopped off his pet with his student following behind him.

"Excuse us," said Jun as he tried to move through the people who were gathered around them as he tried to enter the village.

"Hold it! You can't come in without paying up," said one of the villagers as he stepped up with 5 others behind him.

"Oh sorry, we aren't here to live in this village, we just came to talk to someone," Jun explained with a gentle smile as he didn't want to start trouble.

"That doesn't matter. Give us all your food materials, and the green dragon too. Or else…" said the man that stepped up while pulling out a short blade from his pocket.

"Thousand blades?" Julius asked.

"Yes Julius… thousand blades," said Jun as he continued to gently smile.

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

Julius activated the only secret art he knew which made 1000 swords appear out of nowhere. Each one pointed at the man that had stepped up from all angles. Seeing this sight, the man froze up before dropping his blade. All the villagers including his comrades quickly ran away before in closing themselves in their homes.

"Let's just get this over with," said Julius as he along with Jun walked towards the house which emanated the aura which the sought.

After Jun helped Julius enter the house and place his palm on the subject's head, Julius once again passed out as he got sent into the empty dark dimension.

In front of him was a giant buff warrior with a war-hammer in his hand. He was much scarier than all of the other warrior Julius had seen from the other 2 subjects he had met. For a second, Julius doubted that his white glowing figure could win. However, those doubts would quickly go away as Julius saw his own figure standing in front of the war-hammer warrior. Julius' figure was nearly twice the size of the warrior.

Without wasting a second, the war-hammer warrior pulled his hammer back before preparing to bring it down on Julius' figure. However, right before the hammer could make contact, Julius' figure caught the hilt of the war-hammer before snapping it like a stick then holding on to the part which still had the top of the hammer. With a giant grin on its face, Julius's figure held the top part of the hammer with its palm before slamming it into the warrior's head and letting it fall into the void. Once that was done, just like his previous battles, the figure began to bombard the warrior with and endless amount of punches until the warrior itself fell into the void.

"Ow, my head hurts," said Julius as he realized that he fell to hard when he passed out.

"So how did it go?" Jun asked Julius.

"I think it was a success," Julius replied as right as he said those words a talk and buff man got up from the ground.

"Where am I?" the buff man asked as he scratched his head.

"Oh… I guess not all of them look 16 years old," Julius said as he spoke what he was thinking.

"16? How did you know I was 16 years old?" the buff man asked.

"First of all you're not 16, you look like you're a 30 year old man who's been training before he was even born," Julius replied.

"Was that a compliment or an insult? Anyway, who are you people?" said the tall man as he looked down at Julius. The moment he did that, he felt compelled to get on his knee and beg for mercy for any disrespect he might have caused and so he did.

"My apologies sir," the tall man said as he took the stance which Spike and Rosie took when they first met Julius.

"Where's my king like treatment?" Jun complained as each of the subjects which Julius had greeted had turned to be loyal subjects to his student.

"Who's that frail old man?" the subject asked Julius which made Julius giggle a bit as he looked at his master.

"Frail? Why do they favour you more than me? I'm clearly the better one," Jun complained.

"Ya ya, whatever makes you happy. Anyway," said Julius as he turned his attention back to the subject.

"Look, I've already met subject 3 and 2, what subject number are you?" Julius asked as he wanted to get the process finished as quickly as possible.

"I'm subject 4 but my real name is Liam," the subject replied.

"Oh, this is the first one which has told me it's real name without me having to ask," Julius said to himself as he had a pleased face.

"Okay then Liam, I would like you to become one of my generals along with Spike and Rosie and then I will recruit the last 2 subjects…" Julius said as he explained what he wanted Liam to do until he returned from training. That task being that he wanted him to use his secret art to bloom life onto the continent until the day Julius returned.

"Of course sir. It would be an honour to serve you," Liam replied to Julius' request.

"That's great, now all we have to do is deal with all the villagers out side who'll start complaining because you're aura disappeared.. Be careful though, they might drive you insane from all the random things they speak about such as the heavens and disobeying the laws of nature," Julius advised Liam before finally getting out of the house to speak to the villagers.

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